July 3, 2010

Board Meeting Minutes 07 - 03

July 3rd, 2010, 10:00 am
Welna Hardware

10:00             Introduction:
·          Approval of Agenda
·               agenda approved
·      Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting 6/5/2010
      minutes approved
·      Attendance: Carol, Mary, Earl, Linda, Hannah
·      Absent: Rosie, Mohammed, Jennie, Tim

10:10    Announcements
·      EPIC General Membership Meeting, July 12th
·      Parade of gardens: East Phillips showcases our garden, August 21st, Saturday, 10:00 am
·      Hazardous Waste Pick-Up, July 24th, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm,  Stuff goes to Phillips Community Center Lot

10:15   East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center Situation: Brad
·      Pollution Issue – What happened??
            Grants were obtained from the County and State for funding to get rid of asbestos, Brad wrote grants.             Carol worked with Rep. Clark and Sen. Berglin make this happen. Lobbying the State Auditor was     necessary to override Pawlenty’s objections.
·      Kitchen furnishings still not funded including the range hood, the fire suppression system, and makeup air system, nor rain gardens.
         NRP Dollars – Toward the building??  EPIC will receive another $50,000 from NRP, should we spend it                    on the kitchen?  Board recommends this go on agenda for general membership to propose NRP money  for kitchen.
         Motion: Board will bring up using NRP money for kitchen at next general membership meeting
                  LL, ES. Passed unanimously
·      Costs appear to be going up a lot with each change order, should we talk to park board?
         Board will write a letter to park board asking to see Rochon contract change clause and ask park board to enforce original bid. 
         Mary will edit letter, use terms we accepted your offer in “good faith”,
·      Partnership Agreements??
         21 organizations signed up to provide programming.  Park board doesn't have money to put in          programming.  Of 21 partners, 14 or 15 submitted to park staff, MPRB will show what they are          anticipating for programming to create scheduling, this partnership agreement could be the wave of the          future with MPRB and communities, cut down expenses, increase programming, increase volunteerism

10:30   Phillips Community Center:  
·      Issues with the RFP and Waite House
            The final Waite House proposal differs significantly from the one supported by EPIC at our June 14th  Community meeting. It also differs from the Guiding Principles based by the Board and General Membership meeting of neighborhoods have been cut out of decision-making and control, this is not the agreement that EPIC supported. Sub-leasers don't have power, Waite house has pulled out of collaboration and are going to present own proposal to the Park Board. Neighborhoods (the three) have gotten together and created a new draft, position paper with proposal included.
         Motion: EPIC board rejects the Waite House proposal draft 2 and the master lease concept in favor of the original collaborative proposal of a partnership with the neighborhoods, park board csa, a wellness collaborative, and the Waite House as passed at the June 5th EPIC Board meeting and the June 14th EPIC Community Meeting of June 14th.  CP, ES  Passed unanimously.
         Motion: Position paper plus proposal, changed to restore operation of pool in its entirety, the rest of the proposal will be tweaked.  LL, ES Passed unanimously.
         Saving the Pool Progress

10:50   2600 17th Ave Proposed Apartment Building, Other Developments
·      Other possible building arrangement, zoning and funding issues. Francisco
·      Apartment at 2908 16th, NSP funding issues
·      Foreclosed buildings?

         Motion: Since EPIC supports consistency with the city's recent new zoning rulings supporting R2b in the internal core of the neighborhood and higher density on our corridors, the EPIC Board unanimously opposes any plan that violates the R2b zoning for the interior core of the East Phillips neighborhood. Therefore EPIC opposes the plan for the Alliance 20 unit 3-story apartment building at 2600-2606 17th Ave. S.  LL, ES. passed unanimously.

Neighbors are requesting faster and more thorough action on foreclosed properties to try to stop rapid purchase and sloppy partial rehab or non-rehab by unscrupulous landlords or purchase and resale of carelessly rehabbed houses by real estate agents. This has a negative impact on the future housing viability of the neighborhood.
         Motion: The EPIC Board supports the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, NSP, funding to be made available to both City-approved non-profit and for-profit groups seeking to restore foreclosed properties.  Linda, earl  passed unanimous

11:10   Xcel Energy's High Voltage Transmission Line Routes & Substations:
·         Negotiated Settlement: in progress
·     100,000 for Solar on  EP Park Center roof ? Roof will not support, may it be put on the side? EPIC needs to research this.

11: 15   Report on MPCA’s mini-conference on: Cumulative Levels and Effects for Air Permits
             Paint Sprayer Building
            The MPCA has been requested to do the Cumulative Impact Study required by the Clark/Berglin Law. The Met. Council is apparently suing to be allowed to put their paint spraying facility in the half-mile radius disallowed in the law. EPIC has a fear that, if the study is completed, the law will cease to stop additional polluting facilities from coming into the Phillips neighborhood. The EPIC Board believes that, if a facility adds additional pollution to the air of Phillips, which when added to the existing level of pollution, reaches beyond the toxic level, the current law, as it is, will fail to stop the permitting of that new facility, since all that is required is that the Cumulative Impact Study is completed, not that there be any greater stringency on the level of pollution that is permitable. This needs resolution.
            Motion: The EPIC Board will request that Representative Clark and Senator Berglund to amend their law to state that if the existing cumulative level of pollution plus the new additional pollution of a new facility will raise a pollutant to a toxic level, the facility cannot be permitted. This includes additional micro-particles of 2.5 and smaller.  CP, ES,  Passed unanimously.

11: 20            Stewart Park and other Soccer Fields: EPIC Board requests that the new soccer fields not be             administered in such a way that they lock out the neighborhood children from playing on them..           

11: 30    Adjournment