November 18, 2019

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 11-9

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes
November 9th, 2019, 10am – 12pm
EPIC web address:
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago, Laura Dale, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Rosie Cruz (E)
Members: Peggy Clark
Guests: Shirley Heyer, Karen Moe, Ethrophic Burnett

10:21   Agenda Approval, amended (moved application review to beginning of agenda), approved.

10:22   Application review – Karen Moe and Ethrophic Burnett
·      Four of the six people working for the city providing support services to neighborhoods have left in a short period of time, Ethrophic Burnett is our new Neighborhood Support Specialist
·      We received 33 applications totaling $1.1 million! $175,000 is available
·      Timeline:
o   11/9 – EPIC board meeting – review applications, recommend projects
o   11/14 – EPIC community meeting #1 – vote on recommendations
o   11/14-12/11 – review period
o   12/12 – EPIC community meeting #2 – 2nd vote on projects
·      Considerations for applications
o   CPP guidelines
o   EPIC priorities (city wants to emphasize public safety)
o   January – December 2020 timeline – needs to fall in this timeline
o   Impact on East Phillips neighborhood
o   Collaborate with EPIC – is there something exciting here?
o   Equity – impact/work with all EPIC residents
o   Budget considerations – administrative budget not allowed for partnering organizations; some organizations willing to alter their budget if needed
·       The EPIC Board was very appreciative of the number of applications received in the short window of time for submissions.
·      Unfortunately the timeline imposed by the City required us only one meeting( our Sat. 11/9 Board Mtg.) to evaluate proposals and make selections. We asked to have an additional meeting before the 11/12 EPIC Community Meeting, but the City said no. If we didn’t make choices on Saturday, they would make them without us.
·      Therefore the choices made reflect the board’s inability to consider such things as partially funding some projects,  or working with applicants to amend their proposals to  fit the guidelines. Guidelines for what was eligible were not clearly stated the  application. All of this being due to the severely constricted timeline. 
·      The City will help us write responses to the each of the applicants explaining their/our decision, and suggesting ways that they may apply to receive funding from other sources, or from EPIC in the future. 
·      The list of proposals that we agreed together with the City to bring to the November 12th EPIC Community meeting are:
o   Little Earth – Native Youth Art
o   Semilla
o   African Community Services
o   Voices of Phillips (KRSM radio)
o   Women’s Environment Institute
o   Southside Harm Reduction
o   Indigenous Peoples Task Force
1:50     Announcements
·      Next Community meeting will be: Thursday November 14th at 6:30 at East Phillips Park
·      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, December 7th at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o   Board meetings are open to the public
·      Next Executive Committee meeting is Thursday, November 21st from 7-8pm at the EPIC office
o   Executive Committee meetings have been changed to the third Thursday of every month
o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month (November 21st)
1:51     Approve Minutes, CP, StS, approved
1:52     Logistics
·      Mailbox is installed – Brad will make a flap so water doesn’t get in
·      Money:
o   $76,200 in CPP funds running through December 31, 2019
§  contract authorizes a $10,000 advance payment
§  have we requested the advanced payment - yes
o   amendment to the Youth Programming Partnership Initiatives NRP Funding Agreement (#43476). The amendment adds $17,000 to the agreement for additional partnerships.
·      Public Review Notice to neighborhood groups
o   City council is considering amendments to the City’s Unified Housing Policy and Revenue Loss Offset Assistance Policy in connection with development of a permanent Inclusionary Zoning PolicyInclusionary zoning is intended to advance the City’s housing goals by ensuring that affordable housing is provided in new residential or mixed-use developments (see ‘public review notice for neighborhood groups’ separate sheet for more info) – discussion item for general membership
·      Tabled items from October’s board meeting:
o   Agenda request form (see ‘EPIC Agenda Request Form’) and funding request form
o   Insurance
§  Appoint someone to take responsibility for insurance i.e. payments etc.
o   Minutes – make sure that people are checking for certain things (i.e. if something shouldn’t be made public etc.) when you are sent a draft agenda via email because if nobody responds with edits that is the version that goes online
o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month
