April 7, 2018

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 04 - 07

March 3rd, 2018, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Marc Trius, Linda Vermillion.
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion. Rossie Cruz
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz (E), Tom Harris (A), Marc Trius (resigned.)
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green, Alfinso Cruz
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10:20   Introductions: Meeting as a committee of the whole

·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Approval of Agenda: LL, LD, Approved.
·       Approval of Board Minutes from March 3, 2018: LV, LD, Approved.

10:15   Announcements:
·       General Membership Meeting, April 12th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45 pm Anyone who wishes to run for EPIC Board and has never attended an EPIC meeting would need to attend this meeting to qualify. (See EPIC Bylaws)
·       New Phillips Aquatics Center Open House Week, April 11 - 17! Register for aquatics programs and tour the Center.
·       Grand Opening Celebration of the Phillips Aquatics Center Saturday, April 21, 11:30
·       Hi-Lake stakeholder working group meeting, Wednesday April18th, 3rd precinct, from 1-2 pm
·       **Annual Meeting will be 9:30, April 28, 2018**
·       SummerFest will be June 24, 2018

10:30   EPIC 2018 Meeting Schedule:   

Thanks to Brad for putting together our annual calendar.

10:31   EPIC Board Role

Marc Trius has resigned from the EPIC board.

Expiring terms:
Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Carol Pass,

Non-Expiring terms:
Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Linda Vermillion.

·       Annual Meeting: Sign up to help
·       Board Elections: Who wishes to run? Recruit some board members

Anyone who wishes to run for the board needs to attend one meeting in the previous year. Recruit people who actually want to work/serve.

Reviewed Annual Meeting Preparation and What to Bring lists:
1.     Add “bring member eligibility list”
2.     Volunteers for kitchen help and setup should come on Friday evening, and then by 8 am on Saturday.

11:05   Next Steps for EPIC
·       2017 Annual Report: almost completed

Include the Community Garden, Roundabout and One-way, Little Earth playground,
Did we include clean sweep, NNO, Pow Wow?
·       CPP Application for next round of EPIC Funding:

MOTION: EPIC approves the 2017 Community Participation Program Annual Report. LD, CH, Approved.

CP is working on writing our CPP Application for Funding through 2020.

11:16   Request for support for Little Earth Pow Wow

MOTION: EPIC will partner with Little Earth Residents’ Association for the annual Mother’s Day PowWow and will provide funding of up to $999.00 for non-food assistance. EPIC will be listed as a sponsor in all marketing materials. MG, LD, Approved.  

11:29   VW award meeting with MPCA
Postponed due to weather. Will reschedule.

11:30   School Bus Project Report
Kelly Trius researched the name of all the bus companies. We are sending a letter to the companies and will start monitoring, reporting on performance and notify the companies of their speeding or careless drivers. The list will be handed out to specific people to take notes on the bus driving.

11:31   Urban Farm Projects
·       Project Funding: we have a bill before the legislature for $3 million to actually build the project not just plan.
·       The project group is seeking money from both private sources and the state and anywhere to achieve this project. Goal is $10M.
·       Business and Development Plans: Each group is writing a business plan including financial sustainability.
·       Funding use issues - we are working out the spending process… it's pretty involved and we are trying to avoid  needing  an advance
·       Board Members should join some meetings

We are working on getting an advance of funds from DEED. It would be helpful for board members to come to some of the EPNI meetings.

LL suggested a potential new partner for the project: Roots for the Home Team.
Our collaborators are:
            Minnesota Sustainable Development Group (MNSDG)
            DJR Architecture (DJR)
Little Earth Residents Association (LERA)
Tamales y Biciletas (TyB)
South East Homes (SEH) Somali Recovery
      East Phillips World CafĂ© and farm Store (EPWC)
East Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC)

11:24   Swimming Program Planning

To find out more about programming you must make an account with the Minneapolis Park Board. You can access pricing information. Adults can join for $45 per month. Swim lessons are $7 for ½ hour, or $28 per 4-lesson session. They have various type of classes listed, and scholarships are available, however, LL could not find information about application procedures.

·       How can EPIC help overcome obstacles to our children participating?
·       Little Earth might be able to use vans to transport children to sessions.
·       How can EPIC influence the Park Board to respond to neighborhoods who fought to save these pools and invested in them to serve our communities?
o   Attend the Grand Opening – EARLY! Ribbon cutting
o   If you don’t have a computer/internet, you can’t sign up.
o   What if you don’t speak English?

MOTION: EPIC will request an invitation to the ribbon cutting and request a voice on the stage. LL, CH, Approved.

11:54   Adjourned