March 11, 2020

EPIC Board Meeting 3-7

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes

March 7th, 2020, 10am – 12pm
EPIC web address:
Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone: (612) -280-8418

Board Roster: Rosie Cruz, Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, Shontal Lajeunesse, Abah Mohamed, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago. 
Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Carol Pass, Steve Sandberg, Sarah Santiago, Rosie Cruz
Board Members Not Present: Cassandra Holmes (E), Shontal Lajeunesse (U)
Members: Gabriel Maraveles

10:19   Agenda Approval, Amended, LD, StS, Approved
Minutes Approval, Approved
Special board meeting minutes approval, StS, LD, Approved
10:05   Announcements
·      EPIC’s Annual Meeting will be Saturday April 18th
o   EPIC has 4 directors up for re-election
o   Primary qualifications for becoming an EPIC board of director:
§  Must be 18 years of age and have attended one previous EPIC General Membership Meeting in the previous 12 months.
§  Must reside or own property in East Phillips, OR be designated as the voting representative of an organization or business in East Phillips
§  Go to EPICs website for nomination forms
·      Next Community Meeting will be: March 12th at 6:30 at East Phillips Park
·      Next Board Meeting will be: April 4th at 10am at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o   Board Meetings are open to the public
·      Next Executive Committee meeting will be: March 19th at the EPIC office (2433 Bloomington Avenue)
o   Executive Committee meetings are open to the public
o   Board members please send agenda items (for both community meetings and board meetings) to Sarah before executive meetings each month
·      Next Southside Green Zone meeting is Monday, March 23rd from 6-8pm in the Phillips Community Center (2323 11th Ave. S)
·      South Minneapolis Safety Council March 11th 3-4:30 at the Salvation Army on Lake Street
·      Increased bus service is coming to Chicago and Lake. Metro Transit wants to test a mobility Hub where people can connect with other transportation modes in a safe, comfortable and accessible place. Join one of four community listening session to tell them what will help you connect to transit at Chicago and Lake – all events will be held at the Midtown Global Market, Ziadi Event space:
o   Monday March 23rd 5:30-7:30pm – Kick off event (food and refreshment will be provided)
o   Tuesday March 24th 5:30-7pm
o   Wednesday March 25th 5:30-7pm
o   Friday March 27th
§  noon-1pm: Final community presentation
§  1-5pm: community open house
·      Proposed resurfacing project in East Phillips on all the streets from 26th Street East to Lake Street and Longfellow Ave to Bloomington except Cedar, Bloomington, 26th and Lake Street
o   Informational meeting is on Tuesday March 10th at 6:30pm at Steward Recreation Center (2700 12th Ave)
o   Public hearing is March 17th at 10am at Room 317 in City Hall (350 South 5th Street)
·      Roof Depot report:
o   Picketing has begun: this Friday, March 13th, 5PM at 28th and Longfellow
o   Support letters have been written on our behalf by Sen. Jeff Hayden, Sen Patricia Torres Ray, and endorsed by the entire Minneapolis Delegation; Dibble, Hornstein, Champion, Hassan, Gomez, Wagenius, Long, Davnie
o   MPCA Commissioner Craig McDonnell and Greta Gaultier will meet with EPNI Monday 3/9/20 at the Minnesota Senate Building arranged by Sen. Torres Ray
o   South Side Green Zone Council has also passed a resolution in support of the Community Plan; Clyde Bellecourt has written a letter to
Attorney General Keith Ellison in support
o   Please write and thank these supporters! Please show up for picketing on Friday
·         The City of Minneapolis is preparing the 2020 Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Program Policies and Procedures and Request for Proposals.  The Program’s purpose is to help finance the production, preservation, or stabilization of affordable rental housing in Minneapolis. There are a number of changes proposed this year, the public review is now open, comments must be submitted by 4pm on Monday April 20th to Amy Geisler
o   Changes include new language limiting rent increases to once annually; new language for sustainability requirement; updated policy guidance for Minneapolis 2040 and Renter Protections
10:36   Gabe M. about garden tax exempt status
·      Garden qualifies for tax exemption
·      Property tax is the largest budgetary expense and is something that we don’t need to pay if we are tax exempt
·      We need the charter certifying that EPIC is a non-profit
·      Gabe will contact someone at Hennepin county to work with us on this and send what he needs from EPIC
10:42   Emrys request for case by case decision to exempt her from owner-occupied because she needs a co-signer
·      Not able to have a non-occupant co-signer
·      CEE needs that decision sent to them on EPIC letter head
MOTION: EPIC authorizes support letter for Emrys if needed, StS, CP, approved
10:20   Approve Annual Report
MOTION: EPICs executive committee meeting is bringing forward a motion to approve the annual report, CP, SaS, approved
10:50   Neighborhoods 2020 program guidelines – see handout being passed around
·      East Phillips future funding:
o   2021: $20,000 – Network Fund
