July 11, 2015

Board Meeiting Miinutes 07 - 11

July 11th, 2015, Saturday, 10:00 am
East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address:  www.eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Rita Ortega
Carol Pass, Gloria Reyes

Present board members: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Rita Ortega
Carol Pass,

Absent board members: Gloria Reyes

Visitors: Shirley Heyer,

10:15   Introductions:
·       Introductions
·       Approval of July 11th Agenda: MG, JB Approved
·       Approval of June 6th Board Minutes: MG, JB Approved as corrected.
o   Discussed research on what information is posted on other neighborhood organizations. Contact information for every board member is NOT included on other neighborhood organizations.


·       CIF Grant selected the EPIC proposal for Native Arts Collective collaboration between EPIC and Little Earth for funding of $25,000. The selection still needs approval from the city council’s the neighborhood committee.

10:37  Election for new board member: EPIC’s policies, Bylaws and Parliamentary ruling. Consider candidates
            EPIC Letter to Edwin, EPIC letter to Atty. McVeigh and Response.

MOTION: EPIC will follow our bylaws and fill the empty vacancy. LL, CP. Approved.

EPIC bylaws “Vacancies” (Article 7, Section 10). EPIC will announce the open position in the email notice to members for the general membership meeting including a link to eligibility and application information online, on the agenda for the meeting in July, and will provide board member application forms at the meeting.

11:01   Some budgetary Information

CP distributed EPIC’s CPP budget for 2014, 2015 and 2016.

11:10  National Night Out Stipend for registered Block Clubs

MOTION:  Board will reimburse receipts up to and including $100 for NNO block party. LL, CP. Approved.

11:16   Wells Fargo Stipend $250 for organizer  

MOTION: EPIC will provide a $250 stipend to Janna Metge for organizing our annual summer festival. LL, JB.

11:20   Water Yard Issue:
Discussion: Where are we now??  CM Alondra Cano will be at our meeting on Thursday. There is a group of residents that is continuing to meet to work on this. If you want to be informed of meetings…sign up. Rep. Karen Clark’s position. EPIC vote.

MOTION: EPIC will spend no more than $350 for an Anti-pollution Banner to be designed by the committee working on water yard issue. LL, JB. Approved.

Committee members include Andrew Falstrom, CP, BP, Jose Louis, Dave Moore, Patty Zanski, Anne Fisher and others.

11:24   Grievance – Board Report and Resolutions

Closed Session: MG, MO. Approved.

MOTION: Grievance #1 (JH, CP) Approved as amended.

MOTION: Grievance #2 (JB, CP) Approved as amended.

MOTION: Grievance #3 and #4 refer to NCR. (MO, RC) Approved.

MOTION: Publish EPIC’s process for requesting/submitting a proposal for a partnership program to our website. (MG, LL)  Approved.

LL will communicate the board’s motions to the Lieder’s.

M. Green Grievance
MOTION: the current exc comm will address all m. green grievance in accordance with our Bylaws, article 10, section 3. (LL, JB) Approved.

MOTION: EXEC comm will hold a special meeting to address the m. green grievance. (MO, JH) Approved.
Tuesday, July 21 at 6 pm. At Perkins.

MOTION: Open session. (LL, CP) Approved.

11:30   Retreat Planning

Rita and Linda presented a board retreat proposal; Rita found funding for food; NCR is providing funding for training. Each board officer will bring sample job descriptions for their role as officers. CP will prepare and distribute any proposed bylaws related motions to the board in advance of the board retreat.

12:20   Self Evaluation

12:24   Adjourn