September 12, 2020

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 9-10

 EPIC Community Meeting Minutes

September 10th, 2020 2019, 6:30 – 8:50

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) -280-8418


Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 

Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Steve Sandberg, Carol Pass, Sarah Santiago, Mary Gonsior

Board Members Not Present: Shontal Lajeunesse, Cassandra Holmes, Rosie Cruz, Abah Mohamed

Members: Linda Leonard

Guests: Shirley Heyer


6:30     Social Time

6:45     Greetings and Introductions

·      How to become a member

6:50     Approve tonight’s agenda, LD, approved with correction

Approve minutes from August community meeting, LD, approved


6:55     Announcements

·       Next Board Meeting will be: October 1st at 7pm via Zoom

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

·       Next Community Meeting will be: October 8th at 6:30 via Zoom

·       Next Executive Committee meeting is Thursday, September 17th from 7-8pm via Zoom

o   Executive Committee meetings are the third Thursday of every month

o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public

·      EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to:

·      If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

o    Write down your incident number


7:00     Traffic Update

·      Neighbor recommended that we form a committee focused on traffic i.e. barricades, speed bumps, round abouts – things that affect streets

o   We have tried to contact Alondra’s office about these issues but they don’t seem to want to hear from EPIC or neighbors, they are holding meetings on their own and presenting their solutions i.e. turning streets to one ways

·      We need a committee chair who is a board member– board members are over worked and do not have the time right now to attend an additional committee meeting

7:33     Mailchimp

·      We sent out our first Mailchimp ‘campaign’

·      Sent out to 250 emails

·      69 people opened the email


7:42     Budget

·      Announcement: NCR is getting a 15% budget cut due to COVID-19 and uprisings

·      We do not know how this will be passed down to the neighborhood organizations

·      Budget reimbursement request submitted

·      $20,000 for ¾ of the year

·      Funding request policies

·      Reviewed criteria for EPIC’s collaborative funding agreements


7:52     Annual meeting and board member recruitment

·      Some neighborhood organizations have been holding Annual meetings via Zoom

o   Do we want to reconsider doing this?

o   Bylaws are suspended so we do not need to hold our election

§  Sarah will confirm E and check in about suspension of bylaws regarding Annual Meetings and board elections and see if there is any discussion of ending this

·      We will start recruiting board members


7:20     We need community members to volunteer to:

o   Chair the Garden Committee

o   Run the Annual Meeting with election

o   Chair or run clean sweep for 2021

·      We will table this until January


7:40     EPNI Update

·      CEAC (Community Environmental Advisory Commission) has written a letter more or less supporting our efforts at the Roof Depot Site as well as an op ed

o   Received a letter from the city clerk saying they could unappoint the members of the group or even disband CEAC and Green Zone Advisory Committee

·      September 18-20th Global Shapers will be highlighting the Roof Depot struggle at their conference

o   Members from the group have been emailing Mayor Frey and Alondra Cano

8:12     Weekly meetings hosted by MUID on unsheltered opioid crisis response

·      Joan Vanhala was invited to these meetings and thinks it would be better if a representative of an organization attended these meetings and could report to the group on current issues around drug use and unhoused people and keep our neighbors updated on what is being done by this group

·      Tuesdays 2:30-4pm

·      Can we get minutes from this meeting? – Sarah will ask

·      Sarah will reach out to Cassie or Shontal about this to see if they know about it or know people who are attending to better connect neighbors

·      We will continue to put this on our agenda for the next few meetings and see if anyone is willing to share what the group is working on and share with the group what is being seen in our neighborhood


8:20     National Night Out

MOTION: EPIC will fund up to $999 for National Night Out Block parties with submission of receipts up to $100 per group/block. Receipts must be submitted within one week of National Night Out, first come first served. The funds cannot cover entertainment or food. MG, LD, Approved. Submit receipts to


8:32 Adjourn



September 8, 2020

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 9-3

 EPIC Board Meeting Minutes

September 3rd, 2020, 7pm – 9pm

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) -280-8418


Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 

Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Carol Pass, Sarah Santiago, Cassie Holmes, Steve Sandberg, Shontal Lajeunesse

Board Members Not Present: Abah Mohamed, Rosie Cruz


Guests: Shirley Heyer


7:09     Agenda Approval, amended, LD, Approved

Minutes Approval, approved


7:14     Announcements

·      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, September 10th at 6:30 via Zoom – watch your inbox for link to join

·      Next Board Meeting will be: Thursday, October 1st at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom TBD

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

·      Next Executive Committee meeting will be: Thursday, September 17th at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom

o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public

o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month


7:21     18th Ave Block Funding Request

·      we have not heard back about when the block wants to meet to go over line item by line item

o   Send out email following up on this

·      next steps

o   Carol sent a letter to Tim Springer explaining that we are not a funding organization and that we are not sitting on $200,000

§  Use this as a document that we can share when people ask us if we have funding available as an intro to EPIC funding


