September 4, 2010

Board Meeitng Minutes 09 - 04

September 4th, 2010, 10:00 am
Welna Hardware

 Present: Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Jenny Bjorgo, Tim Chancey, Linda Leonard, Rosie Cruz

Called to Order: 10:30 am

10:00             Introduction:
·         Approval of Agenda (JB, TC) passed

10:10    Announcements
·      EPIC General Membership Meeting, September 13th
·      NCEC Informational Meetings- Thursday, September 9th, 6-8 pm, Van Cleve Park
                                     Thursday, September 30, 6-8 pm North Commons Park
·      Clean Sweep – Saturday, October 9th
·      Garden Harvest Party – Probable Date, Saturday, October 16th
·      Garden Harvest Party – Probable Date, Saturday, October 16th

10:15    East Phillips Park Center: Update, Floor Colors, Kitchen Money,  Rain Gardens, final excavation. We              hope there is no problem with additional pollution.

Still on track for building completion this year. January to be Open-House, February begin programming. The big things left: excavating for the three rain gardens and the parking lot. Encouraging Park Board to get into the grant writing procedure for next year in case we find pollution and have to postpone these items. The fields have $200,000 for renovation which is not enough. Will only remove the asphalt trail. Park Board is renegotiating cost of hauling pollution away - we are very close to buying the kitchen components, and we still need about $15,000; less than before; we are getting closer. Several current partners are involved with healthy food and nutrition. Still need to find a floor color that doesn't clash the awning.

10:30   Phillips Community Center: New Floor Plan, Issues with the RFP and PUC/Waite House, A waiting game

Directors read Bob Albee's report on the Phillips Community Parks Initiative August 2010, and reviewed updated floor plans. Parties interested in PCC met again on Aug. 31, and learned that Pillsbury United - Waite House didn't need all the space they were requesting. This led to a determination and decision that it wasn't in the interest of the community to allow one tenant to sublease; and instead reinforced commitment to work together as partners to implement a PCC that serves all the community. Cecil Smith (VV), Brad and Francisco (WH) met to figure out what is the bottom line for PUC/WH. Based on the concern that PUC/WH might go off on their own and ask for all the space at PCC, VV plans a meeting

MOTION: (JB, TC) Passed
Whereas the idea behind the coalition of four neighborhoods and PUC/WH and Wellness Center is to present a very strong, united front to the Park Board so that we can actually control the PCC building, and whereas it has recently become questioned whether PUC/WH is still on board, therefore EPIC joins the neighborhoods in preparing to write letters withdrawing support for PUC/WH, but only if PUC/WH withdraws from the unified coalition.

10:45   2600-2606 17th Ave. PROPOSAL FOR APARTMENT of 20 UNITS of  HOMELESS HOUSING by Alliance             of the Streets. Drug activity there. Met Council grant? Gary Schiff’s position? MOTiON: letter to Met.             Council

EPIC will write a letter to Met Council objecting to this proposal. We are supposed to have a tour of Alliance's buildings. Tim, Linda and Carol will coordinate on a tour.

11:00   NCEC Guidelines: MOTION: Number of Housing Units Irrelevant in deciding money dispersal
Distributed guidelines (also sent by email.)

MOTION: (CP, JB) Passed
EPIC opposes use of numbers of housing unit for funding allocations by NCEC Guidelines.

11: 15   Board Member Duties- Responsibilities:  Hannah’s resignation           

MOTION: (LL, The motion failed for lack of a second.)
EPIC will not accept Hannah's resignation from the board, but remove her from the office of Secretary.

MOTION: (JB, RC) Passed with one opposed
EPIC will accept Hannah's resignation and will seek a replacement board director.


Clean Sweep – Saturday, October 9th
MOTION: (JB, ES) Passed
EPIC will provide $300 toward purchasing T-shirts for Clean Sweep.

FANS - Teen Development
Students participating in their program receive $1,000 grants to attend college. Four components of program address known factors affecting college attendance (pregnancy, jobs, etc.) Depending on finances, they will admit student from 8th grade through 11th grade. Ideal length of program is four years.
Motion: (MG, TC) Passed
EPIC will provide $1,000 in 2010 for the FANS program.

Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting 8/7/2010
(JB, TC) Passed

Board Duties and Responsibilities
Reviewed Bylaws page 9, Duty of Loyalty.

11: 30    Adjournment