March 10, 2011

General Membership Meeting Minutes 03-10

March 10th, 2011, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. 
**Our First EPIC Membership Meeting in the new
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Directors Present: Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Jenny Bjorgo, Earl Simms, Carol Pass,
40 Residents Present: Sign in sheet missing, 12 Somali Elders from the Apartment north of the Park

Presentation about the fields:
There was not originally funding available for the fields. There was a presentation of a diagram (Concept D) presented showing a baseball field at the north end of the park, and also two soccer fields running side-by-side between the baseball field and the basketball/former tennis courts. The grade of new fields will be raised by 1-2 ft to help with drainage and in-ground irrigation. The soil on the site has been remediated, but now there will be fill added to adjust the grade. High quality field needs time to grow and rest, protection from overuse. Will community accept a fence to protect fields? Will the community respect temporary fencing? Fields need to rest (3 weeks). People must stay off fields when wet. MPRB staff is trained in CPR and safety. Perimeter fencing is okay but needs to provide access.

  • Lighting is needed for all fields and pedestrian areas, along paths and sidewalks, for safety.
  • Sidewalks getting here today were slippery and dangerous.
  • Some residents would like to restore the tennis courts in the plan.
  • Neighborhood has requested separation of baseball field and soccer fields.
  • Have requested meeting w/Superintendent Miller about Park safety.
  • Fencing between baseball and soccer may be needed.
  • Community organizing will be important.
  • Temporary fencing OK to protect turf when needed.
  • Permanent fencing to protect turf is not desirable.
  • Does the PB have the money to pay for programming and maintenance? How does this cost affect other services in the neighborhood?
  • Are there alternative turf options that are more resilient?
  • Grass is a better solution and more affordable than artificial turf (needs to be replaced every five years at $250K .
  • EPIC wants to know if funding is needed, and would like to help.

SPECIAL MOTION: (BP, CW) Passed. We accept and endorse the plan for the fields, and we favor grass over artificial turf and we favor education for the community regarding stewardship of these fields over a huge fence to keep everyone out of the fields. Further, we commit ourselves and will encourage neighborhood elders to foster stewardship of these fields among all residents using these resources. We thank the park board and county for doing this for the neighborhood.

6:30    Introduction:
·        Greetings and Introductions
·         Approval of Agenda (no vote)
·         Minutes from EPIC General Membership Meeting 2/17/2011 (no vote)

7:30        New Classes in the Park and Partnerships: Art Classes, Youth Martial Arts, Basic Soccer and Basketball, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Pottery Classes and more. Al Bangoura and Brad Pass
Park Board is programming based on community need. Continuing to ask people to complete surveys about use of the building, programming, adult, senior, preschool, youth, sports, etc. Seeking quality partnerships with organizations that bring expertise and knowledge.

Science, Arts, Music and Technology
  • Institute of Production and Recording. Audio engineering, record CD's, create covers, same technology industry uses
  • Screen Printing. A local teacher
  • Music - we want to bring music into this neighborhood. Partner with McPhail Music
  • New Kiln. Pottery programs
Family Programming
  • Family Night - Wednesdays. The whole building. Parent-Tot Time - afternoons
  • Baseball, Soccer camp, Basketball camp, Girls Softball, Golf, Tennis
  • Rotunda was created especially for seniors to come in and sit down during the day,
  • Any rooms can be booked for programming
  • International Neighbor Women's Tea Time
  • Senior exercise
  • Climbing opportunities for children
7:40      Phillips Community Center Partnership and Swimming Pool – Minneapolis Swims receives 501©(3).                  
             Bill submitted to the legislature by Rep. Karen Clark. Hand outs,  Q & A, Next Steps

Distributed Minneapolis Swims Facts on Swimming including map of Metro Area and indoor/outdoor pools. There is a bonding bill that is being put forward to fund our pool.

