October 8, 2015

General Membership Meeting Minutes 10 - 08

October 8th, 2015, 6:30 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

The opposite of poverty is not wealth, the opposite of poverty is justice.

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass, Shawna Dillon, Laura Dale
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega (T), Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz
Board Members Not Present: Laura Dale (E), Shawna Dillon (E), 
EPIC Members: Brad Pass , Lee Samelson, Erica Schultz, Tim Springer, Harvey Winje, Carol Hill-Kennedy, George Kennedy, Alfonso Cruz,
Kim Hayden
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Don Greeley, Gary Nelson, KH Rostam

6:50     Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Approval of Agenda: Concensus
·       Approval of Minutes from September 17th, 2015: concensus

7:00     Announcements

  • EPIC Membership Meeting, East Phillips Park, November 12th, Thursday 6:30 pm,
  • EPIC Board meeting, East Phillips Park, Sat, 10:00 am, November 7th.
  • Clean Sweep, Saturday, October 10th, 9:00 am Free Breakfast at Welna’s, Ace Hardware Parking Lot, Pick up Bags, free T-shirts, gloves and CLEAN the ‘HOOD.
  • EPIC Fall Harvest Party and Potluck at the Community Garden, Oct. 17th, Sat. 4:30 until the fire goes out.
  • Read the Alley Articles – EPIC posts in every issue.
§  If anyone wants to write an article about East Phillips news, send them over to EPIC & the Alley.
§  If you want to write a general article, contact Harvey Winge at www.alleynews.org.
  • Midtown Global Market; seeking funds from the four Phillips neighborhoods to help match a grant to meet the mission of the Midtown Global Market.

7:18     Recent Public Safety Issues  -  Lt. Gary Nelson, Don Greeley
Gary is new to S. Minneapolis and 3rd Precinct but has worked long on the north side and other precincts. Gary grew up in S. Minneapolis, with Police for 20 years.

2512 17th Ave S., Owner is David Schaffer.
Brought to police attention that the house appears dilapidated and vacant, but there seem to be people squatting in the house. People are coming into neighbor’s yard and asking for water, and filling up the garbage cans. Delilah and Odie…both are addicts, and she has been in the alley crying at night (withdrawal). Delilah was arrested on Sept. 18, but she was let out on the 19th. She may be a candidate for drug court…in which event impact statements would be beneficial. Problem property officer will look at the property and see if the building can be boarded and secured.

Neighbors have been reporting to 311 for years the health hazards that this property is causing. 311 has been ineffective in sharing information about these problem properties. Probably the best way to address these kinds of ongoing problem properties is to have an opportunity to meet with the neighborhood and have multiple departments present, including public housing. While the police hold monthly multi-department meetings, but the public is not present. Communicating problems to police, 311, housing, hasn’t brought these properties that most need it to the attention of the multi-department group meetings.

Daycare Center
DG spoke with the Daycare Director and offered to come out and do a safety inspection to try to prevent some of the damage. Three “middle school kids” were seen as being involved in causing the damage but police do not know who the kids are. Other reports are coming in of additional damage to other properties. A victim identified all three youth with Little Earth but police have not established this to be the case. 

Q. Little Earth is able to “trespass” adults; are they able to “trespass” juveniles also?
A. Little Earth or anyone can “trespass” anyone for any reason.

Aggravated Assaults
17 incidents just in one block alone (2500 block of 18th)
  • A person who was walking back into apartment from taking out the garbage was assaulted by three African American adults, using a gun, forcing him back into his apartment, beat him, stole from him and immediately started using his credit cards.
  • This case has been assigned and hopefully, there will be leads developed that will help to identify the suspects; it is not a given though that police will be able to find the suspects. Technology is advancing and getting more affordable, but it is not all there yet.

Q. Do the police interview the victim to obtain a description?
Q. Do police use fingerprint technology to investigate a crime like this?

While these activities can and do occur, it is not possible to state with certainty what steps have been taken in a specific case. Robbery investigation is not conducted out of the 3rd Precinct.

MPD Action Alerts are sent out to
  • Rental Property owners: incidents related to their properties
  • Block Leaders: incidents related to their block/area.

3rd Precinct Meetings
How can Little Earth make an impact? Residents are working hard to build block leaders. Meeting with DG every other week to build community teams/block clubs.
Suggest exert pressure on LE Board of Directors to contact and pressure elected officials to address these issues.

Suggestion for next month:
  1. update on problem address
  2. Update on assault/robbery
  3. Discuss ways to work collaboratively; put a mechanism or platform in place for communication; questions, expertise/education.

EPIC has formed an Ambassador’s walking group and we have literature to distribute, etc. EPIC also wants to implement our priority plan budget for buying a camera (or two).  RC commented that having a portable camera in the problem area on 16th Avenue was very effective. LL called for volunteers to drive around and list

Mary & Rita, and Lee & Carol will drive around and list where lights are out. One is wooden, one is metal. Call in the results to 311 and get a reference number.

8:08     Lake Street Energy Challenge – Tim Springer informing us

Goal is to help people save energy and to invest in renewable energy.

MOTION: In support of the Lake Street Energy Challenge…EPIC will work on the Lake Street Energy Challenge efforts in 2015 and 2016. MG, CP; Approved.

8:23     Facebook Page – Bike Lane comments

NEW – visit EPIC’s new Facebook page and register your comments on the new bike lanes.

8:25     An East Phillips Float for the May Day Parade
(No Quorum)
MOTION (tabled for next month): EPIC will form a committee of East Phillips residents to bring a proposal to the membership for a float for the May Day Parade, to include a plan, budget, theme, etc. LL would be willing to chair such a committee provided that a budget /plan is kept simple (under $500).  

8:32     Clean Sweep – Is your block Prepared??

Volunteers are welcome to set up and serve breakfast at Welna’s.  Meet at 8:00 am.

8:33     Hennepin County Environmental grants are available for energy related projects.

Two grants available: New recipients can receive funds up to $8,000. For experienced recipients, up to $16,000 is  available. Application Deadline is Nov. 6, however, you must attend a workshop to apply; three workshops start next week. Individuals or groups can apply.

8:37     Adjournment