January 20, 2011

General Membership Meeting Minutes 01-20

January 20, 2011 6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.,
Holy Rosary Church Board Room, 24th and 17th Ave

Board Present: Carol Pass, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms, Linda Leonard, Jennie Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Hannah Lieder, Mahamed Cali, Alfonso Cruz, Jim Gonsior, Sherzad Kordian

6:30 Introduction:
·         Greetings and Introductions, Meeting was moved to JAN. 20th to give more time to circulate CPP and board members out of town.
·             Approval of Agenda
·         Minutes from EPIC General Membership Meeting 12/16/2010

Motion: Meeting as a committee of the whole (BP, MG) passed.

6:40    Announcements  &  Reports:
·        Grand Opening of the East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center – Saturday, January 22nd
·        Waiting to hear about next meetings for 22nd St. & Franklin Ave  Street Design
·        Mahamed Cali has resigned from the board to devote more time as ED of Somali American Community Org.

7:00     East Phillips Park Community CenterGrand Opening January 22nd.
            Pick up a Flyer and Give One to your Neighbor.

There are some problems with heating - the building is very tight, and if there is a large group of people using the building, they need to open the windows for air. The temp. drops too much and the heating doesn't keep it up. This will be pushing back the use of the building until Mar. 1, and starting programming around April 1.

7:20      Phillips Community Center Partnership and Swimming Pool Hannah Lieder

Karen Clark wrote a bonding bill for $2.1M for restoration and the addition of a second teaching pool. The Park Board passed the Final Approval of the United Solution (developed by the Phillips Community Parks Initiative.)

7:30     Earl Simms and Linda L. arrived, Quorum was present. Motion to meet as regular Membership Meeting and             accept the actions of the Committee of the Whole.

7:35     NRP Phase I Review:

Carol distributed  copies of a first draft of our Phase I Review report. There is still much information that needs to be added, but the information is in, results of the survey and Dot-Mocracy are being tabulated.
MOTION: Accept the first draft of the Phase I Review. Passed unanimously.

7:45     CPP Grant Request:. worked out by the board at the last Board meeting and then completed and reviewed during the week by individual board members. Budget crafted to benefit many of EPIC’s collaborators. See individual collaborators mentioned. This budget is a motion to work out memorandums with our present and future collaborators mentioned. Any new collaborators will require a new vote by the EPIC board and membership.
MOTION: EPIC endorses the CPP Plan and Budget created by the Task force & board. (BP/HL)Passed Unanimously

7:50     Participation Agreement:
Carol distributed a first draft of our Phase II Participation Agreement. Neither the Phase I review nor the Participation Agreement is complete, so EPIC is applying for $58,000 from the new NCR Dept. NCEC Commission, which we will receive. In addition, EPIC applied for $10,000 from NPI. These funds will form the basis of our spending for 1-2 years. It is important to note that these funds can only be used to fund activities/groups that contribute/participate collaboratively with EPIC. Only programs, no real projects.

Questions/Comments about the Draft Participation agreement.
Brad: Looks nice. Looks ambitious. May have to amend the time line.
LL: Agreed…May not be able to keep to the time line. How required is that? It can be moved. If we can’t do it…we just can’t, but it’s a good goal. fearful of the actions of the Mayor.
JG: It’s a cold time to do a survey. Safer than spring or summer. This can happen.
Board memers who choose to plus anyone else who wishes to join can be a part of steering committee. Broadcast email and place ad in Alley.

JB has agreed to bilingual, Board motion to pay. MC for Somali, at least in his building and focus groups.
Rosie is recruiting more Latinos for Task force. Concern about lack of a Native presence. JB will survey Little Earth and AIOIC. We will just go there and ask if we can’t get the residents to join our meetings..
Focus groups: Rosie’s garage. Mahamed’s building vestibule. Need more task force members. Sherzad and some of his friends will join us.

8:05     NRP Phase II Planning and Future Funding for Neighborhoods:  What does the Council Decision and lost funding mean for EPIC and other neighborhoods??

How can we spend our Phase II money in the next 6 -8 months, in a way that the money comes back to EPIC? These themes should be discussed the focus group meetings.

  • Planning money for the Greenway development
  • Revolving loan fund
  • First Time homebuyer deal
  • Urban Homeworks (restoring houses)

30% of remaining funds can be spent on other things, including the kitchen in the park, beautification for the neighborhood, etc. Ventura Village zeroed out most of their 30% beyond housing. Did that raise questions??
Conclusion of the group: people want to make a full plan. Is that true??

Proposed action (under review for further discussion at board meeting: Board Proposal presented to all focus groups ( geographic groups and language groups) at a venue such as Holy Rosary (basement.) or annual meeting. Consider bumping up the annual meeting to March. Provide a written timeline for various proposals; Hold it in the same venue and time.

Because of the issues of inequity related to taking away neighborhood funds from poorer neighborhoods (not to mention the hand-off to wealthy neighborhoods in the form of tax breaks), the city council has formed a closed committee, in violation of their city charter rules and regulations regarding open meetings, to decide how to make the appropriation of neighborhood funds equitable to the poorer neighborhoods.

Three possible responses of the neighborhoods to this entire action of the city council:

  1. do nothing
  2. take legal action (money was designated by the legislature)
  3. initiate legislation to protect the funds

MOTION: Hold the annual meeting no later than the end of March, if possible. (CP, MC) motion passed.

8:30    2600-2606 17th Ave. PROPOSAL FOR APARTMENT of 20 UNITS of  HOMELESS HOUSING by Alliance of the Streets. Issues with Alliance, EPIC’s Response, Kris Brogan’s Letter
The proposal came up again before the city council and they passed the extension of their right to develop again.

2908 16th Ave. Very poor condition, est. $80-100,000 restoration, minimum. Consider options for this building, which could serve a large family in the neighborhood.

8:30    Adjournment