July 14, 2020

EPIC Community Meeting 7-9

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes
July 9th, 2020, 6:30 – 8:50
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Email: epic.ssantiago@gmail.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Cassie Holmes, Laura Dale, Carol Pass, Sarah Santiago, Steve Sandberg
Board Members Not Present: Mary Gonsior (E), Rosie Cruz (E), Shontal Lajeunesse (U), Abah Mohamed (U)
Members: Michael Green, Linda Leonard
Guests: Shirley Heyer

6:30     Social Time

6:45     Greetings and Introductions
6:50     Approve tonight’s agenda CP, LD, amended, approved
Approve minutes from June community meeting, LD, CP, approved

6:55     Announcements

·       Next Board Meeting will be: Thursday, August 6th at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom TBD
o   Board Meetings are open to the public
·       Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, August 13th at 6:30 at East Phillips Park or via Zoom TBD
·       Next Executive Committee meeting is Thursday July 16th from 7-8pm at the EPIC office or via Zoom TBD
o   Executive Committee meetings are the third Thursday of every month
o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
·      EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to: mncee.org/eastphillips
·      If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report
o   Write down your incident number
·      Every Saturday until August 1 from 4-6pm at 2618 16th Ave S a group of neighbors will be holding community discussions on different topics that may include processing the changes around safety and policing in our city; learning about models for keeping each other safe that other communities are using etc. Check out www.thebonnydoon.org for more information/updates
6:53     Speed bumps – we were told by the city that there is a moratorium on speed bumps – but Powderhorn is getting new speed bumps, and the city is supposedly paying for them
o   This might be the time for East Phillips – ideas on this?
o   Verify that the speed bumps in Powderhorn are free
o   What city policies are in place? Has the moratorium on speed bumps ended?
§  Depending on the answers from the city:
·      Make a policy for our neighborhood
o   Past EPIC policy - if the block can come up with half of the money EPIC will try to fund the remainder
·      Inform our neighborhood and move forward
o   Idea of contacting the city about curving streets like done in other parts of the city so cars cannot flow through
7:08     Neighbors have taken over 18th Ave between Lake and 29th Ave
o   Neighbors are saying that MPD video surveillance that is not being monitored
§  Kali Pliego wrote that the camera is functional and records
§  It is not constantly monitored, but can be used in investigations
7:20     Update on Roof Depot site
o   CEAC (Community Environmental Advisory Commission) meeting
§  CEAC is trying to go to bat for us
§  In 2015 they had opposed the city taking over the Roof Depot site because it endangers East Phillips resident’s health further and contradicts the Southside Green Zone
§  Cam Gordon sat in on the CEAC meeting
7:48     Hi-Lake and Minnehaha mall re-development plans
o   City is planning with the top people about how to redevelop Hi-Lake without including neighborhood
o   Whole Hi-Lake was burnt out
o   Invite Wellington to board meeting as well as Bergemann as well as Longfellow, Corcoran and Seward
8:24     Adjourn

July 7, 2020

EPIC Board Meeting 7-2

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes
July 2nd, 2020, 7pm– 9pm
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Email: epic.ssantiago@gmail.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418
Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago
Board Members Not Present: Cassandra Holmes (E), Shontal Lajeunesse (E), Rosie Cruz (U), Abah Mohamend (U)
Members: Brad Pass
Guests: Shirley Heyer
7:10     Agenda Approval, Approved 
Minutes Approval, LD, StS, Approved
7:05     Announcements
·      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, July 9th at 6:30 at East Phillips Park or via Zoom TBD
·      Next Board Meeting will be: Thursday, August 6th at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom TBD
o   Board Meetings are open to the public
·      Next Executive Committee meeting will be: July 16th at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom TBD
o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month
·      EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to: mncee.org/eastphillips
·      If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report
o   Write down your incident number
·      Every Saturday until August 1 from 4-6pm at 2618 16th Ave S a group of neighbors will be holding community discussions on different topics that may include processing the changes around safety and policing in our city; learning about models for keeping each other safe that other communities are using etc. Check out www.thebonnydoon.org for more information/updates
7:15     Community garden – discussion about a boulevard community garden available for anyone who walks by outside the EPIC Community Garden was tabled to board meeting from community meeting
·      EPIC community garden will not be involved
·      Sarah has volunteered to host it on her boulevard, she is in contact with Michelle Shaw about this – they are waiting on the arsenic test (already heard back on lead, salt etc tests)
7:18     How should we do outreach to get community feedback about police attending EPIC’s community meetings in the future?
o   Conduct door knocking with training times/dates
§  Include questions:
·      What do you think about police attending EPIC community meetings?
·      Would you like to be on the EPIC email list?
o   A volunteer has come forward to coordinate outreach in East Phillips – idea to make a spreadsheet where people can sign up for door knocking
o   Notify volunteer of privacy policy
o   EPIC agrees that door knocking to distribute flyers on trainings and ask question about police attending EPIC community meetings is important, Mary and Sarah will meet to further discuss this
7:23     Neighborhood Outreach
·      How many emails are on the EPIC membership list? - Around 300
o   Is there a way to test the emails using a free service (trial for example?)
§  Here are two options from TechSoup:
(free trial)
free emails (up to 10,000 per month)
§  Go with the second link
·      Tell Amy to add button to website for people to sign up for email list
o   If our list isn’t that accurate anymore, what can we do to fix it?
§  Facebook (81 followers)
§  Website
§  Door knocking/flyer
§  Other?
7:40     Zoom account
·      Do we have a new Zoom account just for EPIC?
·      Mary and Brad did not connect about this
·      Mary will pay for the Zoom account and submit the invoice
7:43     Community trainings
·      Any organizations you have heard of doing trainings that EPIC should contact?
·      Sarah is in contact with several people for de-escalation trainings – possibly make it a series? As well as someone who does empowerment self-defense
o   Carol and Sarah have been talking about how to compensate the trainers since not all of them are a business.
o   Bring bucket of pens for waivers, so people can sign waiver and put pen in ‘used’ pile
o   De-escalation/self defense trainings:
§  Question of whether they have insurance and doing a criminal background check to protect EPIC. What do they do about liability?
·      Bios retracted for privacy reasons
·      Narcan training – Cassie is currently unavailable – Southside Harm Reduction is hosting a drop in training every other week that started Monday, June 29th – watch their social media for more info. Should Sarah re-connect with Southside Harm Reduction to set up a Narcan training until Cassie can do one? Sarah could see if Southside could do a sharps training as well to learn how to properly dispose of sharps
o   Sarah will contact Southside about this and plan to move forward with Cassie when she is ready
·      If trainings are in August, be sure to put it in Alley by July 15th!
8:08     Check in on job description and employee handbook
·      Mary sent edits of job description to Carol
·      Carol is waiting to hear from legal person, Jess
8:09     What do we want put in EPICs Alley post?
·      Trainings
·      Zoom meetings
·      Housing program
8:00     Additions to community meeting draft agenda – nothing on agenda currently
·      Hi-Lake development plans – invite Wellington to meeting
·      Partner with pwd and Lake Street Council
·      Speed bumps – we were told moratorium on speed bumps – but Powderhorn is getting new speed bumps, and the city is paying for them
o   This might be the time for this
·      Neighbors take over of 18th Ave between Lake and 29th Ave
o   MPD video surveillance that is not being monitored