April 6, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes 04-06

April 6th, 2013, Saturday, 10:00 am

East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center
EPIC web address: http://www.eastphillips-epic.com/index.html
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers,
but most of all the world needs dreamers who do.”

Present board members:  Carol Pass, Jenny Bjorgo, Mary Gonsior, Earl Simms
Not present board members: Linda Leonard, Chiffon Williams, Rosie Cruz, JoseLuis Villasenor, Sherdl Kordian
Members: Brad Pass
Guests: Shirley Heyer

MOTION: Meeting as a committee of the whole. MG, CP Passed.

10:00             Introduction:
·     Approval of Agenda – JB, MG approved with amendments.
·     Approval of Minutes from 3/4/2013 EPIC Board Meeting. JB, MG approved.

10:10    Announcements: 
·      EPIC Membership Meeting: Thursday, April 11th, day, 6:30 pm, the East Phillips Park Center
·      Annual Meeting, April 27th
·      Website expansion, completed. We are the only neighborhood that has a website that translates into 85 languages.
·      NUSA Conference (Neighborhoods USA) Register before April 26th for Conference on May 22nd to 25th.

10:15             Greenway Heights Apartments: Motion for funding to help with the Balconies. $35,000. Discussion of funding with Robert Thompson. Using the NRP Phase II Plan as our Priority Plan plus additional meeting endorsements and Annual Meeting is acceptable.

CP has not heard whether we have been granted funds from the County for this project. We did receive money from the City. Goal is to build this spring. Robert Thompson said that our process, as an extension of our priorities as part of the Phase II plan, and our decision about at four meeting over the past three months, is sufficient to move $35,000 from new NRP funds to leverage the funding from the County. It is not necessary to have create a new motion, because we have already approved this two times in community meetings, and board meetings. Just need confirmation from the Annual Meeting.

10: 30            NUSA Conference (Neighborhoods USA): Registration: Before April 26th; Conference: May 22-25, 2013, Wed.-Sat., Cost: $200.00. Sponsorships, Issues.
Even though the city reversed its plans to have this conference planned and executed by neighborhoods, and after hundreds of hours of planning completed by neighborhood volunteers, the city will hold this conference in May. The present conference was planned by non-neighborhood groups, however, EPIC members should probably still attend. EPIC can send two delegates to this event. After April 26 the registration cost is $300.

10:40            Housing Programs: Progress, Some Door-Knocking and distribution, Some filling out Apps. Jenny said she would be willing to do door-knocking and translating to Latino residents.
            Brochure and Instructions in Spanish.
EPIC has distributed some of the CEE packets as people have requested them. There have only been about 2 or 3 requests so far.

10:55             Annual Meeting:  on April 27th, Saturday at 9:30, meeting starts at 10:00 am.

·      Food: Shirley Heyer contracted for $250 meeting starts at 10:00 am
·      Entertainment: still no live entertainment.
·      Election of new Board Members:

Board Members elected last year Jenny, Carol, Rosie and JoseLuis. We would like to have five more elected this year. On the ballot are: Mary, Linda, Earl and Sherdl.

Nominations from the floor will be accepted provided that individuals have signed the board nomination form, and have attended at least one EPIC general membership meeting during the past year. A sign and nomination forms will be available at the sign in table during the annual meeting.

We have invited others to consider serving.
·      Norm (Jenny B.)
·      Cam and Tila, come and bring some relatives.
·      Naomi (Banyan)

11: 10 Report on NCR Funding Requirements:
Robert Thompson agreed that we can use the priorities stated in the NRP phase 2 plan (if it is recent), and along with community meetings, we can extend this plan forward to request new plan dollars. There are questions as to whether we will have any TIF or other future money after 2014. We used to have NRP dollars guaranteed for 10 years. Now we can only count on a 3 year plan, if the city does not withdraw their assent to this. The city has until June 30 to decide if they will change this. We have our NRP dollars no matter what.

11:15   Pool Progress: Alley two page Article EPIC paid $250, Other Neighborhoods to kick in $250 apiece. Check this out to inform yourselves.

April 10th presentation at Ventura Village. April 24th (Wednesday) meeting for all the neighborhoods starts at 6:30 pm at Phillips Community Center. Phillips Community Parks Initiative is working on a community wide outreach to update residents of the four neighborhoods and present a united neighborhood support group for the pool. The Park Board on March 6, did pass an endorsement of support for raising the funds needed for operations and construction needed for the pool.

11:35             The Opening of the Community Garden: Report by Brad Pass.

First garden meeting is next Saturday, April 13th, 2013 (steering committee and anyone else who wants to come.) Plot fees will be decided, and other concerns discussed. Come learn about receiving a plot. The first gardener’s meeting will be April 13, when plots will be assigned.

The following motion needs to be cancelled and substituted at the next general membership meeting. Board recommended motion to support EPIC’s assuming payment of annual property tax payment (up to $1,000 per year). EPIC owns the property.
It needs to read that EPIC moves this money to the “other” category.

11:50            Adjournment