August 6, 2011

Board Meeting Minutes 08-06

August 6th,  2011, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present: Carol Pass, Linda Leonard, Rosie Cruz, Earl Sims, Jenny Bjorgo, Steve S, Mary Gonsior

10:00    Introduction:
·          Approval of Agenda  approved.
·         Minutes from EPIC Board Meeting Minutes  7/02/2011 (computer died, minutes were lost. Steve will forward his copy of minutes from July.)

10:10    Announcements: 
·         Garden Party Today, 3:00 pm at East Phillips 17th Ave Garden, Support the Garden
·         EPIC General Membership Meeting Thursday, August 11th, 6:30 pm at the East Phillips Park Center
·         “Bridging Phillips” Progressive Festival, Saturday, August 13th , All Day!
·         LAST Community Meeting w/ MPCA re: Metro Transit Maintenance Facility Permit and          Cumulative Risk , TUESDAY, August 9th, 9:00- 11:00 am, American Indian OIC, in the Library
   1845 East Franklin Avenue,  who can go??
·         Phillips “Clean Sweep” Saturday, October 8th.
·         Meeting with McKnight, this Thursday night

10:20     “Our Power” Report: About 30 home visits and presentation to families about energy efficiency have been completed with positive responses. They will present results at next Thursdays’ meeting.

EPIC will work with them about “organization” and “communication’. They have interns, and it has been difficult to connect with them.

10: 25    Hi-Lake Triangle Apartments – Issue of neighborhood input. Info so far. Meeting to set up. Peter             Mclaughlin’s response, Discussion. Core Principles.

The community planning and development staff have been difficult to work with. The TIF deal that would help finance the Hi-Lake apartments requires a series of city council actions and 45 day review. This process will mean at a minimum of 90-120 days to finalize. The project will require final bond approval which will go to CD and city council. It does NOT require a public hearing for approval. EPIC doesn’t really have any way to intervene on this project, EPIC will work with the developers to encourage engagement of the neighborhood so that there is a helpful relationship in place for future projects in the neighborhood, where EPIC approval is required.

MOTION: (SEE minutes from special meeting.) Bring to the GMM on Thursday for approval.

10:30   Contract with Shirley Heyer, Grant Writing, Meeting Attendance and reports, etc. Too many meetings require keeping track of  big issues. CP needs help of a person who knows the issues, has good reporting skills. No time to train. EPIC can do this as a board if it is only up to $1,000.
Motion: Endorse the agreement in principle, with amendments. Agree to contract with Shirley for two months (Aug. and Sept.) for $500 per month. CP, RC, Motion passed.

10:50   Youth Issues – Tae Kwan Do, Youth Soccer (Sign-up Sheets), CPP budget (our grant)
EPIC passed the CPP budget as a community and money is being spent according to the budget. Also regarding Mahamed Cali, Somali American Community Org. One of our collaborating ventures. He is organizing youth soccer, immigrant resettlement,  Somali moms and autistic kids, mostly East Phillips residents.

10:50   Housing Development:  Discussion, Analysis, Housing Rehab Support Loan, Doug Wise, CEE,
            Separate Task force meeting
CP passed out an RFP for providing administrative services for a housing rehab grant program. Board recognized additional help is needed to develop a housing rehab program as well as select an organization, and individual to help research and guide the writing of the program. A hand-out called “rehabilitation program choices” was passed out and discussion was whether we want to consider these items. They were offered by Doug Wise as other additional avenues to help our housing situation. This is the beginning of the process to restart EPIC’s effort at moving our healthy housing effort forward, to be completed and presented to GMM in September. Full notice to public in August.
Motion: EPIC approves proposal from Doug Wise and approves use of returned Phase One contracted funds, some noted in Barb Lickness’s report for this purpose. (LL,JB) passed.

11:10    Foundry Report -

CP distributed a report on issues learned from Environmental Services. While the foundry told Carol that there was no application for a permit at this time, Steve reported that over a decade ago, the city stated that the foundry had already outgrown its site. In spite of this, Steve met with GS who said that the foundry has submitted a permit application to expand their ability to store sand (a larger tank.) Next steps: find out about the permit; find out about employees (local?);

11:25    “Bridging Phillips” Progressive Festival- Our part??

A special festival celebrating the four neighborhoods in Phillips will be held August 13.

Motion: EPIC will contribute up to $800 on the festival from the CPP fund.CP, ES, Motion passed (one abstain, RC)

11: 30    Adjournment