EPIC Community Meeting Minutes
August 8th, 2019, 6:30 –
Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave
web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Bloomington Ave.,
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes,
Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah
Board Members Present: Cassandra Holmes, Laura Dale, Mary
Gonsior, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Rosie
Cruz, Sarah Santiago
Board Members Not Present:
Viviana Rgz, George Kennedy, Brad
Pass, Agustin Arce, Luce Guillen Givins, Rob Czeinck
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Mark Granlund, Carol Hill-Kennedy, Courtney Mason, Sandra
Carona, Diego Calzada, Maliyah Papish-Jackson, Samantha Calzada, Daniel Solls,
Shay Flanigan, Jose Alvarez
6:30 Social
6:41 Greetings and Introductions
6:50 Approve tonight’s agendas LD, GK, Approved.
Approve minutes from
July community meeting. LD, RC, Approved.
6:55 Announcements
PECE (Public Health, Environment, Civil Rights
and Engagement) Committee meets Monday 8/12/2019 at 1:30pm at City Hall. We
hope to pass a motion requesting CM Cano to introduce a request for an EAW at
this meeting
Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, September
7th at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
Board Meetings are open to the public
Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday,
September 12th at 6:30 here at East Phillips Park
Open House at Colin Powell Center on Wednesday
August 21st from 4-6pm on the Midtown Greenway and 5th
Talking about the 35W project
Next Wednesday August 14th is a crime
prevention at the Adult Learning Cafeteria 2015 E. Lake 3-4pm
Wellness Fair Wednesday August 14th
at the Waite House – all are welcome and there is a free lunch, kids activities
and free health screenings 10am-2pm
Mike Sullivan is leaving the 3rd
6:57 Roof Depot Update and EAW for Hiawatha
Expansion Project
City council meeting – Public Health,
Environment, Civil Rights and Engagement Committee – Monday, August 12th
at 1:30pm
Asking city of Minneapolis to do an
environmental assessment worksheet for the Hiawatha Expansion project
We requested that CM Cano bring before this committee
a motion to do an EAW
We have heard from CM Cano’s office that she
will not be bringing a motion before the committee to do an EAW
What are our next steps??
Plan to make press release and show up at the
meeting to let the city know they need to listen to us
Press conference on steps of City Hall at
Carol and Brad will write press release
Brad will send out to e-mail list
Cassie will contact WCCO
Steve has contact info of City Pages
Requires civil disobedience
MOTION: Whereas: the City
on Minneapolis’ Public Works Hiawatha Expansion Project will add considerable
air-born pollution to the already heavily polluted air of East Phillips and
adjoining neighborhoods with the addition of its fleet of commercial vehicles,
employee vehicles, hot mix asphalt storage, and heavy equipment operators
instructional “Sand Box”; and
Whereas: this additional traffic will add to
the already dangerously congested city streets and bicycle crossings; and
Whereas: the currently encapsulated arsenic
from the adjacent Arsenic Triangle Super Fund site will potentially be released
into the air and water runoff during the planned demolition of the former Sears
warehouse and encapsulating asphalt parking areas; and
Whereas: the severely arsenic polluted underground
water plume will be affected by the infiltration of rainwater through the
planned green space and holding pond; and
Whereas: the East Phillips neighborhood is
located in the South Minneapolis Green Zone which was created to promote
Environmental and Economic Justice for its multiethnic and economically
challenged residents; and
Therefore: the affected people of East Phillips
and Neighboring areas request that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet and an
Environmental Impact Statement and a Health Assessment of this project’s
affects be accomplished prior to the issuance of any project permits and prior
to the demolition of the existing former Sears Warehouse. MG, GK, Approved unanimously
MOTION: EPIC will send
a letter to CM Cano to inform her that we are withdrawing our support due to
her lack of support, engagement and concern of the welfare of our community.
The letter will be emailed to Cano and copied to everyone on the EPIC e-mail
list, the other council members, the mayor, the Alley, WCCO, Southside Pride,
Star Tribune. MG, RC, Approved unanimously
· Steve believes that we need to be
specific about the actions she made that led to this letter
· Mary would like to read the letter
before it is sent out
7:28 Metro Transit Mark Granlund
Mark is in charge of the public art on metro
transit lines
There is a problem with the neon marquee on the
Franklin Light Rail Station
The neon sign hasn’t worked for many years
Needs repair
Question of whether to remove to repair or
simply repair it
To repair the cost is $37,000 – more than what
the piece cost
Mark has three questions:
Who has noticed the art work before? – 2 people
have noticed it
Does it represent the community? – few people
aware of the art, so no.
Are there any strong rejections to the removal?
