October 3, 2015

Board Meetiing Minutes 10 - 03

October 3, 2015, 10 am

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Shawna Dillon, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Jean Howard (T), Linda Leonard (T), Margarita Ortega, Carol Pass
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo (E), Laura Dale (E), Shawna Dillon (E), 
 EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green, Shoui Tsai, Alfonso Cruz

10:15   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Received 2 grievances from Michael Green.
·       MOTION: Meet as a committee of the whole. MO, RC. Approved.
·       Approval of Agenda: MG, RC. Approved as amended. (Addition of Nov. board meeting to announcements.)
·       Approval of Minutes from September 12, 2015; MG, RC. Approved.


10:30   Announcements:

  • EPIC Membership Meeting, October 8th, and Nov. 12th, Thursday 6:30 pm, East Phillips Park.
  • EPIC Board meeting, East Phillips Park, Saturday, 10:00 am, November 7th.
  • Clean Sweep, next Saturday, Oct. 10th, 9:00 am. Annual All-Neighborhood Breakfast, Clean the Neighborhood, then lunch at Stewart Park at Noon. Meet at the Welna Ace Hardware Parking Lot. Free Breakfast & T-shirts.
  • EPIC Fall Harvest Party and Potluck at the Community Garden, two weeks from today, Saturday, October 17th at 4:30 pm, until the fire goes out.

10:40   Consider Bylaw Changes especially Article VI, Section 10 – Consider Board Members’ obligations and responsibilities.

Quorum was achieved at 10:45 am.
MOTION: Meet as a quorum of the Board and accept previously passed motions. MO, RC. Approved.

Discussion of the Bylaw Changes will be laid on the table for further discussion next month. EPIC will invite Ellen to review the bylaw changes with the board, when the board has concluded its discussion. CP will ask Ellen if she can pencil in a tentative appointment for the morning of Saturday, December 5th.

12:00   Public Safety meeting (at the new daycare?)

Alondra Cano is planning a major public safety meeting. EPIC will invite Betsy Hodges, Mike Sullivan, the Mayor, and others. It will probably be held at the new daycare on Cedar. This will take the place of the meeting we were planning, We will plan one later.

EPIC has a public safety neighborhood priority plan. Please read and become familiar with the narrative and budget.

12:00   Set agenda for General Membership Meeting

New Business
  • 2016 May Day Parade

  • CIF Grant
  • Neighborhood

8:25     Board Member Self Evaluation

8:50     Adjournment