July 1, 2022

EPIC Board Meeting Agenda 7-9

EPIC Board Meeting Draft Agenda

July 9th, 2022, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address: eastphillips.org

Email: sarah@eastphillips.org

Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 354-6802


Board Roster: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Schyler Sellars, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, LR Young

Board Members Present:

Board Members Not Present: Cassandra Holmes (E),



10:00   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda,

Approve minutes,


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, July 14 from 6 to 7:30 at Little Earth Farm (corner of Ogema Pl and EM Stately St). Rain location East Phillips Community Center

o   Agenda here

o   Note no option to join online for this one

o   Note food etc. starts at 6pm, community conversation at 6:30

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, August 6 from 10am to 11am at the EPIC office and online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org)

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      Letters sent by board since last Board Meeting

o   Friends of Lake Hiawatha letter of support

o   LERA Greenhouse letter of support

      Monthly financial report


      Hiring: hired Hindolo Pokawa for Program Manager (15 hours/week), Hayat Guled for Outreach Worker (4 hours/week) and Project Manager (15 hours/week), Emrys Stramer (8 hours/week)

      Any board member available on July 16 to participate in a Wavelets Creative Sound Garden in Karen’s lot?

      Live performances/storytelling/poetry/art/composed tracks

      Karen would love to weave it in with EPIC somehow


10:05   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator

      Update on BIPOC Centered Wellness Services

            Report from Departments - Vision

      Update from board members who edited the strategic plan

      Next steps, will be to report back to community

      Share at July 14 Community Meeting?


MOTION: The EPIC board adopts the strategic plan as outlined.


10:35   New business and delegate to proper spaces (work group, department etc.)

1)     LifeStyle Recovery Community Groups Proposal

2)     Updated Budget - David, are we ready to approve?

a)     Numbers added from use of funds - move anything around? Bob Cooper wants confirmation that the amounts are the final amounts for these items

                                              i)          Community Hub $60,000

(1)   Realistic number - update from Nikolas on use of space?

                                            ii)          Youth Worker (LERA) $10,000

(1)   Depending on community hub - increase?

                                           iii)          Youth Programming (East Phillips Park) $10,000

(1)   Depending on community hub - increase?

                                           iv)          Small Business grants $5,000

                                             v)          Home Grants $20,000

                                           vi)          Microgrants $30,000

                                         vii)          Community Gathering Infrastructure (4 Sisters) $35,000

                                       viii)          Signage was lowest interest from community survey - back burner

3)     Microgrant application - Cleaning Captain (Mary, David, Schuyler, LR, Nikolas and Karen)

a)     Sent an email to both the Executive Committee and Legal and Finance Department - we have our first Cleaning Captain application!

                                              i)          Mary - update on contract for this?

                                            ii)          Question about paying youth (14-17 year olds) for this

                                           iii)          Question about upping the hours

(1)   Have maximum of 12 hours/month on application

(2)   Had been planning to have this up and running in May, so do we want to up the hours to closer to 15 or 20 hours/month to be sure we are spending this money since we have someone that is interested in doing more hours?

b)     SHRS interested in Cleaning Captain program as well. It would look a little different than what we had set up with the $21/hour payment.

                                              i)          Gracie said it would likely be about 5 participants per clean up event, every other week and one hour per clean up.

                                            ii)          The five people would get $20 gift cards for 1/2 hour of clean up. And they would like to do it for 3 months. Either Gracie or a participant would be the primary applicant and SHRS would help coordinate the clean ups.

c)     Can board members receive microgrants?

11:00   Adjourn