7:30     EPNI Update

·      CEAC (Community Environmental Advisory Commission) has written a letter more or less supporting our efforts at the Roof Depot Site as well as an op ed

o   Received a letter from the city clerk saying they could unappoint the members of the group or even disband CEAC and Green Zone Advisory Committee

·      September 18-20th Global Shapers will be highlighting the Roof Depot struggle at their conference

o   Members from the group have been emailing Mayor Frey and Alondra Cano


7:45     At the Executive Committee Meeting E recommended contacting partners from Community Partnership program and ask where they are with funding, especially Banyan since they do block clubs

·      Review updates from Community Partnership recipients – see spreadsheet

·      We want to follow up on email sent out earlier this summer

o   What do we want to ask in follow up emails? Some ideas:

§  have they changed tactics or plans since the uprisings or due to the increase in crime and violence

§  can anything that is already being done be connected with 18th Ave issues or other blocks?

§  Have they received additional funding after receiving EPIC funds to further their efforts?

§  When they report back to the city will they please include EPIC in correspondence


7:52     Bike Program from Hannah Lieder – Hannah found another organization to work on this with


7:52     Do we want to create a committee focused on issues brought to us by 18th Ave i.e. roundabouts, speed bumps, blockades, four way stops, crime and safety with the entire neighborhood?

·         Some issues to address:

o   Speeding, running stop signs etc.

o   Cedar Ave is way too busy

o   Biking issues – need more North/South bike lanes and 17th Ave needs more signage and protections being a bike lane

§  This might be a good chance to get more people involved in EPIC if we can act on this since so many people see these issues as a big problem right now

·      If we do form a committee, focus on barricades, speed bumps, round abouts – things that affect streets

o   Steve has been trying to contact people at the city regarding many of these issues – has not been able to connect with them

·      We need a committee chair who is a board member– board members are over worked and do not have the time for this right now

·      Call Cano if you would like to receive the link for the virtual meeting about barricades

·      Steve does not want to form a committee without the participation of 18th Ave

·      Specific projects regarding these issues have worked in the past maybe work on 17th and 27th ?

·      Contact Cano for help regarding traffic and speed bumps


8:20     Questions for doorknocking

·      more of an intro about EPIC – contact us, this is when we meet etc.

1)    question about how they want to stay connected to EPIC

2)    what issues are you concerned with? i.e. Food security, housing/rent, traffic/speeding,

3)    comfortability question about police at community meetings

·      do we want to postpone this until Spring or later due to COVID concerns?

8:27     Alley invoice

·      Send printable invoice to Sarah


8:30     Job description

·      Carol needs to put everything together and will talk to Bob Cooper

·      Carol will forward everything she has received from the city about this to Mary


8:32     Rent Control Letter of Support – see letter of support in email – See email

·      Joe Hesla from the Corcoran neighborhood is wondering if EPIC would like to sign the letter of support

·      Coalition is beginning to meet – still researching

·      Need city council to amend the charter to allow rent control

o   St. Paul has an easier path

·      Embark on education activities around it – Zoom parties, house parties

·      Question about what went wrong in New York – how to make it attainable for landlords

o   There are unattended consequences

o   Don’t want to hurt small landlords – if there is a rent cap possibility to work in a luxury tax for the large market rate apartments

·      Need to control for costs as well i.e. water and utility costs

o   Otherwise the small landlord will sell out to large conglomerates

·      Add this to next board meeting


8:45     Brad wants to use Mailchimp or Constant Contact for emails because issues with BCCing

·      Need to decide between Mailchimp and Constant Contact before moving forward – Mary contacting Tech Soup about this

o   Mail Chimp is best choice – up to 12,000 per month – could send out emails up to 6 times a month

o   Sarah and Mary will work together about setting this up

8:55     What do we want put in EPICs Alley post?

·      Recruit for:

o   chair of the Garden Committee

o   Run the Annual Meeting with election

o   Chair or run clean sweep

Additions to community meeting draft agenda

·      Recruit for:

o   chair of the Garden Committee

o   Run the Annual Meeting with election

o   Chair or run clean sweep

September 6, 2020

EPIC Community Meeting Draft AGENDA

 EPIC Community Meeting Draft Agenda

September 10th, 2020 2019, 6:30 – 8:50

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) -280-8418


Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 

Board Members Present:

Board Members Not Present:




6:30     Social Time

6:45     Greetings and Introductions

·      How to become a member

6:50     Approve tonight’s agenda

Approve minutes from August community meeting


6:55     Announcements

·       Next Board Meeting will be: October 1st at 7pm via Zoom

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

·       Next Community Meeting will be: October 8th at 6:30 via Zoom

·       Next Executive Committee meeting is Thursday, September 17th from 7-8pm via Zoom

o   Executive Committee meetings are the third Thursday of every month

o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public

·      EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to:

·      If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

o    Write down your incident number


7:00     Traffic Update


7:15     Annual meeting and board member recruitment


7:35     We need community members to volunteer to:

o   Chair the Garden Committee

o   Run the Annual Meeting with election

o   Chair or run clean sweep


7:50     EPNI Update