6:40    Announcements:
  • NRP Task Force – If you want join this committee, Contact Carol Pass, 612- 280-8418
  • Discuss greater participation
  • focus groups, helping, taking minutes
  • Meeting times will be announced, and will be arranged to match schedules of committee members.
  • EPIC NPI  Grant Received $10,000 granted and received. EPIC won this grant over 43 other applicants. about 3-4 grants were given out.
7:50        NRP Phase II Survey: Business & Resident Survey
Distributed Resident Survey and EPIC discussed and presented ideas for the Future Action Plan EPIC projects, and the need to contract Phase II monies before the city tries to take away the other half of our NRP allocation. Everyone did the survey and expressed opinions,  which they noted on their forms. EPIC will try to follow the tight time line in the Participation Agreement, Survey will continue, trends determined and a DRAFT NRP PHASE II ACTION PLAN will be offered for early review at  the April 14th EPIC community meeting.

MOTION: (CP, CW) Passed. Contact the head of clinic and city officials and others (possibly Alina) and request that they do everything in their power to bring our clinic back.

8:00        Housing and Redevelopment Update: 
  • Greenway Apartments - EPIC’s Final NRP Building Project
  • Habitat House: 2428 16TH Ave. S. apparently was sold today.
  • 2620 17th Ave. S. (PRG is looking at it.) - very nice but needs a lot of rehab.
8:10        Opening of the Community Garden: 

Notice of first garden meeting April 9 at 9 am has gone out to the former gardeners. There will be several lots available, send an email to Brad at bpass The soil has been maintained organic. The plot fee will be about $35 per plot if it remains the same as last year. Goal is to keep the garden affordable for all.

8:15        Crime Concerns and Other Livability Issues:

Distributed a map of the impact on Minneapolis Neighborhood NRP Funds. The map clearly shows that all of the 15 neighborhoods that have lost over $4.1M, will receive only $787,016 in property tax relief. All of the neighborhoods receiving over $2.1M in property tax relief will lose less than $1.4M in NRP funding.
SH: An innocent victim of a shooting several years ago, passed away from complications of the shooting. Asked that EPIC send condolences to the mother of the victim.

8:25       Getting ready for the Annual Meeting Volunteers??? Board membership?? On April 30th

We need a couple new board members. Contact Carol to obtain an application and agreement. Meetings are scheduled the 2nd Thursday of each month.
8:30       Adjournment:

March 5, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 03-05

March 5th, 2011, 10:00 am
Welna Hardware Board Room
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present: Carol Pass, Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Earl Simms,
Residents: Brad Pass, Chiffon Williams, Rep. Karen Clark
Guests: Kasa Hohenstein, American Indian OIC student, Brad Pass. Tim Lott,

10:00    Introduction:
·     Approval of Agenda (approved)
·        Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 2/5/2011 (approved)

10:10    Announcements
·         EPIC General Membership Meeting, March 10th THURSDAY
·         At the new EPPCCC, 6:30 pm
·         Every 2nd Thursday is reserved for EPIC from 6:00 - 9:00 PM for the next 5 years.
·         Check out the slide show of the Grand Opening of the East Phillips Park Community Center on our website, The web address is EastPhillips-EPIC

10:20    Park Board Public Meeting to Review the Athletic Field Designs

Even if we have to make slightly smaller than Olympic size playing fields, all groups would compromise to accommodate separate playing fields for baseball and baseball (as opposed to overlapping fields.) There will be one baseball field and two soccer fields. The soccer fields can also be used together to create an Olympic sized field. All parties have come on board with this plan, and now the Park Board asked EPIC to hold a public meeting. The Park Board will take the first 15-20 minutes of the Mar. 10 EPIC meeting.

