January 10, 2019

EPIC Community Meeting Draft Minutes 01 -10

January 10th, 2019, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz, Tom Harris, Abah Mohamed
Members: Brad Pass,

6:30     Social Time

6:48     Greetings and Introductions

Minutes:  tabled the October minutes – moved them to the January meeting, LD, MG Approved
                        Approve the minutes from December 13th, 2018: MG, LD,   Approved
            Agenda: Approved with addition of funding request

7:00     Announcements
·       Next Board meeting February 2nd
·       Next GMM meeting February 14th 
·       (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) MMIW March is also being held on Feb. 14th, starts at the Indian Center at Noon.
o   (Another March will be held in St. Paul on Jan. 19th at 10:30 am, meeting at the Western Sculpture Garden, across from the Sears parking lot.)
·       Application forms are available to serve on the Southside Green Zone committee
·       Swimming lessons are open, and there are scholarships available through EPIC funds.
·       Training pool opens at 8 am, and you can ask for a neighborhood rate.
7:11     Funding request

Jolene introduced Mackenzie with SCOUT, A program at Little Earth, who presented a request from Scout for funding to support sending 3 community members to participate in Peacemaking Training with Center for Court Innovation with the Red Hook Peacemaking program in Brooklyn, NY. The Peacemaker program is a form of restorative justice, through community-based conflict resolution and crime reduction.

MOTION: EPIC will write a letter of support for the SCOUT program and this opportunity. EPIC will approve reimbursement of $999 towards this project, provided funds are available. MG, LL, Approved.

EPIC will support SCOUT in seeking funding from local businesses and organizations.

7.50      The Annual Meeting: April 27, 2019
The EPIC Board is trying to fill two seats on the board right now,  and applications for filling these positions are being accepted now. The board will meet to discuss at their Feb. meeting. Applications are also being accepted to join the board at our Annual meeting on Saturday, April 27, 2019. 
·       MG presented information about board membership
·       Applications were distributed, and are also available online.
·       Q&A included days/times of meetings, and a schedule of EPIC meetings was distributed.
8:05     The All-Neighborhood Conference, Should EPIC participate??         

The event is held on Feb. 2nd (8 am – 4 pm) and is the same day as the EPIC board meeting. Held at the Minneapolis convention center. We could have a table if we have folks who will help.

Everyone in the city is invited, food is provided, and there are lots of tables from neighborhoods, other organizations, etc. There are workshops to attend and a couple thousand folks attend every year.

8:15   Update on the Indoor Urban Farm

The East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm Project – An UPDATE by Brad Pass, two handouts were distributed:

·       The history of EPIC’s efforts to reduce pollution and develop the Indoor Urban Farm Project
·       The Minneapolis City Council Action and CM Cano’s staff directive
o   not one mention of mitigation of pollution affecting EPIC residents
o   no solution for the existing congestion of traffic at this site affecting EPIC residents
o   electric trucks don’t exist (they lied at the public works meeting, saying that and they laughed at the ways and means meeting saying, “they don’t make these trucks electric.” Audience members said there are electric forms of these trucks
o   A new committee HAC (replacing the former committee GAC)
o   We have not heard back from CM Cano regarding having these meetings
·       The EAST Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI) Board and Community Response
o   Presentation by Brad Pass

MOTION: EPIC WILL support the response of EPNI & Community to Mpls. City Council Action. MG, CH, Approved.

EPIC will seek a pro-bono lawyer to provide services to stop the city from proceeding with their plan in its present state.

·       MG has two firms she can connect with
·       LL proposed attorneys that assisted EPIC children who were affected in the 35W bridge collapse
·       Other lawyers?

8:49    Adjourn

January 5, 2019

EPIC Board Meetiing Draft Minutes 01-05

January 5th, 2019, 10:00 Am -12:00
East Phillips Office, 2433 Bloomington Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass,
Board Members Not Present: Tom Harris (A), Linda Vermillion (A).
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10;00·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Approval of Agenda, MG, LD, Approved with change to order of agenda items
·       Approval of Board Minutes from November 3rd, 2018: LL, LD, Approved
·       (December meeting was waived to attend MPCA update/training meeting.)

10:10   Announcements:         
·       General Membership Meeting, Jan. 10th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45 pm
·       Next EPIC Board Meeting, February 2nd at the EPIC office, 10 AM Saturday morning
·       Valentine's Day (Feb. 14, EPIC General Membership Meeting)
·       Green Zone Board - Monday, Jan. 7th; applications are due if you want to sit on the Southside Green Zone Board

10:15   Board Vacancy

·      Sarah Santiago
·      Steve Sandburg
·      Little Earth Candidates from last April
o   Jodi Vermillion
o   Shontal Lesjeunesse-Mishou

Mary will write a letter to be sent to Tom and Linda V.

10:38   Admin. Contract and Youth Programming amendments

MOTION: Approved an amended budget for NRP funding agreement per handout with changes.  (working off copies of NRP Action Plan-Phase II,  move additional $25,000 from 1.1.2. Foreclosure Assistance to new Admin Contract  and move $7,000 from and $10,000 from to new Youth Programming Contract.)  MG, RC, Approved.

10:48   Update on East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm:

Reviewed and discussed EPNI & Community response to Minneapolis City Council Action and CM Cano’s Staff Directive.

·       Possible new space on Minnehaha along with space in Roof Depot site (See Map)
·       Implications for EPIC (different neighborhood, different legislative district, different Ward)
·       Staff Directive
·       EPIC's response - Attorney?

MOTION: Support the response of EPNI & Community to Mpls. City Council Action. MG, CH, Approved.

Discussed the following additional items.

·       Need to review EPNI bylaws and 501(c)(3)
o   Attendance
o   501(c)(3) application in process
o   Financial oversight
·       Internal issues

10:45    Schedule for next year, changes?
·      Holidays
·      Annual meeting
o   Saturday, April 27, 2019
·      Garden Meeting Schedule – 2019 (first two Saturdays 9 am)
o   March 2, Abah
o   March 9, Abah
o   April 6,  Laura
o   April 13, Rosie
o   May 4, Mary
o   May 11, Mary
·      SummerFest
o   June 23, 2019

11:56  Adjourn


Whereas the EPNI Founding Member organizations and the EPIC Community have worked for three decades to end over-industrialization in a densely populated residential neighborhood and end the resultant health damaging pollution resulting in asthma, ADHD and cancer in the East Phillips neighborhood, and

Whereas the Minneapolis City Council Action fails to adequately address the needs of the community for a positive economic and environmental future,

Therefore, EPNI Board and Community offers the following required amendments to the 12/7/2018 Hiawatha Maintenance Facility Council action and CM Cano’s Staff Direction: