November 7th, 2015, 10 am
Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie
Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita
Ortega, Carol Pass
Board Members Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie
Cruz (T), Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard (T), Carol Pass
Board Members Not
Shawna Dillon (E), Jean Howard (E), Margarita Ortega (E),
EPIC Members:
10:15 Introductions:
· Meet as a committee of
the whole, by consensus
· Greetings and
· Approval of Agenda: by
· Approval of Minutes: Approved
by concensus, with clarification. (1) clarify who Ellen McVeigh is in the
10:20 Announcements:
- EPIC Membership Meeting, Nov. 12th, Thursday 6:30 pm, East Phillips Park.
- EPIC Board meeting, East Phillips Park, Saturday, 10:00 am, December 5th.
- Meeting about the Roof Depot site with Karen Clark, Nov. 17th, 4:00 – 6:00, at East Phillips Park
- Opening of South East Homes on Bloomington; a live-in facility for recovering individuals in an East African context.
10:20 EPIC’S Contracts and financial processes
Quorum was achieved at 10:30 am.
CP and MO met with NPP liaison, to review format for contracts with the city
for our NPP funds, and the financial process for receiving reimbursement.
will confirm in a written agreement with (LERA) exactly what documentation is
required for each of the budget items on the reporting form. In addition, the
agreement will outline that LERA is responsible for all payroll taxes and
reporting requirements (W-2s and 1099s), and clarify that all spending will be
in compliance with CPP funding requirements.
as a quorum of the board and accept previously passed motions. (MG, JB)
distributed a template for reporting a monthly accounting for the CIF grant and
a template for reporting on EPIC Contracts overall. These are in a draft
format, and provide an alternative means to understanding EPIC’s financial
situation apart from QuickBooks reports.
11:00 Consider Bylaw Changes especially Article
VI, Section 10 –
Consider Board Members’ obligations and responsibilities.
MOTION: Approve change to
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 10 [accept all of the text in red, except strike
“usually” and change $1,000 to $5,000]. (LL, JB) Approved.
Carry the change from $1,000 to $5,000 throughout the document as needed.
MOTION: The board accepts all
the changes in the Bylaws per discussion today, and will further submit
additional language for Article 9, regarding Grievances. (MG, RC) Approved.
10:50 Consider Roof Depot Site Issue…Update
city has decided to take the Roof Depot site by imminent domain. There is a
vote on this on December 7th.
MOTION: EPIC objects to the
condemnation the Roof Depot site by the City of Minneapolis and the taking of
the property by imminent domain, on the basis that it violates the city’s core
principals of community engagement [include document] passed in 2007, wastes an opportunity for positive
city amenities, fails to recognize the possibility of other potential sites,
violates the south-side community vision for the future, is a selective use of imminent domain against
an individual business owner, breaches the public trust and is being used as a
weapon of prejudice against a low income and indigenous community. (LL, RC) Approved.
will ask the City to provide documentation of their site-search; there is
plenty of other property that is already owned by the city, unused.
11:15 Housing NPP
wrote two letters asking the City to complete the contracts for each of two
properties. The City is insisting that separate contracts be written. The City
has been extremely slow in processing these contracts.
MOTION: EPIC will send a
request to all neighborhoods to contribute funds to build in-fill housing in
East Phillips. (LL, JB) Approved.
11:30 EPIC Office
is seeking to find a way to improve the property we currently rent as
storage so that it can be leased as an
office in compliance with City requirements.
will present a proposal for an addition to the property at 2533 Bloomington
Avenue (owned by Mark Welna) so that it may be used as an office for EPIC and will seek funding for this project. (LL, JB) Approved.
11:40 Crime and safety meeting
EPIC form a crime and safety task force or committee?
12:15 Agenda for Community Meeting
- Office
- Roof Depot Site
- Housing
- Bylaws
- Finance Report
- May Day Parade
- Crime & Safety
- Lights
12:20 Next Month’s Board Agenda
- Bylaws
- Board Training
- Crime and safety task force or committee?