EPIC Board Meeting Draft Agenda
June 5, 2021, 10am – 12pm
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Email: epic.ssantiago@gmail.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (608) 513-5107
Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat
Board Members Present:
Board Members Not Present:
10:00 Agenda Approval
Minutes Approval
10:05 Announcements
Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, June 10 at 6:30 online, the link to join is at eastphillips.org
Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, July 3 at 10am online, the link to join is at eastphillips.org
Discuss whether to meet July 3 - are people able to attend?
Board Meetings are open to the public
Garden Steering Committee: Monday, June 7 at 7pm via Zoom
General Garden Meeting: Saturday, June 12 at 9am via Zoom
Next Executive Committee meeting will be: Thursday, June 17 at 7pm online, the link to join is at eastphillips.org
Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month
Remember, bylaws are up for a vote at June 10 Community Meeting, second draft is posted on the website
a) building purchase ~ $175,000
renovations - paying someone to make bathroom ADA accessible
residential landlords - makes things murky
would want to prioritize avoiding displacing people
make yard community gathering space or expanding the space
need to show that we have sufficient resources to maintain building for next 10 years
getting tax exemption is difficult
b) purchase land that current office is on? -- David
someone else purchases building
we wouldn’t be property managers or landlords
in exchange for us providing money to purchase building, they provide office space for free
find someone who would prioritize the current renters
c) Divide money between community based organizations
continue renting, hope to move into Roof Depot in future
multilingual outreach and trash pick up employees
‘tech up the office’
pay rent a year or two ahead
d) Secure vacant lot at 27th and Cedar
continue renting, hope to move into Roof Depot in future
use vacant lot as community gathering space, community garden
partnering with key organizations/groups that want to hold meetings and events in space
A few options:
pursue purchasing lot at 27th and Cedar with some of the money
$80-100,000 to lot purchase
problem: NRP funds can’t be used to hold property and are primarily used for redevelopment
would have to prove that it isn’t suitable for redevelopment
would not qualify for as a public facility
maintenance costs (taxes, shoveling, mowing etc.) are not eligible costs - need to determine how to cover costs
city purchases with EPIC’s funds and makes it available to EPIC for EPIC purposes
the city can incur maintenance costs that are not available to non-public entities
the city could sell it at any point
Ed (current owner) retains ownership and leases to EPIC for $1/year and allows EPIC to do improvements on land
Find someone to purchase the land and we pay rent for the space equivalent to making them whole and the improvements
covering taxes and insurance
Funding opportunities within the budget:
U of M documentary team
wanting to do a documentary on East Phillips
Total amount is $10,000
EPNI is funding $3,500
remainder: $6,500
can use CPP funds if the team can use the funds by the end of the year and we can use it as an outreach tool to get more people aware of and engaged in EPIC.
MOTION: The EPIC board approves using $6,500 of CPP funds to support the U of M documentary team,
South East Homes Partnership - not a 501(c)3 so we would want to be sure that its funds were going directly to programs and not to increase SEH's profits. You can find a rough draft of the Community Partnership Agreement at the above link, it is a rough draft and is likely to change.
Project: Housing Support Program
connects clients who are unhoused and experiencing chemical dependency issues to housing, providing them with culturally responsive support and mentoring once they have secured housing.
What are we supporting?
East Phillips residents that can use SEH’s services?
Working to match local property with SEH?
N’hood organization that we want to support?
Our funding would not be going towards client’s rent, they use government money for that. Our funding would provide supplies and pay for staff and counselor time related to this project. We could state “we are funding the work needed to secure housing for five (arbitrary number) East Phillips residents.”
Two options for using our funds to partner:
with CPP: focus would need to be to get more people aware of and engaged with EPIC
no plan modification
we would put together a Partnership Agreement
with NRP: would need to show that the program was serving East Phillips residents
requires a tweak to our ‘Housing’ Neighborhood Priority
currently as our priority is stated it’s focused on new construction and homeownership
would need to add wording around unhoused neighbors, or securing housing in general
would need to provide 21 day notice before board approval plus two community meeting votes
if we go this route may want to consider tweaking other neighborhood priorities as long as we are doing the outreach around it
August/September to December 2021 if we transfer CPP funds to NRP
MOTION: The EPIC board approves the 2021 organizational budget. The dollar ceiling that requires pre-purchase authorization is ____. The number of signatures required for purchases above ____ is ______,
MOTION: the EPIC board approves $1,000 for Clean Sweep 2021
our CPP contract is being amended, adding $39,682.00.
authorize the depository(ies) - change to TruStone (formerly Firefly)?
MOTION: The EPIC board authorizes Wells Fargo Bank as the depository.
Mary is currently the cardholder, do we want to add or change this?
Authorize check signers (President and Treasurer).
MOTION: The EPIC board authorizes David Ingold and Nikolas Winter-Simat as check signers.
Appoint a Petty Cash Custodian and determine the petty cash level (EPIC will keep no more than $200.00 Petty Cash at one time.).
MOTION: The EPIC board appoints ______ as the Petty Cash Custodian. The petty cash level is $_______.
appoint a Finance Committee of three members of the Board to manage financial procedures as outlined in "Segregation of Duties: Three Person Model":
MOTION: The Finance Committee consists of ________, ________ and _________.
