March 16, 2022

EPIC Community Meeting Minutes 3-10


EPIC Community Meeting Draft MinutesOriginal_EPIC_Image

March 10, 2022, 6:30 – 7:30

East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: (612) 354-6802

Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present: Nikolas Winter-Simat, David Ingold, Steve Sandberg, Laura Dale, Karen Townsend

Board Members Not Present:

Members: Gloria, Amy Luciano, Adriana Garcia, Devika Ghai

Guests: Kat Hoffman, DuSusan

6:30     Welcome

      Vision and Mission


      Group Agreements

      Respect each other; aim for kindness

      Respect each other's time; aim for brevity

      Respect the agenda; aim for unity

      Own your words, actions, and reactions; aim for peace

      How to become a member

      Chat Sarah or email with your email address and physical address (to verify you live in East Phillips)

      All members are allowed to vote on EPIC decisions and motions

      Agenda Approval, NWS, LD, Approved

Minutes Approval, NWS, LD, Approved



6:45     Feature Presentation//Community Discussion topic: Strategic Planning - Devika Ghai

      Strategic plan is giving EPIC a direction

      As we brainstorm: What do I want to be involved in? What will strengthen the community? What is a good use of EPIC’s money?

      Document for break out rooms

      More ideas?

      There will be a Google Form requesting input

      Interested in being more involved in this process? Want to join the Vision Committee?

      Put your name and contact information in the chat

      April Community Meeting


7:20     Announcements

o   The Annual Meeting is March 26 from 10-11am join online (link to join at OR in person at East Phillips Park!

        Join us to hear what EPIC has been up to over the last year, learn about EPIC’s financial condition, participate in the board election and hang out with your neighbors

        For those joining in person please wear a mask and light breakfast snacks will be provided

o   Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, April 2 from10am-11am join us online (link to join is at

        Board Meetings are open to the public

o   Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, April 14 from 6:30-7:30 at East Phillips Park and online (link to join is at

o   EPIC has a housing program! 0% interest! Fix up your home or buy a new home in East Phillips – Check your email for the brochure or go to: Programs for East Phillips Residents | Center for Energy and Environment (

o   If you smell a foul odor around Smith foundry or Bituminous Roadways call 311 to report

        Write down your incident number

o   EPIC will be creating a Micro Partnership Program to provide funding to neighbors to do a variety of things - help to create this program!

        Chat Sarah or email

o   Vote for your favorite sculpture to be created at the top of the ramp to the Greenway on 18th Ave! The last day to vote is March 31, 2022. Vote at

o   East Phillips Listening Session with Jason Chavez (our council member) will be March 24 at 6pm

o   EPIC is hiring! EPIC needs your help to effectively communicate with all of our neighbors in East Phillips! We are hiring two outreach workers - multilingual Phillips neighbors are highly encouraged to apply; the deadline to apply is March 31st. Learn more and apply at

o   East Phillips Doorknocking for Overdose Prevention Site

      A group of East Phillips neighbors and harm reduction groups have been gathering to envision solutions to the overdose crisis in our community, especially focusing on the possibility of creating an overdose prevention site. We're very early in the process, and we want to talk with as many neighbors as we can to get their feedback.


     Join us for a short training to get ready to talk with neighbors about harm reduction and our dreams of an overdose prevention site in the neighborhood. Then, join us on the doors!


      Our goals for doorknocking are to:

       Learn where neighbors are at (with regards to an overdose prevention site) and take in their feedback

       Build people’s knowledge of Harm Reduction

       Share a sense of hope, energy, investment - neighbors have a voice

       To get interested neighbors directly involved in the group/process of developing a site


Tues, Mar 15


Via Zoom:


First doorknocking shift:

Saturday, Mar 19


location TBD - we'll meet somewhere in East Phillips

*Feel free to come even if you can't attend the Tuesday training! We'll make sure everyone has a buddy and offer a short training for new folks.*

o   View the Monthly Financial Statement here


o   EPNI Update!

        Council voted to rescind the Hiawatha Expansion Project

        EPNI has until June 30th to provide a viable plan for the site


7:25     Community Decisions

MOTION: The EPIC board and members approves of using $16,094.78 of NRP-I funds for our CEE housing programs, NWS, LD, Approved


7:30     Adjourn