December 11, 2019

EPIC Board Meeting 12-7

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes
December 7th, 2019, 10am – 12pm
EPIC web address:
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Mary Gonsior, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Cassandra Holmes (E), Laura Dale (E), Shontal Lajeunesse
Members: Brad Pass, Alfonso Cruz
Guests: Shirley Heyer

10:00   Agenda Approval – amended, approved
Minutes Approval – CP, RC, approved

10:05   Announcements
·      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, December 12th at 6:30 at East Phillips Park
·      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, January 4th at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
·      Next Executive Committee meeting will be: Thursday, December 19th at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month (December 19th)
·      Next Southside Green Zone meeting is Monday, December 16th from 5:30-8pm
o   Members of the public are welcome, please RSVP by emailing
10:07   Logistics
·         2020 Calendar changes
o     July 4th, 2020, is on our board Saturday.
o    Cassie proposes July 11th , approved
o    Community meeting will be July 16th
o     Sept 5th, 2020, is the board Saturday of Labor Day (9/7/20) weekend.
o    Cassie proposes September 12th , approved
o    Community meeting will be September 17th
·         Mailbox
o   needs name on the mailbox and cover to avoid rainwater/snow getting in – Brad will do
o     Can we give the city EPIC’s office address as our official address now  
§  Complicated because EPNI’s bills are currently intertwined with EPIC due to contracts
§  Mary suggests planning a meeting with EPICs accountant, Carol and Mary – plan for January
§  Send out notice that bills begin coming to EPICs office effective January 1st
·      Who can attend probationary meeting with Karen, Ethrophic and Steve Gallagher?
o   Rosie can do Tuesdays at 6:30pm
o   Steve, Sarah, Mary, Rosie (ask Cassie, if not ask if she wants Shontal to attend)
o   Sarah will respond to Karen’s email about this Tues Dec 17th at EPIC office
·      Garden committee needs board meeting present at their meetings running Spring, Summer and fall
o   Need new chair of garden committee
o   Ask garden committee members if anyone wants to be the chair/garden coordinator
§  Brad will send an email out and see if they are willing to serve on the EPIC board
§  If we have the funds offer a stipend to the garden coordinator
·      Set date and reserve space
o   Annual meeting – April 18th
§  April 18th – Brad will reserve
o   Summerfest – June 14th – Brad will reserve
o   Create Annual meeting committee and Summerfest committee and possibly Garden Committee – Put on board agenda January (and make list of responsibilities) – think about whether you are willing to chair any of these committees
o   PUT IN EPIC E-NEWS – we are seeking a gardener interested in working with EPIC to facilitate the garden committee – garden coordinator.
o   Reach out to U of Mn Agriculture Department – ask about 2 or 3 interns (the U pays their own interns) – Brad will reach out (get contact from Shirley)
o   Reach out to Chad Hebert – Brad will reach out
·      Financial update (15 minutes)
o   Do we have the advance payment?
o   Discussed East Phillips open contracts (as of 12/3/19)
§  Can use funds how they are allocated or can move them
§  We have copies for Laura, Cassie, Steve and Shontal
10:20   Discussion about Phillips West November 7th event for additional police officers in the 2020 city budget
·      How to address this type of request in the future
·      What news items to forward through EPIC
·      Create gmail account for EPIC – Sarah will do
11:53   Alley Post (Steve)
·      Have we received requests for bids for this?
o   Steve would like to take his name off of this
·      The next Alley post is due in January – correct?
·      We have paid $2,700 to the Alley
·      Paying someone to do the ad for the Alley can come out of funds for communication
o   We do not need a motion for this
11:59   Agenda request form approval - Approved
10:30   Community Driven Projects Next Steps
·      Set up time with Ethrophic, Steve and Bob Cooper at a community meeting to figure out how organizations that weren’t funded can get alternative funding especially with recreational programming
o    Also orgs that don’t have the capacity to get the application in or get the work done in the timeline – those that need help writing proposals
o    Revisit elements of the Violence Preventions grant proposal with two of the groups applying for funds; Native Wellbriety, and African Immigrant Community Services, to see if we can work together on a proposal
o    Bike On Program
o    Create new RFP including all of the “don’ts”
