May 5, 2021

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 5-1


Original_EPIC_ImageEPIC Board Meeting Minutes

May 1, 2021, 10am – 12pm

EPIC web address: 


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (608) 513-5107

Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Nikolas Winter-Simat, Earl Simms

Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Nikolas Winter-Simat, Earl Simms

Board Members Not Present: 

Members: Carol Pass, Brad Pass, Emrys, Linda Leonard, Karen Townsend

Guests: Shirley Heyer

Check in: comfortability without wearing masks outdoors and distanced?

10:05 Call to order, DI, LD

10:00 Announcements

  • Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, May 13 at 6:30 online – find the link to join on EPICs website

  • Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, June 5 at 10am online – find the link to join on EPICs website

    • Board Meetings are open to the public

  • Next Executive Committee meeting will be: May 20 at 7pm online – find the link to join on EPICs website

  • Executive Committee meetings are open to the public

  • Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month 

10:05 Logistics:

  1. Agenda Approval, LD, ES, Approved

  2. April Minutes Approval, DI, LD, Approved

  3. Karen Townsend and Earl Simms tied in the 2021 board election for the 2021-2023 term. Karen withdrew her name and expressed that she would like to be considered for the vacant 1-year board seat. The executive committee has verified her eligibility and the full board has received a copy of her application.

  1. “The board votes at the next Board meeting (after board receives nomination) where a quorum is present. The Board decision must then be ratified by the majority of those members present at the next monthly membership meeting.”

MOTION: The EPIC board votes to accept the nomination of Karen Townsend to the EPIC Board of Directors. Karen’s nomination will be brought to the May community meeting where Karen will give a brief bio and the community will vote on her nomination, DI, LD, Approved 

4) $2,000 advance 

  1. advance from crime and safety initiative contract that expired 2017

  2. Money needs to be contracted or returned

MOTION: EPIC will pay the $2,000 advance back to the city of Minneapolis from the 2017 crime and safety initiative contract, LD, DI, Approved 

5) Mighty Networks for community communication. 

  • $23/month

  • Unlimited members

  • Has a ‘homepage’ that everyone can access

  • Can break into ‘groups’ based on committees or interests, events etc.

MOTION: EPIC approves the purchase of Mighty Networks to better communicate with East Phillips neighbors. EPIC will spend $800 in 2021 for an independent contractor to create a video tutorial and conduct trainings across the neighborhood about using the communication tool. Amended: EPIC approves up to $200 towards a subscription to Mighty Networks and continues to collaborate as a board to address concerns and issues before releasing it to the community. DI, LD, Approved

Discussion of the motion:

Question about security - EPIC board would be moderator with guidelines

Question about keeping it to neighbors in East Phillips

Mary may need more time and guidelines laid out. Nikolas and Sarah will work on this together.

Concern if it gets too big too soon.

6) Preferred board meeting day?

  1. First Thursdays at 7pm or first Saturdays at 10am?

  2. Keep as is for now

7) Housing Development proposal

a. Looking for our approval. We will bring it to the community meeting for their endorsement or objections

Discussion: too close to nearby housing? 

-how many units? How many bedrooms? 

-re-entering society?

-concern that there isn’t green space

-clarify address

-committee: meeting with construction company?

-has the city flyered the immediate neighbors?

-Sarah will send questions onto Developer. Sarah will put this on the community meeting agenda and in the E-News

8) May Community Meeting:

  1. Focus on CPP funding and bylaw changes

  2. also the above housing development proposal

10:30 Work groups - TABLED

  • EPICS Values, Mission and Vision workgroup – Nikolas leads

  • Emphasize that board members are responsible for serving our community and creating a safe space for all


  • Community Participation Agreement workgroup – Sarah leads

11:00 Officer elections

  • President - Nikolas

  • Vice President - Mary might be interested 

  • Secretary - Cassie for time being

  • Treasurer - David 

MOTION: EPIC board approves the above slate of officers, LD, StS, Approved

11:13 Share back about workgroups

11:30 CPP Funding 

  • Goal: bring a proposal to the EPIC membership

  • Partnership requests we have received:

    • LERA: Youth Workforce Development Program: $23,408

    • LERA: Native Youth Arts Collective: $15,614

MOTION: EPIC approves the Youth Workforce Development Program and the Native Youth Arts Collective proposals, NWS, LD, Approved.

MOTION: EPIC moves to transfer $39,022 from CPP funding to the Youth and Adult Programming neighborhood priority, DI, LD, Approved.

11:43 Committees

  1. Review  Nikolas’committee/department proposal

    1. Board departments report back to board at board meetings

    2. Bylaws no longer require 2 community meeting votes

      1. Idea to separate community meeting business from announcements and guests

      2. advertise differently

  2. Which board department are you most interested in and where do your strengths align?

    1. legal/finance 

-strengths: small detail oriented


  1. Vision Development

-vision and mission

-how are we meeting needs?

-strengths:big picture

c.    Relational-community and board connections

-personnel and community relations

-board retreat


-how to engage people – flyering, banners etc

-strengths: relationships


Question about membership - need to attend community meeting to become a member, would attendees of committee meetings become members?

Check about requirements for bylaws re: 2 community meeting votes

All board members will review the bylaws, taking note of concerns and changes they want to see made. We will communicate via email about these items and we will find a time for the board to discuss before the 5/13 community meeting.

12:00 Lunch!

  • some down time to connect