August 4, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes 08-04

Aug. 4, 2012, Saturday, 10:00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Present (board): Jennie Bjorgo, JoseLuis Villasenor, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Chiffon Williams, Rosie Cruz.
Absent: Steve Struthers
Members: Peggy Clark, Brad Pass
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10:00             Introduction:
·      Approval of Agenda (JB, LL: approved)
·      Approval of Minutes from 7/7/12 EPIC Board Meeting (CP, JB; approved)

10:10    Announcements: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting:  Thursday, Aug. 9, 6:30 PM, the East Phillips Park Center,
o   Received request from Peggy Clark for additions to Aug. 9 membership meeting.
·      National Night Out; Aug. 7th, $100 mini-grant for first ten block clubs
·      Clean Sweep T-Shirt Design Youth Contest; give away 400 t-shirts; $25 prize. Contact Brad.
·      Bicicletas event report: huge success; JLV will report on event at general membership.
·      Garden report: No specific plans for Aug. 11; our garden is not on the calendar for the annual “Garden Day” event. EPIC will have an “open house” 11-Noon at the garden on Aug. 11, 2012. Announce at general membership meeting and at block club events.

10:15            Expected to receive Grievance from Michael Green. He did not come or inform us of his future             intentions.

10:17   Money Management Stuff-

Final Expenses for 2011, Insurance, CPP Grant Request from 2011
·      Distributed financial report as of July 19, 2012.
·      We have an unsigned contract for insurance, but we haven’t received an invoice. We should ask for the certificate – he has verbally assured us that we have insurance but we should ask for something in writing.

Report: $17,000 Return on investment-Phase I NRP 1st Time Home Buyers Loans Program
·      Contract termination – Action Item –
Motion: Whereas these funds are already in an appropriate Phase I strategy, EPIC will use this money (from the old CEE contract) to provide Admin dollars for the new CEE contract. (CP, LL; Passed)

10:30            Report on Task Force on New 2012-13 Money

MG submitted a report on the task force meeting held on July 31, 2012.
MOTION: (MG, ES) see notes. Passed.

10:45             Land Use, Development and Environmental Issues:
1)             HiLake Appts Development
CP passed out meeting report (June 16, 2011), EPIC special meeting agenda (July 7, 2011), Project Data Workshops (financing), and concept drawings.

Comment period (comments are due by Sept. 10, 2012) and Public Hearing (1:30 PM on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, Room 317 City Hall). City Council to consider the “Plans” at meeting on Sept. 21, 2012.

2)             Alliance Project, 2600 17th Ave., Bituminous Roadways, Smith Foundry

New Information, Met Council; it appears that it is not true that Alliance has funding in place; it seems to have gotten through the CDC and Alliance was granted an extension on exclusive development rights for the 3rd year in a row, on the basis of this inaccurate report.

Karen Clark suggested we meet with Herb Frye to discuss building a couple duplex’s instead of this large unzoned property.

3)            Bituminous Roadways, Smith Foundry
CP will take to NNO events; May write a Bituminous/Smith Foundry petition.

4)             Abbott Hospital permit change.
Requested but have not received the Tech Support Documents. Abbott did their Cumulative Impact Study but it wasn’t enough – sent back to rework it.
5)            2931 Bloomington Ave.
Looking for a buyer for live work units planned.

11:00   Phase II Housing Contract with CEE
·      Contract sent to city for review
·      Marketing – Brochures for each program or one Brochure?
·      Lottery issue (CEE is required to administer funds “first come, first served”; this would damage the opportunity of the people in the lottery, so we will not be able to do a lottery. EPIC will have to work harder to market these opportunities so that there is more fairness.
o   Viewed 2 sample documents from Seward Neighborhood Group
o   We will design our own materials
·      Need a plan to manage complaints

For review: June’s MOTION: MG, CP. On our scope of work with CEE, we basically state that the neighborhood will do the marketing based on a marketing plan they develop, that reaches underserved people, and the marketing plan will address fairness, and reaching underserved groups. Passed.

11:40            National Night Out: Actions

·      PRG’s foreclosure assistance, marketing materials
·      Running Wolf marketing materials (serving 250 residents of East Phillips)
·      Tamales Y Bicicletas will also be registering voters
·      Alliance petition
Translations: Spanish, Somalian, other?

12:15   Adjournment