April 12, 2014

EPIC 15th Annual Meeting Minutes 04-12

EPIC 15th Annual Meeting Minutes
April 12th, 2014
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center
2307 17th Ave. S.
Attending Board Members: Rosie Cruz, Jennie Bjorgo, Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Ali Micalin, Carol Pass
EPIC Members: Gloria Kordian, Carol June Leonard, Tammy Skinaway, Ishmail Amin, Jessica Rodriguez, Adrian Rodriguez, Hannah Sheu, Harriet Weyhaus, Stephanie Allen, Aden Awil, Twyla Weyhaus Alice Solheim, Brad Pass, Hannah Lieder, Kevin Lieder, Mary-Juanita Leonard, Pat Fleetham, Sherzad Kordian, Paul Dale, Laura Dale, J. Jones, Andrew Fahlstrom, Kyla Sisson, Alondra Cano, Lola Lallont, Purna Poudel, Rose Roberts, Kathryn G., Lee Samelson, Karen Clark, Rachel Thompson, Baylen Wagner, Maggie Ewing, Carla Irwin, Chiffon Williams, Vanessa Howard, Ken Rasimsi, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Jean Howard, Paul Pacheco, Cesar Prado, Rodney Richardson, Angela Cruz, Blass Murillo Agnioto, Guadalupe Mestizo, Alfonso Cruz, Itreyo Vasquez, Rito Dias, Robert Czernik, Luce Guillon-Ginis, William Gilman, Cassandra Solis-Corona, Viviana Rodriguez, Madeline Shaw, Clara Emma, Kelly Trius, Carol Hill, Darius Walksout, Carol Thomas, Ruth Vasquez, Edith Vasquez, Rick Thompson, Harvey Winje, Amy Pass, Lal Motey, Duka Chapagai, Dhan Maya, Jhamke, David, Julieta, John  Mortenson, Eric Immler, Jenny Fey, Rhea Blue Arm, Gabriel Pass, Norman Berry, Tulsha Neupane, Del Motey, Tulsi Mainali, Glenda Vermillion, Pauli Weikle, Cedric Wash, Imelda Riera, Erica Sshultz, Pogehonda, Greg Richardson, Filiberto Onofre, Ernestina Guadadalupe, Guadalupe Martinez, Gloria Reyes Marquez, Latana Becton, Francisca Pass, Rosie Roberts, Muckwa Roberts, Becky Wessman, About 15 non-signers…mostly Somalis, Nepalia and others
Guests:  Scott Vreeland, Robert Thompson, Peter Mclaughlin, Shirley Heyer, Cheryl Morgan-Spenser, Aisha Gomez, Jana Metge, Segundo Chogllo, Mariano Jiminez, Carrie Aspinwall, Richard Aspinwall

9:30 – 10:00            Breakfast: Ethnic Foods representing Latino, Somali and EuroAmerican traditions,  Chief Chef: Sherzad Kordian volunteered his talents, many neighborhood volunteers helped in the kitchen and served their neighbors.

Photo-slide show highlighting EPIC events, accomplishments and residents ran throughout the meeting.
Displays from Mpls. Swims, EPIC Programs and Developments, Mpls. Community Action Energy Assistance, Peace Coffee, Welna Hardware

10:00-10:10              WELCOME- Brad Pass delivered opening remarks
·                          Agenda- Explanation of the Election Process, Nomination, Applications, Requirements to be a board Member. BALLOTS
·                          Ballots- Handed out and Explained
·                          Current Board Members- introduced.
·                          Members running for election- were introduced and gave speeches explaining why they wanted to be a Board Member.
·                          Voting took place.

10:35 –10: 40     Discussion of EPIC’s Future Goals and the Priority Plan Concept, connection with NRP Phase II Plan

10:40 -11:00   THE SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Hannah Lieder, MplsSwims


11:00 – 11:20  THE HOME REHAB PROGRAM- Explained


11:40       RESULTS OF VOTING – New Board Members are: Jean Howard & Cesar Prado,
                                                             Re-elected Board Members are: Rosie Cruz, Jennie Bjorgo,                                                             Carol Pass

FINAL DOOR PRIZE – The Famous Webber Grill – the BEST ONE.                                               

11:45                  ADJOURN