Board Meeting Draft Minutes
EPIC Board Meeting
August 3rd, 2019, 10am –
EPIC web
address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes,
Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah
Board Members Present: Carol
Pass, Laura Dale, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago, Abah Mohamed, Cassie Holmes, Rosie
Board Members Not Present: Mary Gonsior (E), Shontal
Lajeunesse (U)
Arce, Sonia Parra, Alfonso Cruz
Shirley Heyer
10:19 Quorum achieved
Agenda Approval. LD,
SS, Approved.
Discussion on publishing agenda
Minutes Approval. CH, LD, Approved
10:25 Announcements
Community Meeting will be: Thursday, August 8th at 6:30 at East
Phillips Park
Board Meeting will be: Saturday, September 7th at 10am at the EPIC
office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
Meetings are open to the public
House at Colin Powell Weds. August 21st 4-6pm on Midtown Greenway
and 5th Avenue
about 35W project
10:28 Insurance Update
are in discussions with a good insurance company
Insurance Alliance Group (NIA)
MOTION: EPIC will accept a general liability waiver
and any accompanying documents to be attached to our request for liability
insurance with Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group (NIA) and accept the final
copy of answers to the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group’s questions and attorney’s
opinion. All this will be included in our Policies and Procedures Manual with
the date of its inclusion. LD, CH,
does this mean for our Violence Prevention Grant?
postpones the Violence Prevention Grant
city won’t release the money until we have insurance
10:34 Violence Prevention Grant Committee update:
Do we need Final affirmative vote on additional spending for Violence
Prevention Grant?
We did board vote, one community vote, need an additional community vote
on Thursday
not had community vote because without funding doesn’t make sense
agrees she will continue in whatever capacity she can after funding goes
the board ask for an extension?
Bob Cooper if we are still eligible for funds once we have insurance and do we
need an extension once we have the funds?
contract as soon as possible, because once we have the funding, we will have a
shorter window to do the project
will ask attorney whether Devika needs insurance coverage because she is like a
free agent
10:54 Status
of SCOUT money?
Cassie got the money,
purchased the Cub gift cards and Target gift cards
o Stickers on cards say “this gift card is a donation from the
East Phillips Improvement Coalition”
So far only have 58 out
of 400 surveys that are not completed! Huge response rate already
Cassie will get the
receipts and 'thank you for partnering with us’ to EPIC
11:05 Under
18 change to our bylaws – tabled from July Board Meeting
Should youth member be
allowed on our board?
In Violence Prevention
Grant it states board will consider changing bylaws to allow youth surveyors in
EPIC’s board
We want to create
multi-generational involvement – including in world café at the Roof Depot Site
Teach kids to be
leaders – tell them you are a part of this
o We need to teach them how to do this work
§ Teach them about bylaws and motions etc.
11:15 Bike
On Program
Rosie wants to
continue the program to teach kids and parents to ride on greenway
New $5 per adult
program for a yearly membership
So far have 4 parents
and 15 youth who are interested
At NNO they will get a
list of people who are interested and bring it to community meeting on Thursday
So far have 6 bikes
Issue of insurance –
either becomes direct project of EPIC and get a grant (perhaps through Blue
Cross and Blue Shield)
This is one way to say
family and kids live here – and get drug dealers and other crime out of the
o We need to figure out a way to get money
§ Need to find new sources of money
11:45 Adjourn
LD, CH, Approved