February 8, 2020

EPIC Board Meeting 2-1

EPIC Board Meeting Draft Minutes
February 1st, 2019, 10am – 12pm
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Carol Pass, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Sarah Santiago, Abah Mohamed
Board Members Not Present: Cassie Holmes (E), Steve Sandberg (E), Shontal Lajeunesse (U), Rosie Cruz (U)
Members: Brad Pass
Guests: Shirley Heyer
10:26   Meeting as a committee of the whole
            Agenda Approval, LD, CP, approved
Minutes Approval, LD, CP, approved
10:30   Announcements
·         Next Community Meeting will be: February 13th at 6:30 at East Phillips Park
·         Next Board Meeting will be: March 7th at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o     Board Meetings are open to the public
·         Next Executive Committee meeting will be: February 20th at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o     Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
o     Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month
·         Next Southside Green Zone meeting is Tuesday, February 18th from 6-8pm at Steward Park
·         Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Awareness Day is February 14th from 11am-2pm (12:30 depart for walk)
o     March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Boys, LGBQI, Two Spirit and Transgender Relatives
o     No registration needed. This event is FREE and open to the public
o     Please WEAR RED! Bring Banners, Posters, Staffs, Drums, Rattles
o     Meet at Minneapolis American Indian Center (1530 East Franklin Ave)
·         To get training on screen printing and start connecting with fellow Southside community members, please plan to attend the following event:
o       Thursday, Feb 13, 12 PM – late at Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center (MIWRC), 2300 S 15th Ave, in the cafeteria/gym. 
§  Show up for as little or as much time as you can make. No need to bring anything but you are welcome to bring fabric if you want something to print on and take home. These two events will be screen printing in preparation for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women awareness day

10:32   Cassie is no longer able to attend meetings on weekends (she works weekends 8am-8pm)
·           3 options:
Change board meeting dates
                        Cassie skips board meetings
                        Cassie resigns – rejected
·           The board decided to keep board meeting at the same time through March, with Cassie not attending and reconsider in April 2020
10:40   Updates:
·         Funding report from meeting
o    Reviewed funding papers with those who were not at meeting with Bob Cooper and Ethrophic on January 15th
o    This was the timeline we agreed to…where do we stand?:
§  Met with Ethrophic and Steve (from the city) and determine amount of money available (CPP and NRP)
o   Decide how much money to disperse via the RFPs and how much to reserve for organizational needs
§  Organize the ‘rejected’ RFPs and ‘accepted’ RFPs into EPIC priority (Community connection; public safety/crime prevention; new home construction/housing; environmental justice/community-wide childhood illness; youth and adult programming; community gardens) categories
o   Which RFPs are our priorities? Which RFPs fall into EPIC priorities that we haven’t funded?
o   Evaluate communities served
§  Prioritize proposals and recommend proposals for February board meeting
§  Youth programming (43476) from open contracts
§  30,000 from Phase II for playground project
§  See motion below
o     We will have a special board meeting (see motion below) to determine funding for proposals
MOTION: Set a time for a special board meeting to review rejected contracts related to summer programming and consider a motion to fund summer programming from Phase II Youth programming partnership initiatives. CP, AM, Approved
MOTION: At the same special board meeting we will address potential funding for the rejected playground proposal from Little Earth, AM, LD, Approved
o   Special board meeting will be February 11th, 2020 7-8:30
§  Sarah will e-mail board members about this
§  Shirley will organize ‘rejected’ proposals
§  Carol will bring past summer programming contracts
·         Website meeting with Amy and Gabe – Mary
o    Mary proposed that Amy and Gabe send invoice for web update and software purchases of ~$600
o   $665 – invoice submitted
o    Invoice for web hosting/maintenance for 2020 (to be paid in advance, quarterly)
o   $87 including domain name and hosting for 2020 – annual cost
o    Proposal for subscription for 1 hour per month (roll forward) subscription service for additional work requested.
o   $25 for one hour per month – if we don’t use the hour it will rollover
o   Add a Facebook connection on the EPIC homepage so EPIC board can post announcements to our Facebook page and they will automatically be featured on our EPIC home page
o   Set up a short URL for our EPIC website so we can use short URLS to provide easy to remember links to news and reports as needed
§  Something like epic.now/                                     
o    Mary proposes we do this for a year
o    EPIC puts what needs to be put on website on each board meeting agenda
MOTION: Approve invoices submitted for web update, LD, AM, Approved, one abstention.
·         CPP probation meeting
o    Update on funding policies and procedures
o    Mary will continue working on, and will update in March
o    Authorize expenditure for up to $1,500 for computer and software for use in EPIC office from current contract Phase II Plan Administration
·         Crime and safety updates at community meeting
o    Executive committee discussed the issue of the crime and safety discussion running longer than planned at community meetings.
§  To address this they propose that we always have index cards that members whose questions are not answered during the discussion can write concerns on and add their names and email addresses so Kali and/or Officer Hand can contact them.
§  Depending on what the night’s agenda looks like (i.e. how many guests, updates etc.) the time that is allowed for Kali and Richard will be adjusted accordingly
·           KALY Radio – Carol
o    Mahamed has requested an update on the project
§  Carol talked to him yesterday
§  We will receive updates on what was done in 2017/2018 and financial reports
o    Notes from January Board Meeting:
·      Contract from April 13th 2017 for $10,000
·      EPIC paid in installments; EPIC ran out of ability to pay, only paid $2,165
·      Fulfill old contract first
o   Is the funding still available?
o    Bob Cooper is asking for the agreement from 2017 or a summary of it
12:00   Logistics:
·      Annual Meeting board elections
o   2019: Steve Sandburg, Shontal Lajeunesse and Sarah Santiago elected; Mary Gonsior and Cassandra Holmes re-elected
o   2020: Directors up for re-election: Rosie Cruz; Laura Dale; Abah Mohammed; Carol Pass
o   Which board members will run for re-election or continue their term?
§  Laura Dale is considering not running; Carol is not sure
o   If there are open seats, are there people we would like to invite?
§  No names were mentioned
·      Completing Annual Report by March 15th
o   Carol will fill out the Annual Report and send to full Board by March 1st to read before the March Board meeting, vote to approve at March Board meeting (March 7th)
·      Need a garden committee lead or Brad apprentice
o    We are still looking for someone from the board to take a lead
§   No board members present at the meeting were interested
·      Funding opportunities:
o    E’s funding opportunities
o    Should we join MCN?
o    Google ads grant - Mary
·         What do we want to put in EPICs Alley post?
·      Additions to community meeting draft agenda