May 5, 2018

EPIC Board Meetinig Minutes 05 - 05

May 5th, 2018, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address:
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes, Linda Leonard, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Rosie Cruz, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Tom Harris, Cassandra Holmes.
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Halima Abdi

10:20   Introductions: Meeting as a committee of the whole

·       Greetings and Introductions
·       Approval of Agenda as amended: LV, LD, approved
·       Approval of Board Minutes from April 7th, 2018: LV, LD, approved

10:15   Announcements:
·       General Membership Meeting, May 10th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45 pm.
·       SummerFest will be June 24, 2018 (Sunday)

10:15   Parking on 16th Avenue

Discussion of long standing parking issues and neighbor relationships on 16th Avenue.

10:51   EPIC Finances

·       EPIC has received $10,000 from our unused NRP dollars. The contract allows EPIC to spend these funds on Admin. We’re still waiting for the contract to come through for completing the Little Earth project.
·       WEI withdrew from EPNI, and Chad Hebert, Urban Farm Project will replace WEI and will receive $20,000 contract.
·       EPIC turned in a payment reimbursement request to DEED for $58K, to be disbursed to the partners of EPNI, in accordance with invoices submitted.

10:30   Welcome New and Incumbent Board Members:   

EPIC welcomes Abah Mohamed to the board!

MOTION: Accept the current executive committee to serve another year. LV, LD, approved.

11:24   EPNI - Urban Farm Project
·       Our payment request submission was described as “perfect”. We have a bill in the legislature for $3M which would also come in through EPIC.
·       CP and CH will advocate for the funding next week at the legislature.
·       EPNI is working on incorporating itself for future sustainability.
·       The city hasn’t changed its response to us – they don’t want to give us any space at all.
·       CH suggested looking into treaty rights in the area considering there are 30 different tribes represented at Little Earth; highlighting the impact of lack of jobs and opportunities, and the effect of pollution on youth in the area.
·       LL referenced an article about the impact of pollution on infants in the womb; miscarriage rates in the neighborhood. Fund a health survey at Little Earth and other nearby neighborhoods. Request stats from CUHCC, clinic at St. Paul’s community clinic, Smileys, and other neighborhood health clinic.
·       SH reported that the city is planning to build a public works building over NE – if this is approved, why would they need the Roof Depot site.

11:34   Swimming program
·       LL met with Park staff to present our concerns about roadblocks to our community to take advantage of the new swimming pool.
·       LL created a contact sheet so that EPIC can identify some families that are interested.
o   Families who qualify for free or reduced lunch, will receive a reduced fee for lessons.
o   Family pays $5 and EPIC pays $50 per student.
o   Sessions include 8 lessons.
o   Children 5-8 must be accompanied by an adult, in the water. Pool is 4.5 feet deep.
o   Children 9-12 must be accompanied by an adult (who does not need to be in the water.)
o   Park Board has not yet scheduled swimming lessons for the summer. Jean will have access to the schedule, but they are expecting children’s lessons to occur in the evening and on weekends.
·       Open Swim $5 (children ages 12 & under are free, up to four per paid adult.)
·       Monthly and Seasonal Passes are available.
·       Free swimsuit and life jackets are available for use by children and adults.
·       Some bi-lingual instruction will be available.

11:40   Summerfest Planning

See Handout.
Planning meeting is planned for Wed. May 9th at the park.

12:00   Adjourned