December 1st, 2012, Saturday, 10:00 am
Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th
Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Present (board): Carol Pass, Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior,
Steve Struthers, Chiffon Williams
Not Present (board): Earl Simms, Rosie Cruz, Jennie Bjorgo,
JoseLuis Villasenor
Members: Brad Pass, Cynthia Aguirre, Jessie Leader
10:00 Introduction:
of Agenda – approved.
of Minutes from 11/3/12 EPIC Board Meeting – approved. (LL, CW)
Motion: Meeting as a committee of the whole (LL,
CP) passed.
10:10 Announcements:
Membership Meeting: Thursday, Nov.
8th, 6:30 PM, the East Phillips Park Center,
Annual Meeting was Amazing
10:30 Escalation of Crime: Town Home concerns, cameras? Patrols?
Ideas? At the Townhomes:
resident was confronted by a burglar carrying a machete; two recent break ins,
both front and back; police arrived quickly to see suspect escaping from 3rd
floor window; did not catch the suspect. Thanksgiving morning, 5:30 am, a car
alarm in the neighborhood went off; 6:30 and 6:45 gunshots went off.
have reached out to CLC Land Trust who is working on their behalf; working with
Don Greeley to get no trespassing signs, and he indicated that there is no
funding for cameras, and he said they are not a good deterrent. Some residents
plan to meet with Don to look at town home lighting. Some residents want to
partner with EPIC to make a difference in the neighborhood, and find solutions
to these problems.
has invited Don Greeley to attend this Thursday’s meeting.
Community wide “focused solutions to crime” meeting and everyone attend. Invite
people who are using cameras to make representations. Police to explain what
kind of evidence is needed from cameras. Phone trees with neighbors, how that
can help. How to report descriptions of suspects. How to report crimes to
9-1-1. Security company presentation on role of security protection/patrols.
Handouts with instructions and emergency instructions. How to avoid being a
victim of crime. What does a camera system cost? How can neighbors get together
to create a plan for monitoring crime around their homes?
homes association: Have motions ready to go so that the group can make some
decisions; raise funds for purchasing and installing cameras. Will take a team
of residents to put together a plan.
11:55 Greenway
Heights Apartments: Design
developer and ask to participate in design discussions.
11:15 Housing
Rehab Program: Marketing ideas? Brochure ideas? Meeting next week?
We need to prepare
these materials so that all the notifications can be completed by the time of
EPICs annual meeting. Target January launch, draft brochure for Dec. 13,
advertising to the Alley, StarTribune, flyer distribution, and press releases.
11:20 Moving ahead with A-POD:
distributed Criteria for EPIC’s Collaborative Funding Agreements. A number of
agreements have been turned back because criteria for RFPs have not been
meeting the necessary criteria.
#8: Collaborative Funding Agreements should reflect the ethnic diversity that
is represented by EPIC constituents.
#4: what is meant by “need”?
11:45 Issues
with GMM Oct.18th of EPIC:
agreements, duties and responsibilities were distributed.
12:00 Interpreting Equipment:
obtained pricing on simultaneous translation equipment to facilitate
translation/interpretation at annual meetings and events. We will assess
purchasing this equipment for interpretation during meetings.
12:15 Truck
Traffic, 28th & Cedar, 2830 Cedar concerns, plans to go ahead
with EPIC’s commitment to Remove polluting industries from East Phillips:
We are trying to initiate a process to get
the polluting businesses out of the neighborhood. Cedar Avenue and Hiawatha
Avenue are both a county road and doesn’t belong to the city, therefore, there
is not much the city can do to calm traffic. We will have to work with the County.
12:25 Waite
House Disposition Update:
The Midtown process has shown no greater diversity
than reported in November. Midtown has recommended that the Banyan proposal be
accepted. The final decision will be voted on at their Dec. 11 meeting.
12:40 Future
of EPIC:
The need for an office for EPIC (tabled.)
EPIC will purchase a beautiful binder to hold our
Bylaws and other corporate documents, and this binder will be available at GMM
meetings so that constituents can become familiar with EPIC’s operational
policies and requirements.
12:45 Adjournment