May 7, 2015

Board Special Meeting Minutes 05 - 07

May 7th, 2015, Thursday, 7:00 PM
Perkins Restaurant, Franklin & 27th Ave.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it.”
                                                                                          –ephemer, inc

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Rita Ortega
Carol Pass, Gloria Reyes

Present board members: Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Gloria Reyes, Rita Ortega, Jenny Bjorgo

Absent board members: Rosie Cruz
Visitors: Heidi

7:05     Introductions:
·       Introductions
·       Approval of May 7th Agenda  

7:15     The CIF Grant: EPIC in partnership with Little Earth
Heidi presented a proposal for EPIC to partner with Little Earth in an application for a CIF grant up to $30,000 to provide a two year program for Native Youth Arts Collective. The program would be an internship-like part of a college prep program providing stipends for participating youth. Working with 10-12 youth, ages 14-19, the program would operate from LE facilities, and run during the summer months, with a few school “break” activities that might partner with the greater community of East Phillips. Key components of the program would address how a partnership with EPIC could be achieved, as well as providing a replicable program that might be expanded.

MOTION: EPIC will co-write with Little Earth a proposal and submit for the CIF Grant up to $30,000 for a 2 year Native Youth Arts Collective program. RO, JH. Approved.

8:15     Michael Green’s Grievance
MG presented her report of her investigation of Mr. Green’s grievance along with proposed comments and remedies.

MOTION: EPIC accepts the report and approves the comments and proposed remedies as amended at this meeting. The motion was approved by consensus. Mary will prepare a response to Mr. Green for the board.

9:15     Report on Attorney search
LL presented a report of her research on hiring an attorney to specifically represent EPIC in determining a ruling on EPIC’s election results. Options could include hiring an attorney suggested by MAP at $650 per hour, finding a less expensive attorney and submitting a request for a ruling with a parliamentary organization at $100 per hour. Discussion included whether EPIC should wait and see what the city attorney has to say, and seeking a pro bono attorney who specializes in this area of law. The board decided not to authorize any expenditure at this time; EPIC will see what the attorney contracted by the City says, and LL will investigate whether a pro bono attorney may be found.

9:58     Adjourn