January 4th, 2013, Saturday, 10:00 am
Phillips Park Center
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th
Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Present (board): Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Chiffon Williams,
Linda Leonard, Earl Simms
Not Present (board): Rosie Cruz, JoseLuis
Villasenor, Jenny Bjorgo
Members: Brad Pass,
10:15 Introduction:
Meet as
a committee of the whole.
of Agenda – with addition of “Selecting Projects for Collaboration” – Passed.
of minutes from 12/1/12 board meeting - Passed
10:25 Announcements:
Membership Meeting: Thursday, January
10th, 6:30 PM, the East Phillips Park Center,
Board Public Hearing on the disposition of the former Waite House Property will
be held on Jan. 16, 6:30 pm at MPRB HQ, 2117 W. River Rd. Minneapolis.
hearing for 24-hour operation of Ultra Wash Laundry, Monday, Jan. 28, 1:30 pm
City Hall Rm 317.
10:35 Selecting
Projects for Collaboration
month the board discussed EPIC’s Collaborative Funding Agreements. We still
need to clarify what “need” means in Article #4. Suggestions:
organization provides the types of services that meet the needs of East
Phillips residents, and
organization lacks the current capacity to expand their services and
programming to include residents in East Phillips.
board and the organization is committed to a balanced approach to providing
resources to the diverse residents of East Phillips.
10:40 Motion: Quorum achieved:
Ratify the actions of the committee of the whole. (LL, ES) Passed.
10:45 Steve
Struthers resignation
Motion: Accept Steve Struthers resignation. (MG, LL)
10:57 Swimming
Pool Update and response to questions.
and Carol spent two days at meetings working on the pool issues, and attended a
Park meeting two weeks ago. By the end of December there was capital funding
for the Base Option (page 2, Phillips Aquatics Center Pool Expansion; paid in
large part by EPIC.)
plan is a “business plan” which shows that this plan is sustainable over time.
The document was just published, in large part through funding via EPIC. Brad
gave an overview of the publication, page by page.
OPTION: We currently have funds to do this option.$2.25M; Anticipated Net
Income would be $41,266
OPTION 1: Knock out
the wall and add 2 lanes to the main pool, expand the teaching pool, and
more.Cost: $5.1M; Anticipated Net Income would be $92,200
OPTION 2: Knock out
the wall and add 2 lanes to the main pool, add a deep water pool, expand the
teaching pool and more. $7.5M; Anticipated Net Income would be $108,200
The anticipated net
income is based on operating the pools as a business, and is a conservative
MOTION: Add EPIC’s logo to the publication. (MG,
LL) Passed.
MOTION: The EPIC board supports the pool concept
plans and would highly recommend raising adequate money to go all the way to
Option 2. EPIC requests that the Park Board extend the deadline for fundraising
to facilitate raising funds to achieve Option 2. (LL, MG) Passed.
11:15 Ultra
Wash Laundry Hours
would like to connect with residents at Corridor Flats to find out if they
11:20 Housing
Brochure and plans to spread the word.
is not done – still waiting for contact information from Doug Wise. The layout
has been approved.
Come – First Served
How to
make the process fair? Carol will obtain the application so it can be
distributed when flyering. EPIC will schedule Q&A sessions in various
languages. Carol will contact CEE and ask if they want to do the Q&A, or if
they can equip us to do it ourselves. Develop a list of steps to ensure
successful application.
1. Is
there a processing fee for applicants that don’t actually qualify?
2. How
do you “get in line”.
11:30 Greenway
Heights Apartments – What
do you want us to change?
invited Dean Dovolis to provide some photos to give to the developer to inspire
a more beautiful exterior to the building design.
11:40 Crime
(Public Safety) Concerns: Impact
Statements and Warrant Sheets, Do we
want to invest in cameras?
“warrant list” comes out monthly now, and the people on the list are “fleeing
arrest.” If you see any of these people, you are to call 911, tell police that
you saw them and ask them to come pick them up.
are seeking community impact statements for Terrence Charles Brown, going to
court on 1/14/13.Charge is aggravated robbery first degree, felony. Anyone can
write these.
need to find out if Ventura Village is going to invest in a crime camera for
the Phillips neighborhood. They have tentatively set aside $15,000 for a
camera. Hope Academy has put up $5,000. Should EPIC put up $15,000?
11:45 City
Grievance Policy Issues and ADA compliance:
city developed proposed changes to the CPP grievance policy that only addresses
instances of grievance against neighbohoods, and says nothing about grievances
against NCR, or downtown.
MOTION: EPIC insists that NCR and NCEC add to the
proposed changes to the CPP grievance policy, wording that addresses grievances
by contracted neighborhood organizations against NCR, NCR staff, and the NCEC
Commission. (LL, CW) Passed.
has no problems with building/meeting accessibility; however, we do have
problems with language barriers, which is why Linda has been researching
simultaneous translation equipment.
11:55 Waite
House Property Sale
The Park Board will
make the final decision as to who will be chosen to purchase the building.
Midtown recommended selling the building to Banyon. Proposals under
presented a plan to purchase the building, and they have money set aside to
demolish and rebuild, resulting in a $7M building.
of the Beast presented a plan to use the building “as is”. They want to rent
with the option to buy (with a large deposit) for 2 years while they raise
funds to renovate the building.
12:05 Basketball
funding request
A request has come
to fund rental of the EPPCCC gym for a neighborhood outreach basketball session
today, from 2 – 6 pm. This was organized over the weekend.
MOTION: EPIC will provide $85 to cover the cost of
EPIC Outreach Basketball in January, 2013. (ES, CW) Passed.
12:10 Adjournment