August 1, 2022

EPIC Board Meeting Agenda 8-6


EPIC Board Meeting Draft Agenda

August 6, 2022, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address:


Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 354-6802


Board Roster: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Schuyler Sellars, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, LR Young

Board Members Present:

Board Members Not Present:



10:00   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda,

Approve minutes,


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, August 11 from 6:30 to 7:30 at Cedar Field Park and online (link to join meeting can be found at

o   Agenda here

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, September 3 from 10am to 11am at the EPIC office and online (link to join meeting can be found at

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      Letters of Support signed since last month:

o   LERA LOS for their applications for financing to effect a substantial rehabilitation of the property

      Next Saturday, August 13 is Open Streets from 11 to 4:30

o   We will have a table and be offering environmental justice yard sign and cloth sign making. People can make their own free hand or use a stencil. We will also have Green Zone signs available for people and information about our programs and events

o   Anybody able to join for a bit?

10:05   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator

1)     Report on progress of Equitable Engagement Fund programs/initiatives

a)     Events

                                              i)          Carnival - had approximately 300 attendees

                                            ii)          July Larger East Phillips Community Meeting - had over 50 attendees

(1)   An opportunity to grieve, process, heal and celebrate together - we had healing services (massage etc.), food, an art activity and a community conversation facilitated by Nonviolent Peaceforce

(a)   We’ll have another on September 8

b)     Staff are hired - all 4 are East Phillips neighbors - including a Somali speaking Outreach Worker

c)     We have our welcome bags with our new EPIC logo on them - if you have a new neighbor let Sarah know and she can get you a Welcome Bag for you to give to them

d)     Microgrants

                                              i)          Block Party Reimbursement Program - 2 received so far

                                            ii)          One Cleaning Captain application received, one interested

                                           iii)          One Public Art application from an artist, one property owner interested

                                           iv)          One Skill Share proposal submitted

                                             v)          Only a few people have signed up for the Alley lighting program - talk to your neighbors - if they want one have them fill out this form.

e)     Community Hub - Project Manager Hayat is working on putting together events for the space on 27th and Cedar - putting together a MOU with Phillips Garden and getting Phillips Garden added as additional insured for the use of the lot

f)      Community Infrastructure - process is started, still waiting on updated budget from NACDI to finalize contract

2)     Use of funds - housing grant that was on the use of funds proposal that we got feedback on in May and June

a)     Wording from proposal:

                                              i)          Home grants: Approximately $20k. Provide approximately two grants of $10k each for housing rehab projects.

b)     Discuss whether to put into housing program or create housing grant program (note CEE charges $500 for admin per grant)

c)     If decide to go grant route, need to discuss:

                                              i)          Use of funds - how funds can be used

(1)   Consider broad uses- maybe exterior and interior

                                            ii)          Who is eligible

(1)   Owner-occupant?

(2)   income limit?

(3)   matching fund required?

                                           iii)          Amount of grants

(1)   Probably get more applicants than there is funding

(a)   Making sure applicants can come up with remaining funds

(2)   3 grants of $6,000, leaves money for admin


                                           iv)          How people apply - lottery, first come first serve

(1)   Lottery takes longer, need to get bids or don’t follow through, get next applicant etc. slowest part is getting bids for grants

(2)   If EPIC runs lottery, can do it faster

d)     To note about our housing program:

Failed applications for emergency loans

                                    -2 people weren’t eligible,

-have done 10 since 2020

                                    -since 2020 5 drawn up and people didn’t follow through with bids

Home buyer program is out of funds

                                    -can put some of the existing funds into homebuyer

3)     Schuyler

a)     Meeting with Jason Chavez on Thursday August  11th 10:30 to 11 city hall room 307

b)     Proposed resolution, would like to bring to Community Meeting as well:


MOTION: The EPIC board and community will work with Behavior Crisis Response, TOUCH/Office of Violence Prevention, and MetroTransit PD. These offices and organizations will share to the Board and to Community Meetings updates of how they are working to keep us safe and will answer our questions.


4)     Update on LifeStyle Recovery Community Groups

a)     Meeting with the drafters of the proposal and the city next week

b)     Bringing proposal to the August 11 Community Meeting


Report from Departments



10:35   New business and delegate to proper spaces (work group, department etc.)

1)     Clean Sweep - anybody able to help organize this Phillips wide event?

2)     Somebody to fill the Vice President role temporarily until December

3)     Review Pressure Produced Clean Streets proposal[1] 

a)     Bio and more details about the budget

4)     AIOIC, MVAT and others putting on Governor forum at Takoda on September 8

a)     Sarah will be out of town - anybody able to table?

b)     Contribute cost for canopy rental and chairs? Approximately $700

5)     Next month: review policies and procedures (must do annually)

a)     Finance and Legal - put together recommendations?

6)     August Community Meeting facilitator - David?

7)     Any funding or community decisions we want larger community input on?

a)     Prep for larger September Community Meeting

                                              i)          location?


Executive Committee/Legal and Finance Department - Karen, David, Nikolas, __(VP), Mary, Schuyler - stay on


Executive Committee

      Cleaning Captain update - Chiffon

      Sarah still has not received an evaluation from the Executive Committee that was to be provided back in February

      Nikolas - charge for use of vacant lot?


Legal/Finance Department

      review MoU with Phillips Garden, approve?

      Phillips Garden is being added as an additional insured

      Public Art proposal, photos of artists previous work here - Mary, do you approve?

      Schuyler abstains, the artist is his tenant/friend

      David approves

      Next steps if approved:

      Contract with artist (Program Manager putting together)

      Partner artist with a property owner of a property that has experienced tagging or graffiti and artist would work with them to hear what kind of mural they would like to see.

      MOU with property owner (Program Manager putting together) along with an honorarium for use of the space

      Skill share proposal

      Draft flyer for workshops

      Budget and more details

      Note that this is an EPIC employee

      Was told the applications for skill shares go to the Legal/Finance Department for review

      A reminder that this program is on a reimbursement basis and speaker honorariums. Anybody we are paying over $600 in a year, we need a W9 from.


11:00   Adjourn