May 10, 2018

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 05 - 10

May 10th,  2018, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda,
Board Members Not Present: Cassandra Holmes (E), Linda Vermillion (E), Abah Mohamed.
Members:  Bras Pass, Kelly Ekart, George Kennedy Carol Hill Kennedy,
Guests: Shirley Heyer

6:30     Social Time/ Greetings and Introductions

7:10     Approval of Proposed Agenda: BP, LD, approved.
Approval of April 12th General Membership Draft Minutes: BP, LD, approved.


-----     Announcements:

  • EPIC Community Garden Meeting – May 12th, 9:00 this Saturday morning, EPPark, 6 plots available!
    • Clean dirt! The soil was remediated back in 2005.

·       SummerFest will be Sunday, June 24, 2018. The next planning meeting is Tuesday, May 15th at 11:30 am.

  • Green Zones is meeting monthly for 8 months. There is a citizen’s board that meets the 4th Tuesday of the month. You can find their sustainability project with CPED. Their meeting calendar is on the City website.
  • Haitian Flag Day (Powderhorn Park) May 18th 5:30-9:00 commemorates the adoption of the Haitian Flag; Join with the Haitian Community to celebrate their history and culture.
  • Field-Regina-Northrop Neighborhood Celebration, Saturday at 11:30 am on June 2nd at McRae Park. Parade begins at field School – 4645 4th Ave S at 10:45 am.

7:30     Reflections on the Annual Meeting

The annual meeting was a big success. We gained a new board member, Abah Mohamed. We have good board that is stable, and has learned how to do a lot of big things for he neighborhood. Thank you to all those who volunteered to help plan, and carry out the meeting.

7:35     More on Swimming Lesson Plans for East Phillips Kids-Linda Leonard

Update. MPLS park board now has a swimming schedule for the summer. Classes are small (12 at most). Jean is going to print some pre-published schedules. The park needs to know when they will get EPIC money for the project; Jean proposes that EPIC provide a letter from an authority, guaranteeing that EPIC has the funds for $50 each child, up to 50 total children for a total of $2,500.00. Details to be figured out, but we need a motion.

MOTION: EPIC makes 2nd vote to set aside $2,500 of our youth programming money for swimming lessons as here described. LL,LD Approved

7:46    The Community Garden – Plots available with “pure country dirt”.

The garden serves people who live, work or own property in East Phillips. There are 6 plots available, and you can contact Brad Pass, or attend the garden meeting on Saturday.

7:49    Any Summer Issues you want EPIC to deal with…especially if you want to help

  • Carry out events through the summer.
    • Neighborhood BBQ at the park – August?
    • Expand our October Harvest party (block off the street)
      • Special invites to families that have been here for years
  • Raise money for EPIC
    • Youth car wash

8:20    Help Plan the EPIC SummerFest – Mid-June, Talent Show, Music, Food, etc. Bring your ideas and any musicians’ names you know. Do you want a table?

The next planning meeting is Tuesday, May 15th at 11:30 am. Lunch will be served. Ideas:

·       (from Kelly Trius) We’ve been talking about traffic control, and there was a small boy killed last year; if someone was interested in leading a project at SummerFest for the community to work together to create beautiful signs to place around the neighborhood: “slow for children” and “drive like your kids live here”.
·       Open Mike for Children

8:22     Crime and Safety issues: Questions we want answers to:

  • Stop and Shop: dealing, parking, weapons, trash, prostitution
  • Businesses on Lake St. have to deal with guns, gangs, drugs,
  • 2 shootings in East Phillips – people are shook up
    • Little Earth (6 victims, everyone was apprehended); LE community is meeting tonight
    • 2600 block of Cedar (police were in the alley on the east side of Cedar)
  • TH reported a man speeding 50 mph in the neighborhood; the police took almost an hour to arrive. Officer took so long because “he was doing something better”.
    • Reminder: hit the reset button. Keep calling 911. Over time we will see impact
    • Underwhelming police presence: call CM Cano

8:30     Adjourn