June 3, 2017

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 06 - 03

June 3rd, 2017, 10:00 am -12:00
East Phillips Park Cultural & Community Center, 2307 17th Ave S.
EPIC web address: eastphillips-epic.com
Office: 2536 18th Avenue S., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) 280-8418

Board Roster: Jenny Bjorgo, Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass, Linda Vermillion, Cassandra Holmes, Tom Harris
Board Members Present: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Linda Leonard, Carol Pass,
Board Members Not Present: Jenny Bjorgo, Linda Vermillion, Cassandra Holmes, Tom Harris
EPIC Members: Brad Pass, Michael Green, Shirley Heyer
Guests: Julie Graves, Brendan Kelly

10:00   Introductions:

·       Greetings and Introductions.
·       Approval of Agenda as amended. Approved by Consensus.
·       Approval of Minutes from May 6th, 2017, Approved by Consensus.

10:10   Announcements:
  • Rental of the Office Cleaning Day to be announced
  • EPIC Community Meeting, June 8th, Thursday, at East Phillips Park, 6:30 to 8:45
  • Summer Festival, Sunday, June 25, 2017

10:30   Recent deaths in East Phillips

Three deaths on June 2nd. A youth was killed on 17th Ave, struck by a car. A man and woman living on 18th Ave died of an overdose.

10:40   Waite House KRSM Radio - Julie Graves and Brendan Kelly

(Julie Graves) After 3 decades of serving in the neighborhood, due to changes in funding, Waite House lost all their K-5 funding for afterschool activities in April. They have figured out some ways to partner with Mpls. Schools and other partners to provide services to youth aged 2-11 (children under five must be accompanied by an adult. ) The program will provide a snack, supervised playground, gardening, arts, cooking, literacy mentoring and dinner on Monday-Thursday, from June 26th to August 4th (2:30PM – 6:00PM). EPIC funds that were provided for summer programs will be used to serve EPIC families through these new activities. More East Phillips families and youth will be served through this program than the planned program which had to be cancelled. Additional funds are being sought to provide programming for the school year.

(Brendan Kelly) KRSM, a brand new radio station operating out of the Waite House, has officially launched and has 81 hours per week of programming. This is a low power station and serves a geographic region (South Minneapolis). KRSM is a media justice project, working with a multitude of community partners, featuring multilingual content. Free trainings are available to anyone interested. You can now listen online at www.krsmradio.org, but once funds are raised to install an antenna, you will be able to access at 98.9 FM.

11:10    Election of Officers

Discussion of whether to elect officers when so many directors are not present. EPIC’s bylaws state on page 6, the board shall elect officers at the first board meeting following the annual meeting. Consulted Roberts Rules of Order, and previous month’s minutes.

MOTION: EPIC will elect officers today. LL, MG, Approve (3 in favor, 2 abstain.)

·       For: We have a quorum, existing officers are currently present.  
·       Against:…There are 4 directors absent this month; Absent directors did not contact EPIC to report excused absences.

Officers elected by consensus

President: Carol Pass
Vice President: Laura Dale
Secretary: Linda Leonard
Treasurer: Mary Gonsior

MOTION: Correction to May Minutes (LL, LD) Approved (4 approved, (MG) abstain.)

11:40 (Bylaws and Questions)
Because not all EPIC officers were present, we agreed to postpone election of officers.

For July Agenda:
·       Review of June Election, Discussion, Questions
·       Tabled items:
o   Board Functioning discussion
o   Completion of Bylaw process
·       Review bylaws page 6, Section 8, Change?

10:25   Safe Streets Effort – MOTIONS?

10:30   Board Functioning discussion

TABLED by consensus.

10:50    Completion of Bylaw process

TABLED by consensus.
Garden Committee Sign-up (March-October)
9AM (usually) on the first Saturday of the month. (Right before the EPIC meeting.)

July (8) - Rosie
August - Laura
September -Mary
October - Linda

March -
April -
May -
June -

12:00  Adjourn