February 9, 2022

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 2-5


EPIC Board Meeting Draft MinutesOriginal_EPIC_Image

February 5 2022, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address: eastphillips.org

Email: sarah@eastphillips.org

Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 354-6802

Board Roster: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Earl Simms, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat

Board Members Present: Laura Dale, Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Steve Sandberg, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, Shontal Lajeunesse

Board Members Not Present: Earl Simms

Members: Brad Pass, Carol Pass


10:11   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda,

Approve minutes,


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, February 10 from 6:30 to 7:30 online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org)

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, March 5 from 10am to 11am online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org)

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      Annual Meeting is March 26 2022

      Strategic Planning meeting tomorrow (2.6) at 11am

o   Several board members were not at the last board meeting, anybody else interested in joining the Vision Committee?

o   Vision Committee will do a large portion of the work for the Strategic Plan, with steps for the community and board to give feedback

o   Vision Committee will consist of Vision Department (Nikolas, Earl and Karen), along with any board members and one or two community members who are interested

        Who else is interested?

      Sarah will try to attend as much as possible

      Shontal may be able to attend

      Sarah will send board the meeting link

10:05   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator

1)     Discuss whether to have in person meeting option for Thursday’s Community Meeting

      Facilitating hybrid is hard

      In future walk up to owl/mic

      Plan for in person and online meeting for March

2)     Annual Meeting and board election report/discussion

      Those up for re-election: Laura Dale, Nikolas Winter-Simat, David Ingold, Karen Townsend

      Laura will try reaching out to Earl - Nikolas and Sarah have not been able to get ahold of him

      Earl resigns, we will request written resignation from him

      Nikolas Winter-Simat and Karen Townsend are running again

      Laura will not run for re-election

      David leaning yes


1)     change in nomination form

2)     documents applicants need to review prior to applying for the board

      Due to the change in our bylaws and policies and procedures, we need to update the nomination form and the documents needed to review prior to applying

      Any changes?

      Call for nominations: Sarah plans to flyer at businesses and put flyers on poles throughout the neighborhood on February 8

      Board member who is not running for re-election to help verify results?

      Approximately one hour on Thursday March 31st

      Mary Gonsior

      Cassie can help too after 5pm

      Will also ask a board member from Midtown Phillips or Ventura Village

      At last board meeting discussed we would plan for a hybrid meeting, knowing may need to pivot to online only based on transmission rates closer to time

      Contacted park to request use of gym - response below:

      “Chances are that your chances are quite good 😊. That said on 1/7 we went into a pause with taking new building reservations city wide due to the uptick in Covid cases.  I believe the MPRB is like the city and evaluating our restrictions in mid February. We certainly can prepare to make this meeting happen as soon as we have a green light to take reservations.”


      $100-$150 - snacks

      Churros? Fruit? Coffee

      Discussed whether to change bylaws about requirement of how many board members

      Idea to have 7-9 board members, state range

      Did not decide

      Talked about board recruitment committee

      Have it be an ongoing piece of community engagement department

3)       At the January Community Meeting we heard a presentation about Overdose Prevention Sites. The group of East Phillips neighbors who have been working on Overdose Prevention Sites since September (which grew out of an EPIC Community Meeting focused on drug use and safety) shared that they are interested in being a working group of EPIC

      And have access to EPIC resources (staff time, printing, interpretation)

      Would like to invite EPIC to be a partner in this work

      Also be somewhat independent so not all decisions go through EPIC (not all neighbors are likely to support an OPS and this may lead to difficulties down the road)

      We only had a few board members present, but community members shared

      Community member shared that it makes sense for group to be a working group of EPIC

      Give the group a bit more umph

      Community member excited to see where it goes and likes the working group idea

      Appreciates that people are working on this, haven’t been able to attend but have been keeping up on it via email/online

      Wanted to update full board

      Sharing meeting notes with full board - Sarah will add board to shared document folder

      Make document showing how much staff time per month, printing expenses per month etc.

      Need to be thinking about grants - EPIC as a fiscal agent

      Don’t want to be seen as EPIC controlling funds

      Two board members shared appreciation for community members volunteering their time for this work

4)     Follow up on collaboration with other Phillips neighborhoods - see full proposal here

      Background: Phillips residents often experience the spillover from activity on Lake Street, Franklin Avenue, and other main thoroughfares in our neighborhoods. These activities include drug sale, sex work, and sometimes acts of violence.

