June 4, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 06-04

June 4th, 2011, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present: Carol Pass, Chiffon Williams, Jenny Bjorgo, Mary Gonsior, Steve Struthers, Earl Simms
Guests: Brad Pass, Ruby Levine

10:00    Introduction:
·        Approval of Agenda (approved)
·        Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 4/2/2011 (pending)

10:10    Announcements: 
·         Important: Legislative Review of NRP Funding with south Mpls. Legislators. June 7, Pearl Park, 7:00 to 8:30 pm 414 Diamond Lake Road
·         EPIC General Membership Meeting Thursday, June 9th, 6:30 pm at the East Phillips Park Center
·         Report on the Park Board’s work on the tornado damage. Write notes of thanks and also to Council            Member Gary Schiff.
·         Elector needed for NCEC election (toward the end of June)
·         Upcoming Meeting of the Neighborhood and Community Engagement Commissions (NCEC)
·         Wed. June 8, 2011 5-6:00 pm, EPPCCC
·         Enjoy outdoor music and movies in Minneapolis parks all summer long. Go to www.minneapolisparks.org for more information.

10:20     Community Energy Use Strategies:  Ruby Levine of Cooperative Energy Futures will stand in for Timothy DHT to explain possible strategies to teach wise energy use to immigrants and other Phillips residents. Work on ideas to implement the motion from our last meeting.
MOTION: The leadership of EPIC will confer with the leadership of Timothy DHT/"Our Power through Community Action" about the possibility of writing a contract with a list of specific deliverables, to be presented for approval to the membership of EPIC in June. (CP, BP)  Motion passed.
I conferred….See EPIC Minutes from May 12th
Recommended action?

CEF - EPIC collaboration? Should EPIC find small organizations that can help EPIC get all the work done that we want to do?
  • Working with residents on how to improve energy efficiency, providing energy products and services to people who would not be able to afford them otherwise.
  • EPIC might provide funding for CEF to go into a building and educate residents.
  • Workshops help people learn how to use the products, and understand how to save energy/money

As we move out of NRP, EPIC should become a model of how neighborhood organizations can address the diversity issue and can address the geographic uniqueness issue, can address bringing different ethnic groups together, instead of balkanizing of them, providing horizontal democratic governance and participation, rather than vertical.

In this scenario, CEF gets some money, and is associated with a pretty good neighborhood with a good reputation; EPIC gets prestige, and achieves our goal of supporting small organizations that help us build the horizontal connections we desire.

Motion: LL, CF (passed) CEF will provide a proposal on Monday for Board comments, and final presentation to the GMM on Thursday.

10:35    Report on Meeting with Robert Thompson to determine contracting for services.

A sample "contract for services" will be distributed to board members by email.

10:50    Housing Task Force meeting.  Consider  contracting with Doug Wise or ? to help us research and set up plan for NRP Phase II . Housing Rehab support, grant writing with CEE, foreclosure work, etc.

Motion: (LL, CF) passed. Set aside $5,000 for with housing consultants to put together a plan for NRP phase II.

11:15    Work on Met. Council Facilities and Pollution Issues. Report on meeting

The Met Council wants to put a Rail Car paint spraying facility right next to Little Earth housing. They also want to put another polluting facility right next to Cedar Riverside towers. While anyone wanting to build a polluting business, they must adhere to intense and expensive studies to report on the cumulative effect of pollution. We SHOULD have required that they be prevented from exceeding recommended safe levels.

Motion: (LL, ES) passed. Obtain a full copy of the study, and the technical support documents for immediate review, for the purpose of potential expression of concerns.

11:25    Report on NRP Review and Plan Progress 

CP has been tied up with the legislature, but hopes to have some time in the next couple weeks to make progress on the NRP Review and Phase II plan.

Neighborhood noise and zoning ordinances
Police, Zoning, licensing, housing inspections, city council, Gary Schiff, Mpls. Health Department

11: 30    Adjournment