September 8, 2011

General Membership Meeting Minutes 09-08

September 8, 2011, 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center 
2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Attendance: Board Members: Steve Struthers, Jennie Bjorgo, Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Rosie Cruz,
         Linda Leonard,
         EPIC Members: Addi Batica, Elsa Batica, Kim Hayden, Al Bangoura, Margaret Castaway, Ayman Nakhla, Hannah Lieder, Brad Pass, Jose Alvarez, Stephanie Allen, Mahamed Cali, Hindoto Pokawa, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Desirae Bowker, Carlyle Bowker, Troy Menenger, , Alfonso Cruz

6:30   Introduction:
·        Greetings and Introductions
·        Motion: Meet as a Committee of the Whole (BP, JB; Passed)
·         Approval of Agenda
·        Minutes from EPIC 8/11 /2011 General Membership Meeting     
·        Quorum achieved, (CP, JB; passed)

6:40    Announcements:
·          Report “Bridging Phillips” August 13th, Saturday, A Celebration of our Connections on our one Connecting Street, 24th St.
·         Final Review of NRP Phase II Plan at Next Monthly EPIC Meeting, Oct. 13, 2011
o   There needs to be neighborhood-wide notification of the vote. Flyers, ads
o   We have done sufficient communication, surveys and more. But, we want to do MORE than what is required. We are concerned that there is political pressure to “stall out” EPIC’s Phase II plan. We want to be so thorough that there can be no reason to stall our completion.
·         CLEAN SWEEP, Saturday Oct. 8, 2011 (Flyer distributed)
·         Basilica Songs of Hope, Readings & Songs from Many Traditions, Saturday Sept. 10th, 7:00 PM to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.
·         Cepro Site Celebration Oct. 6th 5 to 6:30, Open House on the site, Community ribbon cutting, music, refreshments
o   New “accessible” park near Abbott Hospital
·         Reopening of the Running Wolf Fitness Center in the restored Phillips Community Center, 2323 11th Ave S, This Month! No date yet, but hoping for September.

7:00        Preparation for EPIC’s NRP Phase II Housing Rehab Support Deferred Loans for East Phillips          Residents, RFP:
            Q&A, Final Approval for this. (Board recommended CEE as provider.)
Motion: Ratify Board motion: Approve the Draft Housing Rehab Proposal dated 8/8/2011 to carry out Phase II Housing Rehab Program. (CP, JB; passed.) EPIC will try to contract this as soon as possible.

7:20      Housing consultant Proposal, Board motion:
Motion: Ratify Board  & community motion: Accept the proposal from Doug Wise (PRG) in Response to our       RFP. This includes the $4,200 fee to come from consolidated Phase I funds. ( JB, LL) Passed. Time line        may need amending.

7:30     Motion: Ratify Board motion: Close the old People of Phillips NRP Contract and become recipients of 22.69% of the remaining dollars (JB, BP; passed)

7:35      Programs for Kids:
We have a lot of kids, and we have a lot of needs. We have a lot of people who want to meet these needs. How can we bring together the people and resources needed to provide activities and programs for kids? What can EPIC do? Can we write grants? Can we provide money? Can we provide expertise? EPIC has done what it can to
support all these efforts to carry out these projects. Al B is coming with a request for a Rock Climbing Club; this is an example of the kind of requests that we expect to continue receiving, and we want to respond in ways that help get these programs funded and running.

Rock Climbing Club:
Al Bangoura: The Park has invested $6M into various programs for youth, along with local employers. They, like EPIC, try to always leverage their funds to bring in additional funding. The park needs help to continue to expand programming, they need financial support from many to continue and grow these programs. The Rock Climbing program is very exciting; but there is a cost: transportation club participates, equipment, etc.
Jennifer:   shared how this “club” got started. Kids learn safety, responsibility, problem solving, physical strength, focus mentally, coordination, balance, self-reliance. The list goes on…The $400 for access passes, and $200 for transportation. The Park is underwriting the other costs involved.

Motion: EPIC will provide $600, $400 for passes, $200 transportation from CPP Funds to the Park for the EPPCCC Rock Climbing Club. (LL, JB; Passed)

8:15      EPIC/NRP Draft Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan:
Passed out the short version of the plan(both versions have been available for some time, short version online).

There are two numbers listed on the document. The plan proposes how to spend NPR phaseII money if NRP had dispersed all the money originally allocated to NRP Phase II, there is also a second column with different amounts listed in case EPIC only receive the smaller amount of money.

We want to approve the plan with both numbers so that we are ready in the case of whatever amounts gets approved.

Questions were raised as to how the plan A and plan B would get changed if the whole amount of money was received. Brad stated that after submission and approval, we can alter the plan. Doing so would be an easy process and may make the most sense.

Motion: (Ratify Board motions)  See Carol’s copy of plan…moving $50,000 from Housing Goal 1, obj 3 to obj 2.   and amend the Participation Agreement time table to reflect current timing.
            (cp, mk;  passed.)

Motion: (Ratify Board motions) Pass the EPIC/NRP Draft Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan(Final form, as        amended), for a final vote on Oct. 13, 2011 (LL, MC; passed.)

8:40      Crime  & Problem Properties
Sat Aug 27th, there was a break in at cars at town homes.  There was discussion on ways EPIC could assist town home residents with crime prevention and organization
Cities management runs the association meetings for town homes and residents will contact them for follow up.

Livability issue:  Question was raised about how have some blocks have public trash cans for their blocks along walk ways. –One can get a trash can by calling waste management and must adopt the trash can for 2yrs. Adopting person is  responsible for trash can to be emptied and free of graffiti.
EPIC is writing letters to landlords where we suspect illegal activity: 2520 17th Ave S
Townhouse Association – President
How do we communicate?

9:00     Adjournment