        + $44,598 (up to) – Equitable Engagement Fund (see page 18 for details)
o   2022: $15,000 – Network Fund
        +47,460 (up to) – Equitable Engagement Fund
o   2023-ongoing: $10,000 – Network Fund
                       +$51,514 (up to) – Equitable Engagement Fund
·      Concerned with why EPIC isn’t getting more funding compared to surrounding areas i.e. West Phillips and Midtown Phillips
§  Ask what their formula is to determine fund amounts
§  Carol will find out what is happening with Powderhorn
·      The official public comment period will be held from February 28 to April 17, 2020.
·      Space where residents can submit public comments. Current meeting dates include:
o    March 9: Urban Research and Outreach Engagement Center (UROC) - 6:00-8:00p.m.- 2001 Plymouth Avenue N. Minneapolis, MN 55411
o    April 2: Northeast Park and Recreation Center - 6:00-8:00p.m. - 1530 Johnson Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
11:11   Updates:
·      KALY Radio update
o   Carol will rearrange the budget and send it out to the whole board
o   KALY Radio will give us the reports for the outreach done and the financial report of how the money was spent
o   From the 2019 budget: take $2,700 from occupancy + $1,000 from translation, interpretation and ADA support + $1,000 from other services (line item 13) + $2,300 from staff expenses
MOTION: Move the following funds in the 2019 budget and add it to line item 7: $2,700 from occupancy; $1,000 from translation, interpretation and ADA support; $1,000 from other services (line item 13); $2,300 from staff expenses, CP, RC, approved.
·      Contract to amend previous contract of 2017-2019
o   Contract is signed – and increased from $76,200 to $152,400
·      Review draft policies and procedures for CPP probation
o   Two items:
§  Reviewed current financial policies and procedures
§  Reviewed draft of new financial policies including authority, responsibilities, financial transaction with insiders, gift acceptance, asset protection. Adopted as amended, StS, RC, approved
·      Invoice for utility bill for 2 months (December 2019 and January 2020) for $128.08 submitted
·      We need to carry automobile insurance – new requirement from Bob Cooper
o   Carol called our insurance company and they will get us a quote
o   Garden committee would like to confirm that the Garden is covered on EPICs insurance policy
o   Need to ensure that liability insurance includes sexual harassment and assault that occurs on our site or in our programs.
·      How is planning for annual meeting going?
o   Annual Meeting board elections
§  2019: Steve Sandburg, Shontal Lajeunesse and Sarah Santiago elected; Mary Gonsior and Cassandra Holmes re-elected
§  2020: Directors up for re-election: Rosie Cruz; Laura Dale; Abah Mohammed; Carol Pass
§  Which board members will run for re-election or continue their term?
·      Laura Dale is considering not running; Carol is not sure (not president for sure); Rosie will run again
§  If there are open seats, are there people we would like to invite?
·      Brad will contact Gabe M. to see if he is interested
·      Mary will contact Henry
o   Brad and Carol will hire someone to distribute flyers and submit reimbursement
o   Brad will talk to Welna about doorprizes
o   Brad will do sound system
o   Brad will create and print ballot, EPIC trifold/info sheets and housing program brocuhre
o   Mary, Cassie (?) and Sarah will create agenda and housing program brochure and update EPIC trifold/info sheets
o   Sarah will print sign in sheet (for 100), agenda (60)
o   Carol will create annual report and print
o   Brad will purchase food (pancake mix, syrup etc.), paper products and beverages
o   Alfonso will coordinate set up, serving food, working sign-in table and clean up
o   Rosie will contact volunteers for servers
o   Sherzad will cook
o   Info tables: swimming program, EPNI, standing solid cheer team (Rosie will contact)
·      Liga Hispana request for $999 for Park and Recreation Board rental of the fields
MOTION: EPIC approves payment of up to $1,000 for Liga Hispana to go to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for the rental of the baseball fields for 2019, MG, StS,
·      Update on Roof Depot site - TABLED
·      Southside Greenzone update - TABLED
o   Greenzone passed motion supporting the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm
·      The city is seeking input on a new Low Barrier Housing Initiative to support creative, community-led, short-term housing solutions that are cost-effective, culturally appropriate, leverage other public, non-profit and/or philanthropic funding and can be implemented within a one year period. Funds will be deployed quickly to respond to urgent needs. Comments on this proposal will be accepted until 4pm on April 20 2020. Send comments to TABLED
11:40   Logistics:
·      Board member at every garden meeting – sign up sheet TABLED
·      What do we want to put in EPICs Alley post?
o   Feature the annual meeting
o   Sarah will contact Cassie to see if she will still work on this
·      We have a 2020 Clean Sweep packet with applications
o   The city is promoting the Adopt-A-Litter Container, Adopt-An-Ash Receptacle and other Clean City Opportunities to focus on the need to control litter within our neighborhoods all year round. 
·      Additions to community meeting draft agenda