December 13, 2012

General Membership Meeting Minutes 12-13

December 13th, 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Board Members Present: Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Jenny Bjorgo, Earl Simms, Chiffon Williams, Rosie Cruz,
Board Members Not Present: Steve Struthers, Rosie Cruz, JoseLuis Villasenor                                          
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Troy Benjederdes, Jessie Leader & Mahdi Sultan (townhome residents),
Guests: Sgt. Dave Pleuger, Lt. Mike Taylor, Janessa Bjorgo, Doug Wise

6:45            Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Meeting as a committee of the whole MOTION (BP, JB) passed.
·       Approval of Agenda (MK, BP) MOTION Passed with added addition and possible addition of Minneapolis Energy Options Campaign, time permitting.

6:55 Chiffon arrived, and a quorum was achieved.

·       Approval of Minutes from EPIC 11/8/12 General Membership Meeting MOTION (JB, ES) passed.
o   Addition: 7:45 Note: accuracy of this list is pending.

6:55            Announcements:
·       La Natividad, Dec. 13 -16, 20 – 22, 6:30 pm at Heart of the Beast, 1500 East Lake Street.
·       Banyan Foundation received the recommendation from Midtown Phillips to purchase the Waite House property. Now the decision is up to the Park Board. Public Hearings in very early January
·       (Added) Greenway Heights

7:00            Crime Concerns: Officer Taylor,  Q & A, Seeking Solutions together, Cameras? Patrols? More             supervised programs for Kids?

We have been wanting to have a crime conversation for a long time, but our monthly meetings are so full already. When we have a big issue, we have a large meeting. Right now we have a big issue with crime in the neighborhood, but it is also Christmas…We are quite aware that we have a lot of burglaries, robberies, assaults, etc. We used to work much more closely with Police and for 3 years we ran an early morning Bloomington Avenue Citizen Patrol. When we got a camera, we quit the patrol, as we were exhausted. There have been a rash of broken car windows, smashed in front doors at the townhomes. We are making an effort to connect with Police, people have questions. We don’t want to tell you all the local tragedies tonight because while this is therapeutic, it doesn’t get things done. We want to know what we can do, and make a plan. Examples; should we do patrols, should we get cameras, etc.?

See handwritten notes. To summarize:

1. Cameras can be effective, do research – they’re are expensive. Who will finance? Who will maintain & monitor?
2. Get to know your neighbors, who belongs, who is a stranger; form a phone tree; look out the window; report suspicious behavior. Give accurate descriptions: age, clothes, suspicious behavior.
3. Get to know Don Greeley; form a block club. Post No Trespassing signs. Learn “prevention” tips.
4. Creative ways to communicate Security Tips, Reporting Crime, etc. (such as video).
5. Keep calling 911. That is how burglars are caught.
6. Alarm systems can be effective.
To do: Consider joining with Ventura Village to raise money to pay for a Police Camera for Phillips.

7:35        Housing:  Doug Wise- EPIC/NRP Phase II Housing Programs to roll out in January to meet a spring time availability. Marketing our programs, Ideas for the greatest equity? See Brochure.

1. Replace details on inside for EPIC Foreclosure Prevention Program. Instead, add a blurb to the effect, if you are behind on your mortgage, contact…etc.
2. Eliminate table on back “Income Limits”, this is too important and should be moved to the inside.
3. Add 2 or more additional family size/income listings; add an asterisk: households larger etc. see website.
4. Remove all underlines; don’t abbreviate “info.”
5. Re-word the “first come, first served”.

Who are the contact people for the programs? Calling CEE – they can answer questions, but can’t support/help with the process. This is important in light of our purpose/goal of achieving maximum fairness, maximum diversity, and maximum

·       To be fair, there has to be door-to-door distribution, with language translations – especially Spanish.
·       We have to get this in the Alley; we have to get this online and emailed.

MOTION – (TB, RC) Allow the Exec. Committee make final decisions on the brochure.

MOTION – Passed previously approved agenda.

7:50            Partnership of Diabetics (A-POD program): Future of the program and the Latino Outreach.
            Helping to pay for machines for interpreters streaming translation.

8:10              EPIC Anti-Pollution Effort:
Abbott Hospital claims to be going to a more pollution free system but it may actually just be different pollution. EPIC is working on learning more about the Abbott plans/proposals.
MOTION – Board Recommended Motion EPIC commits the organization to a major effort to remove Bituminous Roadways and Smith Foundry from the city. Passed.

Possible addition (5 minutes): Minneapolis Energy Options Campaign and ask for endorsement. for more information.

The city of Minneapolis has a Franchise Agreement with Xcel Energy – expires in 2013. CenterPoint Energy’s Franchise Agreement expires in 2014.

There is a coalition of people asking neighborhood organizations to support an effort to add a ballot item to “municipalize” our power. Someone who lives in the city should have the right to local control, local input, and accountability to local residents. The goal of this group is to give Minneapolis residents negotiating power.

Boulder, CO has already done this; they are in court with Xcel to figure out what the electric grill is worth. They were in the same position – renew the franchise, or “re-do” things with Xcel (more renewable energy, less pollution, more solar panels, smart grid, etc.)

Question raised: Can EPIC endorse this group? Instructed to bring this to the board for a look...Need more information.

EPPCCC December Party for Kids
This Saturday, all the kids in the neighborhood will gather to celebrate Christmas. 9 am-1 pm. East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center. There will be music, food, piñatas and gifts for small children. All neighborhood kids are welcome!

8:48            Adjournment