      These things impact the real and perceived safety and wellbeing of nearby residents who may suffer from lack of sleep, sustained heightened nervous systems, verbal and physical assaults, and more.

      the current situation as experienced by housed residents, drug users, pedestrians, unsheltered neighbors and sex workers, is the result of deep structural problems including poverty, racism, addiction, and lack of access to mental health services.

      Band-aid solutions are not a fix, but in order for us to live sustainably and impact the root causes, short-term action is also necessary

      Vision: We want to bring together residents across the four Phillips neighborhoods: Midtown, East, West, and Ventura Village. In particular, we want to bring in residents who have experienced high levels of activity on their blocks. The purpose of this group will be to:

      Remind people that they are not alone.

      Strategically unify neighbors experiencing common concerns behind specific asks from City departments and officials. We are more powerful when we speak as a collective and can make clear collective demands.

      Share information and resources so that people know that there is work happening on these issues. We may even build a Phillips resource booklet!

      Recognize that there can be dramatic differences between one block and the next and to respond accordingly. By working together we can develop a holistic sense of how activity travels between streets and blocks, and to be mobile about staging interventions. In doing so, we can provide certain blocks with a “break” when things get intense even with the understanding that activity might move to other blocks as a result.

      Structure: Bring together one representative from the 2900 blocks in Phillips West, Midtown Phillips, and East Phillips along with representatives from the 1900 blocks in Ventura Village. Representation from other blocks is welcome!

      Set up an initial meeting to talk about purpose, followed by once/month virtual meetings if people would find it useful

      Develop central repository for distribution of safety information and resources

      Host one block party per month, rotating between neighborhoods. Each month the neighborhood in question will choose a block where activity has been especially intense.

      Board was excited to hear how this is coming together and supports this plan

5)     Check in about sponsoring public art mural on the basketball courts at East Phillips Park

      Find more information here

      At last month’s meeting we had the question about whether we could use equitable engagement fund?

      Heard back from NCR: If we went through getting input about whether neighbors supported this via outreach (phone calls, some doorknocking, talking to people at the corner store) as well as a community meeting,we could likely use our Equitable Engagement Funds (likely the CPP rollover funds)

      Ask whether other orgs offered opportunity in East Phillips?

      Haven’t heard back about this

      Board members expressed interest in doing it

      Using a process similar to the mural on Franklin Ave - artists heard stories from neighbors and incorporated into artwork

      Olivia Levins Morales? Tim?

      Connect with? And ask to apply on our behalf? Stipend for their time?

      Sarah shared that with the Annual Meeting she doesn’t feel like she has the time to pull this together before the deadline - others able to reach out to artists?

      Sarah is hesitant because a flat basketball court is not the most highly visible place, there are other spaces that would be more visible

      Also seems like we are doing MPRB’s work for them

      Neighborhood organizations used to get funding from MPRB, not anymore

      Initial interest form due to MPRB February 15

      Final proposal with budget and signed maintenance agreement due to MPRB March 31st

      Board member proposes we reply: we would love to see this happen - provide outreach to artists and design from community, but not funding

      Board member shares that we should pass

      Board decided to pass on this opportunity

6)     Report on progress of Equitable Engagement Fund programs/initiatives

      Job descriptions for Garden Coordinator and Outreach Workers

      Publish job description early March

      Hire by April

      Train April

      Outreach/garden coordinating: May-October

      This has been added to our Organizational budget and will pass with the budget

      Development: Strategic planning process

      Getting better grasp on what CPP rollover funds can be used for - board needs to be thinking about

      Robust outreach, reaching communities that have been underrepresented will be key in deciding how to use funds

      Thoughts on how to approach this?

      Searching for grants for food, entertainment, artists and healers at larger community meetings; garden upkeep (tree removal, money for replacement tools, hoses etc.)

      Applied for a Resilia Microgrant ($1,000) and Minneapolis Foundation Microgrant ($5,000)

      Become a Minnesota Council of Nonprofits member?

      Would cost $125

      Comes with two free publications (i.e. 2022 MN Grants Directory)

      And can post free on their nonprofit job board

      Or purchase 2022 MN Grant Directory for $80

      Job postings for non members cost $179

      Decided to become a member, added to organizational budget

7)     Review and approve Letter of Support for LERA sweat lodge

a)     Board members support signing this

10:40   Report from Departments

Executive Committee

a)     Proposal for COVID/holiday pay

b)     Retirement benefits

c)     Executive Coordinator Evaluation

d)     Garden Coordinator and Outreach Worker job descriptions

e)     Executive Committee motions:

1) MOTION: To increase Sarah Santiago's salary by 12%, from $45,000/yr to $50,399.96/yr (with the same 40 hours/week expectation), DI, NWS, Approved

f)      PASSED EC 2/5/22


                                              i)          The SSA's Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) was 5.9% this year (and inflation is 7%.)