o    Steve will help us draft a letter to those that did not get selected
o    David Rubedor is reviewing the proposals selected by EPIC and will give his authorization, then the city will negotiate contracts with the organizations
§  Discuss these when we meet with Steve, Ethrophic and Karen
·         Letter from Banyan is in your pile of papers – read it over
o   Additional support notes sent to EPIC about Banyan funding
o   Sent an invitation for an April 24th leadership breakfast – this is the start of Ramadan
12:05   Resurfacing of streets – Larry attending December membership meeting
§  See handout
·      Might want to give Larry heads up of issues
·      Jana’s notes: Your side will be hard on residents & note for Larry where school bus routes are.  
“Our side had the hospital, ER, hospital parking ramps, Allina/Global Market parking ramps, the school, all the teacher park in the street because Allina had to cancel parking ramp agreement with them/no room there with their employees, the Mosque, the Islamic Center.  Many of them have only one access to parking or if 2 then the N/S streets both can’t happen at the same time.  Larry will have to figure that out with everyone. Midtown also has had N/S streets closed for utility company work now for over 2 years.  It’s exhausting and very frustrating for residents”
11:05   Website proposals
·      Executive committee proposes that we set up meetings with Tim and Amy separately
o   Who will attend (need quorum)?
o   When?
·      Need to decide if we will pay a monthly fee to Amy until we decide on a person to do the website – motion to pay Amy for 3 months with agreement that Amy meets monthly with EPIC to get updates from EPIC (i.e. what to put on website evets etc.)
·      Mary will talk with Amy about the next 3 months and coordinate a meeting between Amy, Carol and Mary
11:15   Housing Program
·      Rewrite with Stacy’s edits
·      Changes from the first draft of housing guidelines:
o   Move dollars from 1.1.1 Emergency Home Repair Loans to 1.4.1 Home Buyer Assistance ($27,665 + $34, 454 or $62,119)
o   Increase loan amount: Up to $10,000
o   Change Income limit: At or below 115% Area Median Income
o   Combine Deferred Rehab Loans and Emergency Deferred Loans: for $56,253.00
o   Change to Deferred Rehab and Emergency Loans
o   Add: Funds may be used to remedy conditions that makes a house uninhabitable, extremely dangerous to the occupants, or is capable of causing severe health problems.
o   Change Income limit: At or below 115% Area Median Income
·      Stacy Sorenson’s feedback on changes:
o   The “original” Deferred Rehab program was open to owner-occupants and absentee owners, but the Emergency Deferred was open to just owner-occupants. In folding in the Emergency Deferred, the Guidelines have the combined program open to both – but you might want to consider having it just available to owner-occupants, especially since this is a deferred loan program and you’re making less money available.
o   Combining the two (above) might result in having no funds available for emergency deferred loans since the Deferred Loan program is less restrictive
o   Stacy ran the changes by Jim Hasnik at CEE. He thought that the amount you’re making available for the Homebuyer Assistance Program might be high. One option might be expand to the language of all three strategies so that changes to the amounts available within the contract can be made without additional plan modifications or contract amendments. With $10,000 per homebuyer the funds might go pretty quickly – could lower this ‘per buyer’ amount’ (We will work with Ethrophic on this).
o   Accept changes Stacy offered, cross out absentee owned for deferred rehab
·      MOTION: Accept the draft with the following change, cross out absentee owned under the deferred rehab loan, CP, RC, Carol expressed willingness to withdraw motion if missing board members disagree with motion, approved
o   Discussion: board members are uncomfortable voting when board members are not present
11:40   Northside update (Cassie) TABLED
11:55   Additions to December Community meeting agenda?
·      Updates for community meetings (3 minutes each?):
o   Invite Mike Goze to a community meeting? – give to Cassie and have her and Mike fill out agenda request form – Sarah will do
o   Roof Depot and delisting – Steve or Brad
o   Development at Lake Street - Steve
o   Violence Prevention Grant- Steve
o   Public Works Jobs – has anyone received notice of these jobs?
§  EPIC is in discussion about adding where to look for jobs and training to our website
§  Invite community members to contact council members, head of public works and the mayor about the failure to inform East Phillips about jobs at Public Works