March 9, 2017

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 03-09

03-09-2017, 6:30 – 8:50
Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass,
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo (E),
Members: Brad Pass, Sandi Mason, Marian Gabvan, Jolene Jones, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Vermillion, Julie Ellis, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Halima Abdi, Michael Green, Tom Harris, Susan Harris
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Ed Burke, Cora Peterson, Carrie Aspinwahl, Mahamed Cali, Nathan Van Wylen, Pamela Ellis, Johan Ellis

6:30      Social Time/Greetings and Introductions  

6:45    Approval Proposed March 9 Agenda:MG, LD         
           Approved as amended.
          Approval of General Membership Draft                                  Minutes from February 9th: LD, MG,             
            Approved as amended.

6:55    Announcements 
o    Little Earth announcement: CA thanked EPIC board for welcoming all the residents of Little Earth to the meeting. Little Earth residents are going to increase their participation in EPIC. We have some resources that we can share with EPIC, and we want to learn the process and participate in EPIC.  
.    First Garden Meeting of the Year. Gardening will be starting a month earlier this year.  March 11, this Saturday, 9:00 am at the East Phillips Community Center. Come if you want to garden. Some open plots.There are 33 plots total. 
.     Next EPIC Board Meeting will be April 1st, 2017, Saturday at the Park 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.
o    Next EPIC Community meeting will be April 13th, 2017, Thursday at the Park 6:30 to 8:45 pm.
o    Community Connections Conference 2017 Saturday, April 1st, 8:00 - 3:00 at the convention center. Registration is now open. This is a Free Conference for us, paid for by the Neighborhood Community Relations Dept. Many of the Workshops will involve getting input from folks. It’s also our board meeting day?? What to do?                                        
o    Annual Meeting- Saturday, April 22 – 9:30 AM at the Community Center- We are seeking additional board members. Members of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition seeking election to the Board of Directors, whether nominated by themselves or another person. You can find Applications online at EPIC website: Click on “About EPIC”. See the application forms -middle of page. Turn in completed application forms to any EPIC board member.
o     Summer Festival, Sunday, June 25, 2017. Planning meeting on Tuesday, March 28 at 11:30 am. Lunch is served.
o   Phillips Pool groundbreaking March 28th. See the Alley for more information.

7:10     Plans for Phillips Garden’s Development at 2700 Cedar Ave., Ed Burke

Provide landscape design and maintenance for clients with disposable income. The cufrrent site of the business was renovated from an old gas station, and there was a lot of remediation of toxic chemicals. 62% of employees live in East Phillips and 48% use public transportation or bike to and from work. Have been working for 3-4 years to address parking concerns and will probably cost $.5M with no public funds. The plan was approved at the city hearing and there were no residents present who opposed the plan. The building will have 3 stories. 1st floor will be a workshop where materials will be stored. The 2nd floor will be an open mezzanine. The 3rd floor will be a residence, where owner can stay when he is in town (owner lives in Vermont.)

The existing house on the site was a victim of a past fire, and is not salvageable. Company is committed to staying in the neighborhood and has developed a traffic plan to address traffic on 27th St. There have been many accidents at the intersection of 27th and Cedar and Company would be happy to work on issues with community to prevent congestion and traffic problems.

The proposal needs to go to zoning, and then to the city council. Groundbreaking is expected sometime in July and to be occupied by March 2018.

7:25     EPIC sponsorship - EPIC/KALY Radio Station Programming Partnership, 2017. Mahamed Cali

MC has a history with EPIC and actually served on EPIC’s board a few years back. When granted a license for the radio station, the planners wanted to work in partnership with the communities that supported them in their efforts to gain the station.

This is the first Somali American radio station in the US, and the largest, oldest Somali-American community. The radio is 24 hours, you can listen at home or in your car. In both English and Somali, mostly Somali. Broadcasting events and news. Seeking a partnership with EPIC to advance the mission of EPIC and to underwrite the sustaining costs of Somali-American radio programming. The leadership of SAC KALY Radio has developed a diverse board. The proposal will add a bullet to provide quarterly financial reporting. See Memorandum of Understanding for support of $10,000 in 2017.

Right now the station is partnering with the city of Minneapolis, Metro Transit, Minneapolis schools and library, University of Saint Thomas; about 10 partners. Partnering with MPR and BBC to learn about funding the station, and this will be aired live.

The station is a nonprofit and cannot promote politics, or businesses; they must follow FCC regulations. Tower is located at 301 E. Lake St.

Board Recommended Motion: EPIC approved the SAC Kaly Radio LP 101.7 proposal to underwrite sustaining costs for the remaining months of 2017 for KALY Radio programming.

MOTION: Accept the memorandum of understanding, and the board motion: JJ, MG, Approved.

7:55   Support for a Greenway Extension down Minnehaha/Hiawatha corridor across the river on the Shortline Railway bridge. Cora Peterson

Minn-Hi community group is seeking an expression of support from neighborhoods to extend the Shortline Railway bridge, and extend the Greenway over the river. Asking the city to buy the areas of track that are not used now, and the tracks that are unused eventually be turned over to the businesses to develop. Two existing users of the tracks are experiencing dwindling business: ADM at 38th St. and Leder Bros. on Snelling. Metro Transit brings in their new rail cars on this line also.

Concerns for some East Phillips residents would be displacing the scrap yard; this is a source of support for some of EPIC’s residents.

Board Recommended Motion: Approve and support the Greenway Extension & Shortline Railway bridge river crossing.

MOTION: Send a letter of support for the Midtown Greenway Coalition and Min Hi Line Coalition in their work to advance a Greenway Extension down Minnehaha/Hiawatha corridor across the river on the Shortline Railway bridge. LL, MK. (9) Approved with (2) opposed.

8:15     EPIC sponsor Summer Youth Program for East Phillips kids -Julie Graves

The Waite House’ goal for the summer is achievement; they want to create low cost or free academic opportunities to
Last year EPIC supported the program.

About 98% of students remained in the program throughout.  The feedback on twice a week field trips, and meals, were the highest rated activities for East Phillips participants; both programs are a source of much of the cost. Kids are assessed at intervals during the programming period.

Can EPIC provide more money? Waite House wuld like to carry forward through school time with programming for these kids. 

Board Recommended Motion: $5,000 memorandum of understanding Spring and Summer, 2017

MOTION: Support youth programming for East Phillips kids with Waite House Summer Youth Program. LL, LD, Approved.

8:25     Annual Meeting Planning and recruitment of Board Members: We need volunteers to help. Also EPIC needs New Board Members.  Nominations for the Board:

Members of East Phillips seeking election to the Board of Directors, whether nominated by themselves or another person, find Applications on line at EPIC website: Click on “About EPIC”; see middle of the page for Application forms. Turn in completed application forms to any EPIC board member soon.

Individuals seeking to serve on the board must be eligible for EPIC membership and must have attended at least one general membership meeting during the year previous to the annual meeting.

Nominations can come from the floor, but application forms are also available online.

Planning meeting for food: Contact Brad Pass
Pancake breakfast (Brad has appropriate licenses.)
Solicit donations for food, decorations, etc.
Mary will serve at the welcome table.
Setup on Friday
Michael will provide plates, napkins and utensils
Tom will provide tablecloths

Door prizes. Mark Welna; others?

8:55     Adjourn