July 11, 2019

EPIC Community Meeting 07-11

July 11th, 2019, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Shontal Lajeunesse, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago, Laura Dale, Carol Pass and Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz (U)
Members: George Kennedy, Carol Hill, Devika Ghai,
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Shelley Schafer, Makenzie Nolan, Viviana R.

6:40     Greetings and Introductions
6:42     Agenda: Approve the agenda, amended, MG, approved by consensus
            Minutes: Approve the minutes from June, BP, GK, approved

6:57     SCOUT research team presentation
·      The first survey was from a planning grant which was primarily all research
·      Community Based Crime reduction grant is a federal grant
o   Little Earth is a sub recipient of this grant
o   A lot of rules surrounding federal grants
·      SCOUT research team expressed gratitude for financially supporting the first step of research
·      A lot of researchers have come in and done research in Little Earth – but residents are not typically as involved in the research process as they have been with this grant and survey
o   Found it beneficial to use participant action research approach
§  Use of partnerships
§  Engaging the community in all of the steps so when the grant goes away the community knows how to do it
§  Asked questions that the community cared about and can have action around
·      Doing a survey now at this point because Minneapolis Police Department willing to take a similar survey to the community survey which is powerful and rare
·      Co-learning of SCOUT members,
o   SCOUT members go out and have residents complete survey,
o   SCOUT members give residents who have completed the survey a card and they can redeem for incentive which EPIC is noted as a funder of the incentives
o   SCOUT members enter data from surveys on the computer
·      The results shared tonight are from the planning grant
o   Used youth center data, Minneapolis Police Department data etc. as well
o   Two main terms the survey focused on
§  Collective Efficacy – informal social control.
·      How much the community is willing to intervene during a crime
§  Procedural justice
·      Does the person interacting with the police feel like their voice is heard, being treated with respect, do they feel like they are understood by the police?
·      These feelings can be more impactful than the outcome of the interaction i.e. arrest.
o   304 surveys completed = 73% which is a very high response rate
o   68% female, 32% male
o   77% liked the people around them
o   60% agreed there is a willingness to help people
o   73% agreed or strongly agreed that crime is a problem at Little Earth
o   22% said that during the day Little Earth is not safe
o   48% agreed sex trafficking is a problem at Little Earth
o   80% agreed drug dealing is a problem at Little Earth
o   48% agreed they stay inside during the day
o   38% agreed they keep a weapon for protection
o   47% worry they will be hurt by someone when outside of their home
o   53% worried they will be robbed or have something stolen from them while outside of their home
o   Willingness of neighbor to intervene to help
§  41% said their neighbor is likely to do something if someone was trying to break into their house
§  31% said their neighbor would do something if someone was being solicited for sex
§  17% thought a neighbor would intervene if there was an argument
o   Perception of police is more negative among people who have been approached by police (procedural justice)
o   Now moving to the action stages – implementing the peace making program, education to success pathway, police/community relationships, (re)establishment of the SCOUT team, aftercare consultant
o   LERA owns this data, the Little Earth community owns the data
o   There is a lot of data that they want to publish, various journals because what Little Earth has achieved is incredible, including the participant action model
o   LERA will let EPIC know whether we can publish the two page report

7:34     Re-vote on Little Earth survey
·      We were out of order at the June membership meeting – spending requests need to be brought to the EPIC board first.

Motion from July’s Board meeting: Whereas the June membership meeting had a quorum of board members and the motion was approved by the board and EPIC members, EPIC approves funding of $2,000 for the Safe Community of United Tribes (SCOUT) program for their midpoint survey. EPIC does not need the raw data but would like the report on the project and survey that can be shared with the community and EPIC will be acknowledged as a partner in the program. CP, SS, 2 abstained because of conflict of interest, Approved.

Motion from June’s General Membership Meeting: EPIC will fund up to $2,000 toward SCOUT Little Earth Survey provided appropriate funding is available and EPIC will be listed as a funder of these surveys and will be provided a report summarizing the data and the research team will be invited to give a presentation to the EPIC community, SS, GK, 2 abstained because of conflict of interest, Approved

Second Vote Tonight:
MOTION: Whereas the June membership meeting had a quorum of board members and the motion was approved by the board and EPIC members, EPIC approves funding of $2,000 for the Safe Community of United Tribes (SCOUT) program for their midpoint survey. EPIC will be listed as a funder of these surveys and will be provided a report summarizing the data and the research team will be invited to give a presentation to the EPIC community. SS, LD, 2 abstained because of conflict of interest, approved
                  Discussion on motion:
o   Needs to happen by the end of July or beginning of August
o   Noted that data is always presented to Little Earth residents first
o   Insurance concern because we do not currently have general liability insurance
o   Majority of SCOUT team is youth, they will tell residents about the survey, putting the data into the computer
o   Over 50% of the residents at Little Earth are youth
o   EPIC does not have community participation funds currently, but does have youth programming funds