§  Any requests for November’s community meeting?
2:06     Website
·      contacted Amy Pass – the redesigned website is up and running – has some holes in it that Amy will work with Carol to fill in i.e. events etc.; what is the bill? – “The site as it exists currently is something we would typically have charged around $500 to do. We are not asking for that, as East Phillips is our neighborhood, too, and this is one way for us to contribute. Unfortunately, we also cannot do significant development or maintenance free of charge on an ongoing basis, which is why we asked if EPIC has a budget for such things. Right now, I am willing to put in a few more free hours posting content to get the information that you really want up on the site.” We requested that Amy submit a proposal for website redesign including maintenance and security etc.-Amy and Gabe will work on getting a proposal to us ASAP, likely later this weekend.
·      one option is to use CPP outreach reserve – we have $159,000
·      See ‘website – Tim proposal’ separate sheet
·      add email as part of this – often grouped in with this service
·      create web manager job description
o   go over proposals in executive committee
2:09     Alley post/newsletter
·      Consider hiring Shirley to do Alley post – offer her $1,200/year
o   Request for bids
§  Put it in e-mail blast for November community meeting – contact Steve
·      Executive Committee wants 5 minutes in each board meeting agenda to create list of what we need on Alley half page – what do we want on next month’s half page?
·      Does EPIC want to put together a newsletter?
2:15     Housing Program
·       Look at ‘East Phillips: Housing Programs – Guidelines Summary’ and
‘HUD income limits’
·       Executive Committee’s proposal:
o   115% AMI for both home buyer and rehab loans
·       Today’s board meeting changes:
o   Move dollars from 1.1.1 Emergency Home Repair Loans to 1.4.1 Home Buyer Assistance ($27,665 + $34, 454 or $62,119)
o   Increase loan amount: Up to $10,000
o   Change Income limit: At or below 115% Area Median Income
o   Combine Deferred Rehab Loans and Emergency Deferred Loans: for $56,253.00
o   Change to Deferred Rehab and Emergency Loans
o   Add: Funds may be used to remedy conditions that makes a house uninhabitable, extremely dangerous to the occupants, or is capable of causing severe health problems.
o   Change Income limit: At or below 115% Area Median Income
MOTION: We accept the guidelines as amended. SS, CH, approved
2:30     Bike On Program – requesting $999
No proposal
2:35     Violence Prevention Grant
·      On October 30, after many phone messages and emails, Steve received word from Josh Peterson from the Health department that by the time that EPIC’s liability insurance was reinstated on 9/3/19, there was not sufficient time left in the granting period to either complete the activities of the grant, or to rework it. 
·      I have now spoken with Ken Smith, who helps with contracting for the City. I was referred to him for questions about the insurance requirements. From our conversation I gathered that there was a way to do it treating people being paid as employees, which would involve withholding for workman’s comp insurance, etcetera, or a way to do it treating the people being paid as subcontractors. If and when we apply for a similar grant, the City will help us through this process. 
·      Senior Health Specialist Josh Peterson liked our application, wants to work with us in the future, and encourages us to ask him questions and consult with him at any time. 
·      It was suggested to revisit elements of this grant proposal with two of the groups applying for funds; Native Wellbriety, and African Immigrant Community Services, to see if we can work together on a proposal. 
·      Steve is also keeping Frank Afflitto, Men Against Rape Culture updated
2:41     Should EPIC write an impact letter to the city about the situation on 25th and Bloomington?
·       Send it to the county, state etc. – Carol will write the letter
·       Carol thinks they don’t listen to our letters, need to do something else
·       Mike Goze is buying property providing food through and case workers. People can stay in houses getting homeless people off of the streets, can come and go as you please, can come under the influence, but can’t bring drugs or alcohol into the houses. Sign lease for 3 months, pay rent if you have income otherwise you don’t – Cassie will invite Mike to EPIC meeting
2:54     Updates (3 minutes each) – for community meeting
            Roof Depot and delisting – Steve or Brad
Development at Lake Street - Steve
Violence Prevention - Steve
--Public Works Jobs – has anyone received notice of these jobs? –add to newsletter and website: where to look for jobs and training – invite to write to legislature and city council about the failure to inform East Phillips about jobs at Public Works
3:07     Motion to Adjourn, CH, StS, Approved