June 15, 2017

EPIC Special Board Meeting Minutes 06 - 15

EPIC Special Board Meeting, June 15, 2017
6:30 pm at Perkins Restaurant on Franklin Avenue

The meeting was held on short but legal notice to make it possible to complete the CPP 2016 report in as timely a manner as possible and to discuss important business that has come up since the last board meeting, some of which needs to be discussed soon and/or before July before July. As usual we met at Perkins on Franklin Avenue, our place of choice since we still have no office. We began our discussion at 7:00 PM.

Present: Mary, Rosie, Carol, Linda L., Laura

Absent: Linda V. whom we could not, reach by any contact information; Cassie who had A previous commitment; Jenny had to be out of town; and Tom was ?

CPP 2016 report

We started reading and discussing the CPP report. Essentially it is mostly identical to the 2016 Annual Report for the neighborhood passed out to attendees of the recent EPIC annual meeting, which we have read before and had for a couple of months. It is a shortened version that includes the CPP checklist. The profit/loss statement is the one found in the April report. Page 2 is the only really new page. The board agreed by consensus to approve the CPP report. Reading through it evoked a few stylistic and spelling edits. We reread the material as “proofreaders” and made editorial recommendations. The content was approved as presented so the report could be submitted.

The Greater Metro Housing fee of $2,500.

We discussed the fact that the membership and board have continued to approve this long-standing EPIC program to assist homeowners of East Phillips rehab and maintain the housing stock of family homes even up to an owner-occupied 4-Plex, even through a change in the administrative agency a few years ago. We have potential loans pending and it was agreed that we should try to maintain this program. We were made aware of the $2,500 fee to manage the loan process and record-keeping. We decided to ask them for an invoice detailing the fees purpose and what it actually pays for and whether it's an annual commitment.

Hiawatha campus (Roof Depot site) Project:

Not everyone had received a change of emails about the grant EPIC received from the MN state legislature. There was some announcement from Council Member Cano, that also indicated a meeting about the funds. Representative Clark corrected some of the information by clarifying that the funds go directly to EPIC as fiscal agent and that EPIC had submitted considerable documentation to make the award even possible at all. Apparently no other organization in East Phillips had a strong enough history to qualify for the grant. There is a beginning discussion of what the “East Phillips Urban Institute” might actually become. There was some discussion about EPIC’s participation in the planning/advisory group currently meeting with city officials about the roof depot site. The leadership structure and participation structure seems ambiguous and there were points made about forming bylaws for the group and about fiscal management fees and how to go about hiring a staff person and defined roles for such a person.

Clearly, the board wants to have an active role in whatever the Multicultural Urban Institute becomes. Apparently Karen Clark hopes to hold a meeting to explain the purpose of the legislation she was able to get passed thanks to Carol Pass putting together a series of documents on short notice.
We adjourned at 8:30 PM. 

Submitted by Linda Leonard, Secretary