June 15, 2022

EPIC Board Meeting Minutes 6-4


EPIC Board Meeting Draft MinutesOriginal_EPIC_Image

June 4, 2022, 10am – 11am

EPIC web address: eastphillips.org

Email: sarah@eastphillips.org

Office: 2433 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Phone:  (612) 354-6802


Board Roster: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Shontal Lajeunesse, Steve Sandberg, Schuyler Sellars, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, LR Young

Board Members Present: Mary Gonsior, Cassandra Holmes, David Ingold, Steve Sandberg, Schuyler Sellars, Karen Townsend, Nikolas Winter-Simat, LR Young, Shontal Lajeunesse

Board Members Not Present:

Members: Devika Ghai

Guests: Brynn Kasper, Nicole Cavender, Sean C

10:00   Review vision and mission

Welcome guests/intros

Approve agenda, NWS, DI, Approved

Approve minutes, NWS, DI, Approved


      Next Community Meeting will be: Thursday, June 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 at Cedar Field Park (rain location is East Phillips Park). View online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org).

o   Find the draft agenda here

o   Note that July Community Meeting will be 6-7:30 (6-6:30 will be free food, music and signing up for free massage services)

      Next Board Meeting will be: Saturday, July 9 (note it is not July 2nd due to 4th of July weekend) from 10am to 11am at the EPIC office and online (link to join meeting can be found at eastphillips.org)

o   Board Meetings are open to the public

      East Phillips Carnival is June 25 from 12-4pm at Cedar Field Park (rain location is East Phillips Park) - more on this later!

      Monthly Financial Report available


1)     Letters of support signed since last board meeting:

a)     LERA request for letter of support for a tree canopy

2)     Board motions via email - vote to reaffirm after 21 day notice : MOTION: The EPIC board approves the use of $6,000 of NRP Phase II funds towards fencing at the NELC playground to contribute to the safety of the children at the center as well as the surrounding neighbors, moving $5500 from the employment readiness program to the assure safety in public spaces

10:05   Nicole - Lake Hiawatha

      Biodiversity - threatened by pollution

      Trash, underground pipes that extend to East Phillips

      Trash in Phillips goes directly to Lake Hiawatha

      Sacred home of the Dakota people - isn’t being discussed in the media

      Native populations getting ignored

      Healing the land is very important

      Used to be known as Rice Lake

      Wild Rice grew there


      Golf course built on former wetland - land has sunk

      Had flooding issues in 60s - added pumps

      Pumping 400 million gallons of water

      Comes with a lot of phosphorus pollution

      Flooding is more likely to occur

      Supports Hiawatha Master Plan

      Protect existing wildlife, biodiversity etc.

      Compromise - maintain 9 hole golf course, address pollution, stop pumping

      Met a lot of resistance

      Ask: grassroots orgs raising the concerns

      Reach out to park commissioners - hold the truths of land and Native community

      Will collaborate via email later

      Park board commissioners rejected bringing the Hiawatha Master Plan it to a vote

      Waiting for commissioners to bring it back up for the agenda

      5 in support

      Need 6 in support to have veto proof majority


10:15   Report/Update from Executive Coordinator

3)     Report on progress of Equitable Engagement Fund programs/initiatives

a)     Status of getting input on our funding proposals (4 Sisters Community Gathering Infrastructure, Microgrant Program and use of undesignated funds-approx. $120k): still need 6 more people to give input - share the survey with your neighbors

                                                                  i)          Job descriptions

(1)   Project Manager

(2)   Program Manager

(a)   Executive Committee is reviewing

(b)   Hoping to have these posted by June 10 - send me any edits before then!

(3)   Garden Coordinator

(a)   Gardeners approved the Garden Coordinator job description with the below edits

                                                                                                                            (i)          ADDED: Highly prefer someone who is familiar with the garden and the community - continue to resource gardeners for these roles

                                                                                                                          (ii)          ADDED: Range of 4 - 10 hours depending on the schedule of the candidate found

                                                                                                                        (iii)          Board discussion: Concern about vaccine requirement, leave up to EPIC

1.     Employee training - review MDH policies and follow CDC guidelines

4)     East Phillips Carnival volunteers

                                                                   i)          Tug of war area: 12:45-2:30:

                                                                  ii)          Recycled Art making - Lily

                                                                iii)          Environmental justice science fair. 12-2: //2-4:

                                                                iv)          Grill - LERA?

                                                                 v)          Cotton candy/popcorn station - LERA?

                                                                vi)          Fashion Show 2-3

(1)   Set up area

(2)   Inside, lining up fashionista/os

(a)   Write names on cards with pronunciation

(b)   Line up fashionista/os, get name cards in order

(c)   Hand off name cards to DJ so he can call them off

                                                               vii)          Raffle off and closing

            Report from Departments

10:30   Vision and Mission Department

a)     Finalize strategic plan - get it to a point where the board is comfortable adopting it. Keep in mind:

                                               i)          the plan is a plan, it’s an aspiration - not everything will be accomplished, but it's something to work towards

                                              ii)          what doesn't belong and should be taken out

                                            iii)          anything that is missing

                                            iv)          anything that should be shifted on the timeline - i.e. moved from 1-2 year goal to a 5-10 year goal

                                             v)          Reminder that this has been the process so far

                                           vi)          Small group of board members continue to comb through strategic plan (30-40 mins)

(1)   Nikolas, David, Karen

                                         vii)          Re-present it to the board - next board meeting, then onto the community

(1)   Add to next bm agenda



10:35   New business and delegate to proper spaces (work group, department etc.)

1)     Roof Depot Update

2)     BIPOC Wellness Proposal

a)     From city:

                                              i)          The six providers would need to show that they are qualified to do this work. Nothing formal, but just a short bio for each that shows that they're experienced.

(1)   Lauren: could not get a physical copy of certificates but have provided the links of the healers on hand. The social media pages have bios and links to certified services.

                                            ii)          The space at Walker Church needs to be a non-sectarian space. This would mean that there is no religious stuff in the room(s) or in the pathway to the room(s). Knowing Walker Church, I suspect that this will not be an issue.

(1)   Lauren: it is a non sectarian space

                                          iii)          The open-to-all piece is great. That will help with the attorneys' review. Bob Cooper is worried (only because we've never asked) whether the fact that this is free to BIPOC but not to others might also create a legal concern. The fact that EPIC would be paying almost $20,000 for the summer, could it be free for all during that time? Again, I don't know that this will be an issue; I'm just trying to channel the City Attorney's Office.

(1)   Lauren: The same pay what you can is applied to all looking for care

                                          iv)          EPIC does not currently have a line item for this program (understandable since it has not yet gone to the board). We would need to adjust the budget and NCR also would need to approve this as an EEF-eligible activity.

                                             v)          How to make sure reaching East Phillips community

(1)   Certain number of residents are from East Phillips 51% of residents - this is in our policies

(2)   A way to have it in East Phillips? - EP Park, LE gym?

(3)   Confirm nobody is turned away

(4)   How often and for how long (not clear in proposal) - would like a clear breakdown

(a)   Interested in doing it in a limited way i.e. summer

                                                                                                        (i)          Communicate with surrounding neighborhoods

                                                                                                      (ii)          Track which neighborhoods people come from

MOTION: EPIC moves to approve $5,000 towards the BIPOC Wellness Proposal with the stipulation that 51% of East Phillips residents need to be served, NWS, DI, Approved, one abstained

3)     Larger July CM - opportunity to get input from community

a)     Any other funding or community decisions we want larger community input on?

4)     Add financial procedures back in bylaws?


11:00   Adjourn