Resolution to hold online meetings - see document here
we passed a similar resolution last year, it ends at the end of June, to continue holding online meetings we need to pass this resolution
MOTION: The EPIC Board of Directors passes a resolution to delay, cancel or hold online specific meetings and events,
Policies and Procedures
MOTION: The EPIC Board of Directors adapts the Language Access Policy and Procedure
MOTION: The EPIC Board of Directors adapts the Board Training and Development Policy
MOTION: The EPIC Board of Directors approves the changes to the Operating Policies and Procedures and Board Manual.
for board attendance, change to: Consistent attendance is highly encouraged, however this is a volunteer position and life happens.
the board was provided a copy of the Operating Policies and Procedures and Board Manual with all changes highlighted, including: the Record Retention Policy and EPICs Collaborative Funding Policy, as well as a few small tweaks.
Purpose of meetings - Nikolas
Board Meetings
Review vision and mission
welcome guests/intros
approve agenda and minutes
------- 5 mins
Reports from Departments
Departments bring forth motions that are necessary for board approval
------- 15 mins
decisions, delegation to departments and action committees
------- 40 mins
Community Meetings
Welcome - vision and mission
Group agreements
Agenda approval and minutes approval
-----10 mins
Report from one action committee
-----5 mins
Feature presentation - 15 mins
questions and discussion - 10 mins
Community decisions
-----20 mins
who is interested in each one
Legal/finance Department
strengths: small detail oriented
Vision Department
vision and mission
how are we meeting needs?
strengths: big picture thinker
Relational Department
community and board connections
personnel and community relations
board retreat
how to engage people – flyering, banners etc
strengths: relationships
get together with your department before next board meeting
cancel Executive Committee meeting
in your department make a list of priorities, goals
Discuss whether to meet July 3 for our Board Meeting - are people able to attend?
Discuss COVID restrictions - mask requirement at office?
propose change to: people in office will arrive wearing a mask and discuss comfortability with wearing a mask with one another. If someone expresses a preference for wearing a mask all people will wear masks while sharing the space.
Pictures of board members for website of those consenting to having their picture on the website
contact information as well - who consents to having their email address on the website?
Who would like to work together on the equitable engagement plan?
draft is due to the city September 1
Sarah would like to meet with neighbors and board members to gather people’s ideas, she can then work on putting together a first draft for board review before September 1
Audit with Michael Wilson, the city’s third party auditor
first path is with staff, will have a report by the July board meeting
You all received the Agreed Upon Procedures Letter
Sarah and Michael met on Thursday
questions will be raised, issues are not expected to be solved by July
Community Participation Agreement
Idea to have a more robust version on website and a simplified version at beginning of community meetings
New opportunities:
rough draft of partnership is linked above
Asking for our support
Would we like to write a letter of support
What could the partnership piece look like?
Indian Health Board Request:
“IHB is planning a big investment into our community’s health care options. We are in the planning phases of developing our properties along franklin and Minnehaha to house new dental and medical facilities which has been named Menaandawiwe “healing is taking place here”. We would like to ask you for a letter of support to present to the Federal Government for potential funding.”
Yard Homes
A neighbor is working with an organization called YardHomes who has forged a community partnership with City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT) to install accessory dwelling units in yards of CLCLT homeowners that will be lived in by individuals who qualify for housing vouchers such as Section 8, veterans, etc
Running into issues with the city permitting office
Does the EPIC board approve of Sarah working with neighbor and YardHomes to try to navigate the city’s permitting office?
writing a letter of support if necessary?
Property tax exemption for EPIC garden: The EPIC Garden Steering Committee wants to loop in the board and/or work with someone on the EPIC board to get tax exempt status for the property taxes on the garden
Since EPIC is the property owner of the garden, this needs to go through the EPIC board
Traffic Safety projects: 24th, 26th, 28th, part of Chicago Ave
long history of crashes leading to injuries and sometimes death on these streets
reduce speeding
make it easier for pedestrians to cross streets
possible ideas:
bump outs
medians to shorten distance for pedestrians crossing
concrete bikeways to narrow street
city planner looking for some ways to engage with community members to get feedback based on neighbor’s lived experiences
ongoing events? Existing communication channels?
neighborhood walks - show where issues are - more informal
construction starts in 2023
start conversations in the next month
Shared resources with Phillips West, Ventura Village and Stevens Square
The proposal as written focuses primarily on the idea of an umbrella organization that would include shared staff for multiple neighborhoods. As written, the biggest shared resource stuff that is currently written into the proposal includes:
The potential for shared space
Shared infrastructure for program operations around some common goals (safety, green spaces, etc) (this includes both the administrative elements and the staff for implementation)
In a different version of this proposal
shared translation services, maybe shared outreach workers or cleanup crews
PWNO (Phillips West) has decided to go ahead with this, not as an endorsement of the proposal as written, but more as a way to secure funding to explore possibilities.
Opportunity to get creative about what shared resources can look like
Application is due July 1
What do we want put in EPICs Alley post?
Additions to Community Meeting draft agenda
So far:
Vote on bylaw changes
Budget update
Share that EPICs Operating Policies and Procedures and Board Manual have been updated on our website
Discussion about whether to invite Crime Prevention Specialist back to meetings?
a community member requested that Kali Pliego be invited back to meetings
Crime Prevention Specialists are in the process of moving out of MPD and into Neighborhood and Community Relations Department at the city
Sarah proposes we pose a question to membership about what we would want CPS to look like going forward. Connect to what we would want before inviting them back?
idea to frame question away from how CPS currently operates
ask something like “when you think of community safety what comes to mind holistically?” to frame the discussion