Carol would like it replaced if it is removed
Mike says the community would be involved in the
process of a new art piece
Contact Mark with additional
comments: mark.granlund@metrotransit.org
You can also fill out a short
survey: (http://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=156086536917)
7:38 New Bike On Project – Rosie Cruz and
Augustin Arce
Crime is increasing, many children are staying
inside due to this
Bike On was a program years ago to get adults
and youth on bikes on the Greenway
Previously the Midtown Greenway Coalition
secured a grant, which we don’t have access to anymore
The program is a way to get neighbors together
to prevent crime between Bloomington and 17th Ave and 29th
and Lake Street
16 people have already signed up
Shirley will help with funding to get helmets,
t-shirts, knee pads
May need fiscal agent
Want it to not be a one-time program
There are many studies saying how white the
greenway is
Requesting EPIC to help with funding
Right now Shirley and Rosie want a motion of
support with no financial commitment yet
MOTION: EPIC enthusiastically supports the Bike On
Program for the benefit of East Phillips’ families and will encourage the
community’s efforts to reinstate this program. MG, AM, Approved unanimously.
7:45 Violence Prevention Grant 2nd
Community Vote
MOTION: Pending approval of the contract with the program
coordinator and receipt of the Violence Prevention Grant EPIC will provide up
to $2,000 of additional funding for youth program costs if needed. MG, GK, Approved unanimously.
Notes from August
Board meeting:
EPIC will ask Bob
Cooper if we are still eligible for funds once we have insurance and if so
whether we can have an extension once the funds are available to us
Need to create
contract as soon as possible, because once we have the funding, we will have a
shorter window to do the project
Carol will ask
attorney whether Devika needs insurance coverage
Update from Violence Prevention Grant Committee
Received timeline and contract from Devika
The committee is making needed adjustments to
these documents
Carol is discussing with attorney whether we
need insurance coverage for Devika as an independent contractor
Next VPG Committee meeting is Wednesday August
14th at 6:30pm at 2433 Bloomington (EPIC office)
7:52 SCOUT Survey Update
SCOUT received the funding from EPIC and
purchased gift cards for incentives for Little Earth residents who completed
survey (SCOUT Champions, including youth, were trained in crime prevention and
survey door knocking)
Huge response rate already – only 58 of 400
surveys are left to complete (as of Saturday)!
Of 212 units – 89.9% response rate
Cassie brought copy of survey to share
Cassie offered to share SCOUT’s approach with
Devika for the Violence Prevention Grant
Data entry is beginning August 30th
Community sharing will begin soon
8:00 Arsenic
Triangle Super Fund Site
EPA’s decision to end their involvement in the Arsenic Triangle Super Fund Site
– was in article in Star Tribune
in the next generation will not recognize that there was arsenic on this land
the Roof Depot site is demolished, arsenic will be spread once again throughout
our neighborhood
is moving very fast
would say that the problem has been solved – which it is not
table underground is heading toward Minnehaha Creek, eventually to the
period ends 8/30/19 – write to them and let them know what we think of their
plan – CONTACT RANDOLF CANO cano.randolf@epa.gov and phone number: 312 886 6036
8:13 39 Unit Development at 17th and
Developer did not get the proper paperwork done
So the developer will need to reapply
Make motion to request that the developer give a
preference to residents of the neighborhood
Make motion to seek special parking district
status for 2900s of 17th and 2900s of 16th
Residents need to pay a fee per year and get a
sticker for car, signage on street states no parking without sticker
Devika suggests the motion(s) include the #1
concern of neighbors – affordability of rent and accessibility of units, as
well as blockage of the alley
Petition language to consider for our language
for the motion:
In regard to
any development at the aforementioned site, we (the petitioner) demand:
housing comprising a majority of the units, with “affordability” determined
based on median income of the immediate surrounding neighborhood (East
Phillips), rather than AMI.
In keeping
with the City’s current priority of insuring continuing housing affordability,
and being that median income of the surrounding neighborhood is
substantially lower than for the greater metropolitan area, this
downward-adjustment is necessary to prevent a trend toward displacement of the
neighborhood’s current residents.
No closure of
the East-West alley currently connecting 16th and 17th Avenues South.
Closure of
the alley would by design drive business-related traffic, including customers
and delivery vehicles, through the adjacent North-South residential alley, as
illustrated in the developer’s proposed plans.
parking spots sufficient in number to reasonably accommodate the dozens of new
residents and commercial tenants the development expects to attract.
The immediate
surrounding blocks are already overburdened by traffic and parking congestion
beyond the current capacity of the area. Further, the proposed development will
by design reduce available parking for current residents, as it will build on a
currently vacant lot commonly used to accommodate the neighborhood’s overflow
parking needs.
· Question of whether it is viable to ask for all units to be
· Carol states that this is expensive land and has been
vacant for many years
· Remember we are representing all of EPIC – not endorsing
the above petition
· What are the metrics of closing the alley?
· Want to know the percentage of the people in the radius
around the proposed development who signed the petition
· Bring planners to next meeting – Steve will contact
o Get something in writing from them – when do they need to
notify neighbors?
· Continue discussion at next meeting and bring petitions –
get stats from them
8:55 National Night Out Reflections
Did your block have an event?
How did it go?
8:56 Upcoming Events:
Community Clean Sweep – October 12th
Fall Harvest Party Saturday, October 19th
Expand our October Harvest party (block off the
8:57 Adjourn