Discussed fencing. There is going to be a problem with overuse of these facilities. Critical importance is to maintain these fields - grass, etc. The Park Board will be in favor of fencing in order to facilitate scheduling of use, watering, and maintenance. There will be some fencing along the highway side. Other fencing has not been discussed in terms of restricting access to the fields.
Motion: (CP, RC) EPIC will clarify the PB's intentions regarding fencing, prior to the hearing, and forward them the questions that came up at this meeting. Passed.
 Fencing, overuse, scheduling, public availability.
10:30     Park Programs that are going…and new ones coming...EPIC youth programs.
EPIC submitted a grant application to CURA/NPI for $10,000 to assist the Somali Amer Community(SAC), EPIC and Midtown neighborhoods agree in the grant to organize to identify and prioritize problems, carry out solutions, and build leadership in the community. CP pointed out we may not get this grant. At present the Somalis are facing a lot of issues. CP suggests that we begin our plan to collaborate with various groups as stated in our CPP Plan, especially SAC.

Motion: (LL/JB)  EPIC agrees to assist the Somali American Community (SAC)by collaborating in community organizing to seek solutions for their issues and assist in their youth sports, crime control and other issues by forming an agreement for use of the 2011 CPP funding of $2,000 set aside for this purpose in our CPP grant. Passed

Security Concerns, some gangs turning up at the basket ball courts..warm weather. Some bullying

Motion: (LL, JB) EPIC requests that the park issue adult ID's for this CSA for the purpose of tracking adult participation, encouraging family participation, increasing security, notification of programs, and registration of programs. Passed.

Motion: (LL, JB) EPIC encourages our CSA to intentionally schedule and promote family-based, intergenerational programming and activities. Passed.

These motions will be directed to Director of our CSA, Director of EPPCCC, and the PCPI, and ratified by the EGM.
Programming: Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Youth Martial Arts, and Park Board programs are starting to run. EPP Programming Partnership will start in April.

10:30     Phillips Community Pool.

A map of existing pools in the Park system exist in affluent neighborhoods. The map highlights the unequal access of lower income residents to a foundational life skill for health, safety and education through swimming. Support for bonding/funding for the Phillips Community Pool is being solicited and is looking hopeful.

10:35       NRP Business  Survey and Focus Groups  for Phase II -

Jenny and Chiffon are making good progress on the business survey, as well as publicizing the activities of EPIC. CP distributed copies of the final residents' survey and asked for comments to be submitted to CP. CW reported that the home-daycare operators expressed much more concern about neighborhood issues, as they are living in the neighborhood as well as operating businesses in the neighborhood. Surveying and outreach going well.

10:50       NRP Legislation:
The neighborhoods on the NRP policy board have drafted a bill to try to lobby through the legislature to stop the city from taking money from all the neighborhoods. We are going to work on lobbying, Sen. Kelash (Senate), Rep. Mullery (House) are authors. The next step, if this fails, is to file a lawsuit.

11:00     Housing and Redevelopment-  
·   Greenway Apartments-
·      reviewed several plans proposed by BKV group, discussed suggestions for improvement.
·   2620 17th Avenue S.-
·      Nice house - it has 4 br, large yard, nat. woodwork. working with PRG to try to save.
·      Motion: (CP, JB) EPIC supports saving existing housing in East Phillips and having time to find developers to rehab. Passed.
·         2428 16th Avenue S.-
·         City owns this house and wants to sell to Habitat for tear-down and replacement.
·        EPIC's questions: is there a garage? can the roof-line conform to EPIC goals. is it worth it to tear down   a house to replace it?
·         CP and Brad will request access to the existing building.
·         Motion: (CP, JB) EPIC will amend our Housing Requirements to include energy conservation and green development. Passed.

11:15     Opening of the garden listserve

The first garden meeting will be April 9th at 9 AM at the garden. Must be there to sign up for a lot. CP expressed hope that the garden committee would encourage diversity in the group of gardeners.

11:25    Getting ready for the Annual Meeting - We hope to hold the annual meeting on April 30th at the new park building. We have funds this year for music and food this year.
11: 30    Adjournment