January 12, 2022

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 1-8

EPIC Board Meeting Draft MinutesOriginal_EPIC_Image

January 8th, 2022, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address: eastphillips.org

Email: sarah@eastphillips.org

Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 354-6802


Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present: Steve Sandberg, Nikolas Winter Simat, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Karen Townsend, Laura Dale

Board Members Not Present: Mary Gonsior, David Ingold (E), Earl Simms



10:00   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda, NWS, Approved

Approve minutes, NWS, Approved


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday,  January 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 at East Phillips Park (masks required) and online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org)

o   Discuss whether to keep hybrid due to Omicron variant

o   Move to only online

        Notify community via email, facebook etc.

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, February 1 from 10am to 11am online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org)

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      Annual Meeting: March 26 2022

o   Those up for re-election: Laura Dale, Nikolas Winter-Simat, David Ingold, Karen Townsend

        Laura will try reaching out to Earl - Nikolas and Sarah have not been able to get ahold of him

        Nikolas Winter-Simat running again

        Please let us know by the next board meeting

o   Are you interested in running again?

o   Know a neighbor who might be interested in running?

        Start talking with them about the board, or give their name and contact info to Sarah so she can reach out to them

o   Plan for hybrid mtg?

        Plan for hybrid but be flexible, may need to be only online

      Try to secure gym at East Phillips Park

      Look at wording of ballot - do you need to have address to vote? What about our unhoused neighbors?

o   Resides in, but do not have an address

o   Interested in being on the planning committee for the Annual Meeting?


      Board received monthly financial report via email

      Also find here and posted on website

      Any questions or concerns?

      Board motions passed via emails since last board meeting:

MOTION: The EPIC board approves of paying rent ahead for 18 months at the current EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue) using our CPP funds, passed, 7 board members emailed stating they approved of the motion


MOTION: The EPIC board approves of purchasing office materials as outlined in the Purchase Request form for paper and ink, not to exceed $1700, passed, 7 board members emailed stating they approved of the motion

10:05   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator

1)     Greater Phillips Meetings

Decided to bring the following ideas to our various boards and see what aligns with current project / organizational goals and capacity. We also talked about picking a project that is strategic: one that helps us build power in our neighborhoods and/or a sense of shared interest and identity.

      Green space/ Phillips garden tour

      Could be combined with a Phillips history and/or walking tour

      A series of workshops hosted in garden spaces across all four neighborhoods

      Phillips-wide strategic approach to dealing with developers

      Developing a shared set of expectations could give our neighborhoods more power

      We could use/adopt/modify the Green Zones scorecard

      Shared traffic/ lighting safety improvements

      24th Street goes through all four of our neighborhoods, could be a good project site

      Safety - connect neighbors who live on 2900 blocks all through Midtown, East and West Phillips

      The Board participated in a poll

      Board members shared they had a hard time choosing - liked all of them - some could go hand in hand

      A few board members shared that 24th Street could be good opportunity

      Results of poll:

      Project or event along 24th Street - 2 votes

      Safety - connect neighbors who live on 2900 blocks - 2 votes

      Open street - 2 votes

      Green Zone - equitable development scorecard - 2 votes

      No votes: Lighting project, traffic calming initiative

2)     Contacted by Mpls Parks to inform us that EPIC could sponsor public art mural on the basketball courts at East Phillips Park

      Find more information here

      Would be really cool to be able to do - mural on Franklin - heard stories from neighbors and incorporated into artwork

      Olivia Levins Morales? Tim?

      Connect with? And ask to apply on our behalf? Stipend for their time?

      Use equitable engagement fund?

      Ask whether other orgs offered opportunity in East Phillips?

3)     Ameriprise Grant

      Read more here

      Grants to revitalize housing and neighborhoods and enhancing cultural awareness

      Interested in applying to help cover food and entertainment costs

      Requires an audited financial statement or financial review prepared in conformance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), completed within the last 2 years. Did the audit that the city do fulfill this? The audit says that it was "conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants."

      If so, apply?

      Board members are unsure - will follow up with Mary about this question

4)     Update on Reimagining Safety Partnership opportunity

      EPIC was selected for an interview - Steve and Sarah attended on ⅙

      Should hear early next week if we are chosen

      At last month’s meeting discussed augmenting the stipend with EPIC funds or raising additional funds

5)     NACDI/4 Sisters Farm is requesting a letter of support from EPIC for a MN Urban Ag Grant to support start-up farming costs such as soil, water, tools, labor expenses and a portion of staff time. 

      They would love to show that we have the support of the community and partnerships with neighborhood organizations such as EPIC

      Sarah will write the letter and get to the board for review

6)     Reviewed Garden Committee budget

7)     Southside Harm Reduction report

8)     Social Media Report - presentation

      More Facebook data in this folder 2021 - EPIC Board Docs - Google Drive

      View the Mailchimp report here Mailchimp 2021 Report

9)     Reviewed MN Secretary of State filing

      Will file in February

MOTION: The EPIC board approves of changing the agent on the MN Secretary of State filing to Nikolas Winter Simat, CH, LD, Approve

            Report from Departments

1)     Vision Department

      Strategic Planning

      You all received the contract to review, currently working with Devika to finalize and to set up the dates for each step

      Devika came back and requested that due to the uncertainty of COVID that we add a line to the scope of services below the steps stating that

      “The above is our proposed timeline but there is room for flexibility as needed. For example, if someone key to the strategic planning process gets COVID and there is a need to reschedule a meeting, or if it is taking a longer time than predicted to get a sufficient level of community input the timeline may need to be adjusted.”

      Vision Committee will do a large portion of the work for the Strategic Plan, with steps for the community and board to give feedback

      Vision Committee will consist of Vision Department (Nikolas, Earl and Karen), along with any board members and one or two community members who are interested

      Who else is interested?

      Sarah will try to attend as much as possible

      Shontal may be able to attend

      Since we are forming a committee, our bylaws state we need a charter - review draft here

      Changed charter to add ‘one or two’ community members as a part of the Vision Committee

      Find timeline with proposed dates for each step here

      Step 1 is with the Vision Committee to identify key areas for intervention for EPIC (i.e. housing, safety, neighbor participation, etc.) and setting long term goals in these key areas. This is a two hour meeting (including prep time) and Devika is proposing Feb 1 (weekday) or Feb 5 (Saturday)

      February 5 - afternoon

10:35   New business and delegate to proper spaces (work group, department etc.)


11:00   Adjourn