March 14, 2019

EPIC Community Meeting Draft Minutes 03-14

March 14th, 2019, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed.
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass.
Board Members Not Present: Tom Harris, Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed.

6:30     Social Time

6:50     Greetings and Introductions

7:00     Minutes: Approve the minutes from February 14th, 2019:
            Agenda: Approve the agenda

7:05     Announcement:
            Next Board meeting April 6th  at our little office at 2433 Bloomington Ave.
Next GMM meeting April 11th at East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center at 630 p.m.
            Swimming lessons are open, and there are scholarships available through EPIC funds.
Training pool opens at 8 am, and you can ask for a neighborhood rate.
The Annual Meeting: April 27, 9:30 a.m. at East Phillips Park. We will elect new board members.
Waite House Community Party 11 am tomorrow.
7:05     Meet the Little Earth Scout Youth Team and hear their report about their trip to New York to learn  about “Peacemaking” as an positive alternative to the Criminal Justice System.    
            Q and A after presentation.

Samantha, age 14                      Daniel, 14                     Diego, 15

Shared videos, slides and stories. One important core value from the Navaho trainers and native people’s own traditions to seek healing, not punishment. Shared additional activities of the Scout Youth Team. Mackenzie, the director of Scout, passed around a sign-up sheet for more information. There are going to be a couple of info sessions scheduled which will be communicated through email. Contact Cassie Holmes, or look for Scout Initiative on Facebook, or Scout.Initiative on Instagram.
7:45     Consolidating and updating EPIC finances.

Some of EPIC’s contracts are very old, and EPIC is reviewing our old contracts and moving funds as needed in order to move old contract funds to current contract funds. This is necessary to ensure we can access these funds for the benefit of EPIC residents.

Foreclosure funds leftover: This is the 2nd community vote on this motion.

            MOTION: Move the remaining $25,000 Foreclosure Assistance to new Admin. LL, CH, approved.

            MOTION: Seek a contract to lease our current space on Bloomington Avenue for three years and prepay the rent. LL, CH, Approved.

Consolidate leftover programming funds (approximately $17,000): This is the 2nd community vote on this motion.

MOTION: Consolidate $7,000 Elder Programing and $10,000 Adult Programming into a new Youth Programming Contract. LD, MG, Approved.

7:50     What's Next for Neighborhoods? Especially East Phillips?  Will Neighborhoods continue being supported by the City? Neighborhoods 20/20

NCEC has worked for a year on a work plan to support and improve neighborhoods. The NCR director has tried for years to get rid of the neighborhood representation organizations and stop the flow of funding to neighborhoods. We have learned that the city has scheduled public hearings on a plan to have a single organization oversee all funds for neighborhoods and to end funding of individual neighborhoods in favor of a single pot from which funds would be distributed by a single entity based on their self-written guidelines and criteria. Four neighborhoods have responded including Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA), who has submitted a proposal to operate the program for the entire city.

We need to join with other neighborhoods to respond. Longfellow Organization is holding a meeting on Tuesday, March 19th. See their website for their response. 

MOTION: EPIC will send representative(s) to the Longfellow meeting and will write a letter of support endorsing their concerns. SS, RC, Approved.

Waite House is holding a meeting tomorrow at 6 pm to discuss the 20/20 plan.

8:31     Further Update on the struggle for the Indoor Urban Farm. See motion from the last meeting

The city is ignoring us and specifically we have a meeting with Alondra on Tuesday – the first time she has agreed to meet with us since the directive was issued (3 months ago)

The city is planning on executing option A, and Mark Ruff has claimed there is no room for EPIC at the site. As far as we know, they haven’t asked anyone in EPIC to join the advisory committee on the Roof Depot project either, as required in Cano’s directive.

Can the city proceed on the site without forming the advisory committee?

Rosie and others might want to attend the meeting at Waite House at 6 pm to ask, Where is Alondra?

8:40     The Annual Meeting is on Saturday, April 27th (Setup on Friday, April 26th)
  • Sign up if you want to be on the board, get your application in
  • What can you do to help?
  • Any creative thought
·       We will accept nominations for board vacancies to be filled at the annual meeting. All nominees wishing to serve must complete an application and eligibility must be verified before the annual meeting election.

Friday, 7 pm…setup
Saturday, 9:30 breakfast; 10-11: Board Elections; 11-12 Looking Back & Ahead

8:50    Adjourn