7:43     Announcements:
·       Next Board Meeting will be August 3rd at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Ave)
o   Board Meetings are open to the public
·       Next Community Meeting will be August 8th at 6:30 here at East Phillips Park
·       Phillips Health Fair 2019 – August 14th 10am-2pm at Waite House Community Center (2323 11th Ave S. Minneapolis)
o   Free health screenings, kids activities, DJs, raffle, massages, free bike tune-ups, employers looking to hire and more
·       South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition
o   Representatives of the state, community organizations
o   Deals with crime in South Minneapolis
o   Meets monthly – 2nd Wednesday of the month from 3-4:30pm at the Salvation Army on Lake Street (ADRESS)
o   Over 70 people attended meeting in July
o   Talked about alternatives to putting people in jail
o   Angela Conley attended, mayor and city council members not present
o   A lot from the 3rd Precinct and PRIDE
o   Of the 70-80 people present, about 15 people were not white
·       East Lake Open Streets
o   EPIC and EPNI will have tables on Sunday July 21st
o   We need volunteers to fill shifts for tabling a few hours between 11:00am and 5pm
§  So far:
·       Steve and Brad will be setting up and taking down
o   Brad will bring a canopy
·       Cassie and Sarah each have a shift tabling
·       Public comment is open for proposed modification of approval process for NRP.
From an e-mail from David Rubedor (Director of Neighborhood and Community Relations):
o   June 10th officially began a 45-day comment period, ending July 25, on a proposed change to the plan modification approval process. The redlined NRP policy document found at http://minneapolismn.gov/www/groups/public/@ncr/documents/policydocument/wcmsp-219206.pdf) shows the proposed change (NRP processes require actions to be taken in order to modify funding strategies, reallocate funds within approved strategies or the creation of a new strategy. Currently, the NCR Department Director has sole discretion to approve or deny these requests. The proposed policy change does the following:
o   Plan modifications over $100,000 will require the approval of the NRP Policy Board
o   Plan modifications $100,000 and under will be administratively approved by the NCR Department Director
o   Authorizes programmatic documents to reflect these changes
o   This policy change requires a 45-day public comment period, which opens on June 10 and closes on July 25, 2019. After the public comment period, the NCR Department will forward this change, and any comments, to the City Council. 
o   The proposed changes are posted at www.minneapolismn.gov/ncr/boards/nrp for review.
o   To submit comments on these proposed changes please email ncr@minneapolismn.gov or call Steven Gallagher at 612-673-2905

8:00     Violence Prevention Grant Update
·      EPIC board recommends that a temporary committee be formed to oversee the grant
o   So far this committee consists of Abah, Cassie, Steve (and Rosie if she is able)
o   Board would also like community members to sit on the committee – please contact a board member if you are interested!
·      EPIC board recommends an additional $2,000 be earmarked for project support 
o   Youth funds might be the best to use
o   Incentives is one thing the additional money has been discussed to be used for
MOTION: Pending approval of the contract with the program coordinator and receipt of the Violence Prevention Grant EPIC will provide up to $2,000 of additional funding for youth program costs if needed. CP, CH, Amended, Approved.

·      Has EPIC responded to Mary Buchanon in regards to insurance requirement? If so have funds been received?
o   We are working on getting insurance
8:17     NCEC commissioner election for our district
·       We are district 7 and there is only one candidate for the commissioner. We (EPIC) are too late to nominate a candidate
·       Does someone want to attend to elect the only candidate (from Bryant neighborhood)? The election is Wednesday, July 17th at 6:00pm at the Crown Roller Mill (105 5th Avenue South).
o   Cassie is planning to attend
·       The commissioner sits on a large committee, half are elected and half are appointed to the committee
·       The committee makes decisions that reflect the neighborhood
o   Commissioners propose how much money neighborhoods get, and it is submitted to the city council
8:27     Update on proposed 39 unit housing project at 17th and Lake
·       Steve followed up with Graham (from Alondra’s office) about the labels that were supposed to be used for notification of neighbors near the proposed development
·       Does someone from EPIC want to attend the planning commission meeting to ensure the issues brought up at the June conversation with the owner of the proposed development are addressed?
·       Steve will provide the date and time of the planning commission to Sarah, and she can send notification of planning commission to our mailing list with attachment of notes from conversation with the owner of the proposed development
8:37     Update on East Phillips Urban Farm
·       Report on last HAC (Hiawatha Advisory Committee) meeting – yesterday (July 11th 2019)
o   The prior HAC meeting was cancelled because the community insisted on moving the presentation of the Urban Farm project to the beginning of the meeting
o   Carol Pass, Brad Pass and Dean Dovolis attended the July meeting
§  Brad said “if you want to keep arguing, go ahead, this neighborhood doesn’t give up. If you want to avoid a huge battle, approve at least the 3 acres.”
§  Brad thinks we need to find someone to run for City Council
·       Steve will draft a letter to the Heritage Preservation Commission and the City of Minneapolis for EPIC and send out
o   To establish the Sears building on the old roof depot site as a historic building
·       EPNI is pushing for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet as well
8:49     Summerfest Reflection
·      How did the event go?
o   Rainy – kept people away but great musicians and the people who did attend seemed to have a great time

8:45     Upcoming events:
o   Summer Events:
·      Community Garden – All summer
o   9:00AM Saturday July 13th at 2428 17TH Ave.
·      National Night Out – Tuesday, August 6th
o   National Night Out (NNO) Funding is available for permitted NNO block parties. EPIC has approved spending of up to $1,000 for permitted NNO block parties. Funds will be distributed to block party on a Pro-rata basis up to $100 maximum per party. Funds cannot be used for food or entertainment.
o   Fall Events:
§  Phillips Community Clean Sweep – October 12th
§  Garden Fall Harvest Party Saturday, October 19th
·      Expand our October Harvest party (block off the street)
§  Ideas?
8:56     Adjourn