February 4, 2017

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 02 - 04

February 4th, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Margarita Ortega (resigned effective January 2017), Carol Pass.
Board Members Present:. Jenny Bjorgo, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Rosie Cruz.
Board Members Not Present:
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Jolene Jones, Cassandra
Guests: Carrie Aspinwall, Shirley Heyer, Robert Lilligren

10:00   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda as amended, Approved by consensus.
·       Minutes from January 7th, 2017: JB, MG,Approved

10:10   Announcements:
·       Laura is still owner of her home in East Phillips, and is not required to resign.
·       Letter from NCEC stated that NCEC passed a motion “not to offer a decision” on the grievance brought forth by Mr. Green against the East Phillips improvement Coalition. The result of the motion passing upholds the findings of NCR per letter from David Rubedor (Jan. 2016). EPIC will respond to the decision noting that NCEC failed in its response by upholding an NCR letter from January 2016, leaving the impression that EPIC has not completed or responded to the requirements of the letter from David Rubedor. In fact, the review of EPIC called for in Mr. Rubedor’s letter was completed and EPIC satisfied the requirements of the grievances, according to NCR staff Michelle Chavez. EPIC will request that Michelle make a written report and that a copy of that report be forwarded to NCEC and EPIC. EPIC also will request that NCEC keep EPIC informed on the progress of their revamping of the NCEC grievance policy.
·       Cedar Field Park Redesign workshop at Southside Family Nurturing Center, Feb.8th, 2448 18th Ave. S-
One last chance to impact the new design of this neighborhood park. Food will be provided.
·       EPIC Community Meeting- Cedar Avenue Bridge Reconstruction presented by the County Transportation Department, Feb. 9th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45. Come and bring your questions.

MOTION: Change the name of our monthly meeting henceforth from EPIC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, to EPIC COMMUNITY MEETING. MG, JB, Approved.

·       Hiawatha Campus Open House-Saturday, Feb. 11th, 10:00 am -  11:30 am, East Phillips Park, Informational meeting about the Hiawatha Campus Expansion at the site formerly known as the Roof Depot site. Please join City of Mpls. Staff, CM Cano and Representative Clark to share ideas; community should be engaged in this project.

10:30   Crime update

LD reported that her neighbor called very upset that the person who is running Jimmy’s auto repair shop had accosted her as she arrived home from work. He ran at her yelling and threatening to sue her. He blamed her for the Meter (ticketing) officer coming the previous day about the fact that his client cars are sitting on the block for many days. 

Many neighbors feel that he is taking up all the parking on the street and have seen him moving cars around to avoid the 3-day rule. His own lot is filled with “stuff” and is the reason cars aren’t parked there instead of on the street. Some neighbors report that he pours out chemicals into the street and “washes” them away from his property.

Resident should attempt to file a police report. Resident could apply for a restraining order. EPIC has heard complaints about the parking problems for years; it is not okay to harass or threaten the community.

MOTION: EPIC will send a letter to the business owner. EPIC will send a letter to CM Cano’s office. EPIC will send a letter to the property owner. JB, LD, Approved.

10:45     More on the Roof Depot and Hiawatha Campus, Hiring Dean Dovolis consultant, Pay as you go contract,
Grant Update, Committee

EPIC is working with a group of people to have an impact on the design and function of this site, for the benefit of our diverse community.

·       Karen Clark, Bill in the Legislature
·       Dean Dovolis, experience, helped EPIC many times in the past, already been working on this with CM Cano, with Karen Clark, in planning meetings
o   EPIC has the money to hire a professional
o   Consultant Dean Dovolis was approved for review and future vote at the previous board meeting of November 10th,.
o   Write a contract with Dean to continue doing the work; one aspect of the community engagement
·       Little Earth
·       Greg Goeke, has helped EPIC in the past, found a grant for $40,000 planning for solar on the roof.
·       CM Cano
o   Rubedor, NCR
o   Christina
o   City Council is the biggest roadblock
·       Public works
o   Everyone knows of the terrible traffic, pollution
o   City has missed some steps; public works has not engaged, it has been a challenge for NCR to do it
o   EPIC needs to be its own voice

10:35     Grievance Update

Updated during announcements

10:40     CIF Grant Update- Letter

EPIC was instructed by Bob Cooper to contact Sunny, who told EPIC to communicate with Fran.
EPIC’s goal is to ensure that CIF funds reach Little Earth.

EPIC will receive a letter from Irene (CEO) providing Carrie A to serve as the liaison for Little Earth in terms of community engagement and contact point for any grants.

Fire at Little Earth. The Gym is now full of donations, and basketball teams are not able to practice. There are 8 teams.
Can EPIC support the Phillips Community Center giving gym time to these teams? Two days last week the whole building was closed for construction. During the week, mornings are available. Need to talk to Anthony (Exec. Dir.) and ask him. Little Earth will also check with Augsburg.

MOTION: Provide up to $999 for rental of a gym space for 3-4 weeks. MG, JB, Approved.

What are the neighborhood priorities for 2017?
EPIC will carry forward our same priorities, adding funds to the plans.

Will EPIC provide documentation for the community at our next meeting?
We are trying, but we are trying to accomplish many things, as well as having to address issues with grievances, and bylaws.

11:45    New Board member and Bylaws

EPIC has three open positions on the board. The Annual Meeting will be in April and three director’s terms will expire.

CA requested the number of Little Earth residents who attended meetings in the past year, as well as the total number of votes cast at the 2016 Annual meeting.

EPIC continues to work on Bylaws updates.

Policies and procedures
Roof Depot proposal

12:07   Welna Building Lease and Restore. Visit??

EPIC needs a small office if we are to hire staff.and has considered many options both in the past and just recently. We had a lease with Welna for awhile and inspected the structural issues to determine whether the site would serve EPIC and meet requirements. EPIC would like to raise the funds to make the office accessible.

MOTION: EPIC will secure a lease for the downstairs unit of 2433 Bloomington Ave. S. for up to $900/month as a temporary EPIC office until it either finds the funding to make it accessible or finds an alternate location for an EPIC office. The Board will ring this to the membership for approval. JB, LD.

Ideas: lots of bicycle parking space; engage community in design/function.

12:19 Adjourn