                                            ii)          Sarah has been an incredibly valuable worker! so that's why I think we should go higher than the 5.9% COLA rate in providing a raise.

2)    MOTION: To provide an $1,800 bonus to Sarah Santiago for exemplary work during holiday times and throughout the COVID-hardship, provided approval through appropriate funding contract, DI, NWS, Approved

a)     PASSED EC 2/5/22


                                              i)          For exemplary work during holiday times and throughout the COVID-hardship.

3)    MOTION: To increase Sarah Santiago's health reimbursement by 10%, from $375/mo to $412.50/mo, DI, NWS, Approved

a)     PASSED EC 2/5/22


                                              i)          To update our health benefits to align with increased health insurance costs

4)    MOTION: To change the definition of "full-time" from "36 or more hours" to "32 or more hours" in the Employee Handbook, consequently making health benefits more widely available, DI, NWS, Approved

a)     PASSED EC 2/5/22


                                              i)          Specifically, it is important to add flexibility for employees to be able to invest in different opportunities outside of their main job as the seasons of life change (e.g. volunteering, entrepreneurial startup, further education, caring for children).

                                            ii)          If we do have difficulty with finances in future years (this year we are in a great position!), it would be kinder to reduce hours while maintaining benefits, then just cutting someone's salary.

5)    MOTION: To update the Employee Handbook to accurately describe our existing health benefits as follows, DI, NWS, Approved

a)      Appendix B: Health and Dental Insurance

                                              i)          EPIC will provide a QSEHRA to contribute to employee medical and dental premiums and expenses. Health benefits apply only to full-time employees (see Section IV).

b)     Health and Dental Insurance within Section X. Other Benefits

                                              i)          Health and Dental Insurance

                                            ii)          EPIC will provide health and dental benefits to all employees (salaried [exempt] and hourly [nonexempt]) who are regularly scheduled to work full-time (See Section IV). See Appendix B for detailed information.

c)     PASSED EC 2/5/22

MOTION: Approve Sarah Santiago’s reduction in hours and salary by 10% (36 hours/week and $45,359.86/yr) to go in effect on the pay period starting February 14th, 2022, DI, MG, Approved by Executive Committee, DI, NWS, Approved


10:50   New business and delegate to proper spaces (work group, department etc.)

1)     Check in about Mighty Networks - $200 mark

      At May 2021 Board Meeting said we approved of trying Mighty Networks and put a cap of spending $200 on it

      We are at that $200 mark

      Approve additional money for it?

      Has 34 members and approximately 36 posts


                                              i)          Is network working?

(1)   Has a lot of potential

(2)   Outreach workers would be helpful

(3)   Do some sort of tutorial on it

(4)   Propose do one more year of intentionally trying it

      One year would cost $396/year

      Idea to have outreach workers communicate via Mighty Networks

      Board in favor of trying it for 1 more year, funding included in organizational budget

2)     KALY Radio contract

      Find draft contract here

      Can use CPP rollover funds for this or reduce amount since we have $5,000 total in budget for communications. KALY Radio/Shirley initially put ‘not to exceed’ $12,000 in contract

      With announcements and live shows in contract currently, total comes to $4,500

      Live shows - board members willing and interested in doing live radio show blurbs about events/meetings?

      If over $5,000 will need supermajority board approval (7 of 9 board members)

      Change contract to live shows to be determined

      Change contract to be more flexible for blurbs add bullet for community decisions and may include, cost and type of announcements; appendix - dates

      Change amount from $12,000 to $4,500

      Nominations for board - talk to past board members to see if they will do a live segment

MOTION: The EPIC board of directors approves a contract with KALY radio for 2022 for up to  $4,500 for the budget, DI, MG, Approved

3)  Review pending budget (V3)

      Final version will be sent out for approval after contract updates are provided by NCR

      Likely approving another one in the next month

MOTION: The EPIC board of directors approves the pending 2022 budget (V3), DI, LD, Approved

4) Review and approve year-end financial reports

MOTION: The EPIC board of directors approves the year end financial reports for 2021, DI, LD, Approved


5) Review and approve quarterly financial reports

o   We will share at Community Meeting as well

MOTION: The EPIC board of directors approves the quarterly financial reports, DI, LD, Approved


11:59   Adjourn