September 8, 2020

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 9-3

 EPIC Board Meeting Minutes

September 3rd, 2020, 7pm – 9pm

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) -280-8418


Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 

Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Carol Pass, Sarah Santiago, Cassie Holmes, Steve Sandberg, Shontal Lajeunesse

Board Members Not Present: Abah Mohamed, Rosie Cruz


Guests: Shirley Heyer


7:09     Agenda Approval, amended, LD, Approved

Minutes Approval, approved


7:14     Announcements

·      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, September 10th at 6:30 via Zoom – watch your inbox for link to join

·      Next Board Meeting will be: Thursday, October 1st at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom TBD

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

·      Next Executive Committee meeting will be: Thursday, September 17th at 7pm at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) or via Zoom

o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public

o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month


7:21     18th Ave Block Funding Request

·      we have not heard back about when the block wants to meet to go over line item by line item

o   Send out email following up on this

·      next steps

o   Carol sent a letter to Tim Springer explaining that we are not a funding organization and that we are not sitting on $200,000

§  Use this as a document that we can share when people ask us if we have funding available as an intro to EPIC funding


7:30     EPNI Update

·      CEAC (Community Environmental Advisory Commission) has written a letter more or less supporting our efforts at the Roof Depot Site as well as an op ed

o   Received a letter from the city clerk saying they could unappoint the members of the group or even disband CEAC and Green Zone Advisory Committee

·      September 18-20th Global Shapers will be highlighting the Roof Depot struggle at their conference

o   Members from the group have been emailing Mayor Frey and Alondra Cano


7:45     At the Executive Committee Meeting E recommended contacting partners from Community Partnership program and ask where they are with funding, especially Banyan since they do block clubs

·      Review updates from Community Partnership recipients – see spreadsheet

·      We want to follow up on email sent out earlier this summer

o   What do we want to ask in follow up emails? Some ideas:

§  have they changed tactics or plans since the uprisings or due to the increase in crime and violence

§  can anything that is already being done be connected with 18th Ave issues or other blocks?

§  Have they received additional funding after receiving EPIC funds to further their efforts?

§  When they report back to the city will they please include EPIC in correspondence


7:52     Bike Program from Hannah Lieder – Hannah found another organization to work on this with


7:52     Do we want to create a committee focused on issues brought to us by 18th Ave i.e. roundabouts, speed bumps, blockades, four way stops, crime and safety with the entire neighborhood?

·         Some issues to address:

o   Speeding, running stop signs etc.

o   Cedar Ave is way too busy

o   Biking issues – need more North/South bike lanes and 17th Ave needs more signage and protections being a bike lane

§  This might be a good chance to get more people involved in EPIC if we can act on this since so many people see these issues as a big problem right now

·      If we do form a committee, focus on barricades, speed bumps, round abouts – things that affect streets

o   Steve has been trying to contact people at the city regarding many of these issues – has not been able to connect with them

·      We need a committee chair who is a board member– board members are over worked and do not have the time for this right now

·      Call Cano if you would like to receive the link for the virtual meeting about barricades

·      Steve does not want to form a committee without the participation of 18th Ave

·      Specific projects regarding these issues have worked in the past maybe work on 17th and 27th ?

·      Contact Cano for help regarding traffic and speed bumps


8:20     Questions for doorknocking

·      more of an intro about EPIC – contact us, this is when we meet etc.

1)    question about how they want to stay connected to EPIC

2)    what issues are you concerned with? i.e. Food security, housing/rent, traffic/speeding,

3)    comfortability question about police at community meetings

·      do we want to postpone this until Spring or later due to COVID concerns?

8:27     Alley invoice

·      Send printable invoice to Sarah


8:30     Job description

·      Carol needs to put everything together and will talk to Bob Cooper

·      Carol will forward everything she has received from the city about this to Mary


8:32     Rent Control Letter of Support – see letter of support in email – See email

·      Joe Hesla from the Corcoran neighborhood is wondering if EPIC would like to sign the letter of support

·      Coalition is beginning to meet – still researching

·      Need city council to amend the charter to allow rent control

o   St. Paul has an easier path

·      Embark on education activities around it – Zoom parties, house parties

·      Question about what went wrong in New York – how to make it attainable for landlords

o   There are unattended consequences

o   Don’t want to hurt small landlords – if there is a rent cap possibility to work in a luxury tax for the large market rate apartments

·      Need to control for costs as well i.e. water and utility costs

o   Otherwise the small landlord will sell out to large conglomerates

·      Add this to next board meeting


8:45     Brad wants to use Mailchimp or Constant Contact for emails because issues with BCCing

·      Need to decide between Mailchimp and Constant Contact before moving forward – Mary contacting Tech Soup about this

o   Mail Chimp is best choice – up to 12,000 per month – could send out emails up to 6 times a month

o   Sarah and Mary will work together about setting this up

8:55     What do we want put in EPICs Alley post?

·      Recruit for:

o   chair of the Garden Committee

o   Run the Annual Meeting with election

o   Chair or run clean sweep

Additions to community meeting draft agenda

·      Recruit for:

o   chair of the Garden Committee

o   Run the Annual Meeting with election

o   Chair or run clean sweep