October 7, 2017

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 10-07-17

October 7th, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
2433 Bloomington Ave. S. Enter at the EPIC Sign
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion. Rosie Cruz,
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Cassandra Holmes (E).
Members: Brad Pass, Jolene Jones, Michael Green
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10:00   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda: MG, LD, approved.

10:15   Announcements (read individually)
·       The Office now has Wi-Fi and a Security Alarm with a camera
  • EPIC Community Meeting, October 12th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45
  • Phillips Clean Sweep, Saturday, October 14th starting at 9:00 AM with a free Breakfast at the Welna Hardware parking lot, then Clean the ‘Hood, followed by Free lunch and entertainment at Stewart Park.
  • EPIC’s East Phillips Community 17th Ave. Garden Fall Harvest Party on Saturday, October 21st starting at 4:30 PM at the Garden. Party continues until the fire goes out.
  • Hi-Lake Intersection Study-Phase II: Stakeholder Meeting, Monday Oct. 30, 5:00-6:30pm                                 Henn. Cty Service Center, Community Room 1st floor.  Changes coming. Have your Say
  • Anderson School is having an open house and serving dinner at 5:30. Tours follow. Free flu shots. Oct. 11th.
10:15   Jolene Jones presenting funding request for proposed playground
Little Earth Residents Association presented a proposal to assist in the completion of funding for a project to renovate and install a state of the art playground honoring elders and youth, called Little Earth Memorial Park. Partial funding has been achieved, but a shortfall of $15,000 is being requested from EPIC. 

Much discussion about what kind of funding request this is (it is not a “program partnership”) and what funds might be available. We will have to see if we have any “brick and mortar” funding is available, and we may have to move NRP funding to crime and safety (a plan modification) to accomplish this, This minimum process will take four months or longer. It was noted that EPIC is also considering previous requests for this type of funds for speed bumps, a roundabout, and other crime and safety requests. We agreed to seek a way to accomplish this.

NRP Youth Programming dollars-discussion and handouts
Criteria for Partnerships,
Looking at Proposals
Budget, Open City Contract

MOTION: Approve the memorandum of understanding related to "EPIC youth programming budget" that was accepted as edited by the board on October 7, 2017. LL, LV, approved.

10:20   The Barricade and the One-Way street sign.
            Opinions? What Next??

RC proposed that we ask the MTC to remove or move the 17th Ave. & Lake St. bus stop shelter as it is being used for loitering, and several assaults have been observed. The shelter should be moved to face Lake St. and NOT 17th Ave.

TH reported that vehicles are driving 50-60 mph on 16th Ave at 29th. There is a child in the hospital who was hit after exiting a bus. What can be done to slow down traffic in this area? Are buses putting out the stop sign? 2800 block of 16th Ave.

MGreen reported issues on 2900 block of 17th Ave. where speed bumps have been discussed before.

EPIC will ask the city to re-orient the 17th & Lake bus shelter to face Lake St. (South) and not North. RC, LL,

EPIC residents will find out who the owners are in two areas where speed bumps are needed and solicit support.

11:00   Update for East Phillis Indoor Urban Farm Funding for Clean Sweep 
            The Plan-Drawings
            Meetings with Council Members

EPIC and neighbors have been trying to get rid of the pollution from this site for years. Once it was known that the owner was interested in selling, EPIC began working on plans to develop the area as a sustainable amenity to the neighborhood.  When the city got wind of EPIC’s plans, they threatened the owner with “eminent domain” and presented their own plans for purchasing the property (going on for years without public notice). Since then the city purchased the property and have developed a plan that provides a very tiny portion for use by the neighborhood/community.

For a sustainable enterprise to succeed on this site a minimum of 3 acres are required. While the city wishes to turn a large part of the property into a parking lot, EPNI was formed to put together a solution for bringing an indoor urban farm that will be sustainable and bring a benefit to the area. EPNI has received $319,000 for planning from DEED of the MN legislature. EPNI hopes to save a significant portion of the building that would be suitable for the EPNI plan. In order to get funding and municipal support for this project, a plan has formed to propose adding affordable housing as a 2nd story to the new construction that is planned to house technical equipment. The plan provides for saving the south end of the existing building for low tech indoor farming – it is already perfectly suited for the purpose.

Annual Banyan Dinner
MG proposed that EPIC send 8 representatives to attend the annual Banyan dinner – this would give EPIC an opportunity learn more about Banyan and build connections between Banyan and the EPIC board, as well as provide a small amount of support to a service organization that was “born” in East Phillips, and that serves many EPIC families. EPIC will ask if Banyan can designate the $600 cost toward youth programming.

MOTION: EPIC will purchase a table to attend the Annual Banyan Dinner. MG, RC, approved.

Who will attend: Mary, Rosie, Tom, Linda, Cassandra, Jolene, Carol, plus 1.

12:00   Grievances-Report-
            Executive Committee response-A letter of Apology was sent to Longfellow Community Council.
Discussion of ways to avoid problems concerning what to include and what to leave out. Some want early access to the minutes. Others are more concerned with problems about what should remain private. A conclusion was not reached.
A question: What is our actual practice regarding posting minutes?
Generally, EPIC posts the minutes without any alteration if possible. The attendees are reviewed and corrected as needed. The minutes are reviewed for obvious errors.

Another question: How can we improve this process to avoid future problems?

TABLED: Approval of Minutes from September 9th, 2017

12:48   Adjourn